What is your WHY?

I have recently been doing a lot of personal searching and the question that I am asking myself is Why? Why am I doing this? Why do I want to lose the weight? What is in it for me?
I know all the health and phyical reasons but I am asking us to dig deeper and come up with answers from your heart. What drives you? What is your goal for you?


  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    More than one ok?

    1 - to not dig my grave with a knife and fork (be around a long time to enjoy my life)
    2 - to be happy with the way I look and feel (I have always been my harshest critic)
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    I want the woman in my head to match the woman in the mirror. I'm athletic, strong, tall, beautiful and smart- in my head. In my mirror I'm an average size 12 mom with mom jeans and a muffin top. That disconnect is what is driving me. The lady in my head is pounding to get out, and I'm going to let her!!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Because I want to be healthier and stronger and I want even more people to want to have sex with me than already do. Everyone should want to have sex with me. I won't want to have sex with everyone, but they should want to.
  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    I am tired of feeling bad about my body and how I look. I hate saying thinks like 'I was' and 'when I' Tired of living in the past.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    To NOT be like my Mom is one. She is pretty much house bound & can't do much anymore. She is pretty overweight & has had 2 knee replacement surgeries, and despite pleadings from her doctor to get moving, she doesn't. The lower blood sugar, good cholesterol levels, etc are all great of course, but I want to take weekend trips, walk a trail, go shopping, and do ordinary daily things for as long as possible while I'm on this Earth.

    P.S. and to NOT be like my hubs who is overweight, diabetic, high BP & cholesterol, with heart issues too, but God bless him, he's making baby steps to changing his ways.
  • Gwooh
    Gwooh Posts: 80 Member
    #1 to look and feel better! I want to be a size 12 or how about a size 9!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    It's my job, vanity, I still want to be physically active for sports, to one up males who are my same age, pride.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Because I have been bouncing around between 193 and 208 for 3 years and I am tired of it.
  • 1. because I know I've been my ideal weight before so it is possible to achieve.
    2. i don't wanna see a muffin top anymore in anything i wear
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Because I want to feel better about myself. Plus, while it rarely happens, when I catch a girl looking at me, it makes my week.
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    1 - My health (My family)
    2 - A cruise in March
    3 - My FF/EMS work
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have recently been doing a lot of personal searching and the question that I am asking myself is Why? Why am I doing this? Why do I want to lose the weight? What is in it for me?
    I know all the health and phyical reasons but I am asking us to dig deeper and come up with answers from your heart. What drives you? What is your goal for you?

    Health is the reason I keep my weight down, eat right and exercise. What better reason could there possibly be?

    I won't lie and say I don't like to look thin and fit, but given the choice of looking good and being unhealthy, or being fat and healthy, I'd still take healthy.
  • stacyrhoades11
    stacyrhoades11 Posts: 50 Member
    I think a big reason for me other than health is my children. I see my middle daughter making really unhealthy food choices and begining to be overweight. I dont want that for my kids, i've delt with it all my life and i know how hard it is. Children do as they see though so i hope by changing our eating habits and showing them that i'm determined to stay healthy and fit then they will make those choices as well.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    I am an older parent (I'm 37; my boys are 5 and 2 1/2). The men in my family rarely penetrate their deep 70s and health problems related to obesity (diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke) are the reason. I want to see my boys grow up. I want to see them start families of their own. I want to hold my grandchildren some day. I know that living a healthy lifestyle does not guarantee longevity. (Anyone who thinks it does has not done very much research.) But I know that if I do not improve my health now the odds are much less favorable for me. My own extended family disintegrated due to squabbles so intense that even deaths in the family could not foster reconciliation. I want to create a new extended family of my own, and to do this I need to be healthier than I was. I think I'm on my way, I think I'm getting there, and I'm not going to stop until I'm done with my life's journey...that's all that really matters to me.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Because I want to be healthier and stronger and I want even more people to want to have sex with me than already do. Everyone should want to have sex with me. I won't want to have sex with everyone, but they should want to.
  • I want to feel the way others perceive me. People tell me I look good and I portray such confidence...it's all fake! I want to be happy with me, and getting in shape, not necessarily just being skinny, will make me happy.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    To NOT be like my Mom is one. She is pretty much house bound & can't do much anymore. She is pretty overweight & has had 2 knee replacement surgeries, and despite pleadings from her doctor to get moving, she doesn't. The lower blood sugar, good cholesterol levels, etc are all great of course, but I want to take weekend trips, walk a trail, go shopping, and do ordinary daily things for as long as possible while I'm on this Earth.

    P.S. and to NOT be like my hubs who is overweight, diabetic, high BP & cholesterol, with heart issues too, but God bless him, he's making baby steps to making changes.

    I can see myself becoming the Mom and it's not what I want for my life. I hurt constantly, I want to feel better and enjoy the everyday things. I want to go shopping and have fun trying on clothes again. I want to walk with my sister and not know that she's slowing way down for me ( and I'm still having trouble keeping up ). Add our family history of heart disease and the possibility of diabeates to all the above. I'm 53 now so the question I ask myself is: If not now, when?
  • :laugh: The big WHY questions.

    1. B/c I can. :glasses: :bigsmile: I am being snotty. Let me explain. I started running after 40. I am exctied that I can. I have enjoyed trying on clothes again and shopping!! I just want to ride this train as long as possible. If I am able to do this when I am 90 fantastic but until then I just want to enjoy this as long as possible.

    2. I enjoy exercising. Yes, I did just say that.

    3. I like the way I look. (I am in no way being conceited)

    4. I like the way I feel. (on a good day or bad day)

    5. And lastly, I am healthier now than just about any time in my life. I can out run my 20 year old!! :laugh: I can out walk him too!! He is not overweight just out of shape.
  • I am about to start University, the sector I wish to go into is extremely superficial, if you don't look the part you will fail! Sad but true. So I am getting fit and completely remodelling everything about me in the way I dress and look.

    Out with the old.....in with the new!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Honestly all my WHYS are for vanity reasons only,if I get healthier in the long run thats cool but I could really care less about being strong and fit I just want to fit back into my clothes