Addicted to weighing myself...



  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    Guilty! I weigh myself every morning. I've been recording it twice a week but I think I'm going to switch to once a week. Knowing what I weigh daily doesn't bother me but recording it sort of irritates me here and there.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I was weighing myself once in the morning and once at night, but then my scale broke (my friends said from overuse). I bought a new one straight away, but it is a bit unreliable. So I weighed myself at the gym this morning, but I'm not sure I used that old fashioned scale properly. Ho hum, I guess until I get a better scale (when the expensive one I want is on sale), I will be going cold turkey!!!

  • I do, but its not really for validation of progress, but more curiosity. Like after I work out. Or when I get out of the shower. :)

    HA I do that too! Like the water is going to magically wash a pound or two away!

    Otherwise yes, I do weigh myself too much. My parents have moved the scale back into their bathroom so I've begun to weigh myself less- because it's hard (and a little awkward) to go through my parents bedroom to weigh myself- since I weigh in without my pants (cause who wants the extra lb from the jeans??)
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I weight myself every morning. Since it has no impact on my moral or on my motivation, I see no harm in it. I also mesure myself every week and thoe for me are more important to know how I am doing
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    Yes, sometimes every time I go to the bathroom. (I drink lots of water, so I'm in there a lot.)
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I'm on my scale several times a day as well. I TRIED to do the once a week thing... couldn't do it. I lasted 2 days. For me, it keeps me on track. It helps me stay away from the BigMac and fries.... Because I've been weighing myself several times a day for years- I KNOW what weighs what. How much my shoes, pants, shorts, jeans, shirts, how much water I've had, etc weighs. I don't obsess about a pound gain here or there. I only log my weight once a week. THAT is the number that I worry about. I found that because I'm an emotional eater, the stress from not being able to weigh was causing me to eat more. It wasn't worth the fight. Now, if I have the urge to hop on the scale, I do it. You have to do what works best for YOU.
    Good luck!
  • odessablondie
    odessablondie Posts: 76 Member
    I also do it several times a day. Like a previous poster, pretty much anytime I pass that darn thing. Maybe I should hide it somewhere. :)
  • Stikman
    Stikman Posts: 5 Member
    There's nothing wrong with weighing yourself weekly, daily, hourly or whatever. It's the attachment that you have to the number which matters. Obsess over it and it can lead you to a very dark place.

    I personally believe that weighing daily is a good idea if you have the ability to detach yourself from the figure, simply write it down and forget it. Then at the end of the week take the average of the weights and use that as your current weight. It takes into account daily fluctuations in the body and gives you a much better picture of where you are actually at.

    Using only a single weekly weigh in can leave you feeling depressed for a whole week if you have worked really hard and been diligent the previous week but it's not reflected on the scales because you are retaining water that day (for instance.) This can be totally destructive if you have depressive tendencies and/or are an emotional eater.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I weigh every morning, after going to the bathroom, and completely naked ;)

    Once in a while, I'll step on with clothes, and sometimes the weight doesn't go up that much, and it makes me feel wonderful ......

    I like the motivation of it - that number's been going DOWN, and hasn't done that for many years. For me, it's ALL GOOD!!!!!
  • I just wrote some blogposts about the scale and the numbers...feel free to read.

    I am a daily weigher, btw...
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    not alone.

    in high school, my parents threw away my scale because i was being too obsessive about it
    of course, after i moved out i just bought a new one.
    now i have written on mine.. " Is in Wednesday??" so when I look at it, i can remind myself to only weigh on wednesdays.. it dosen't always work but sometimes it's a little reminder.. if not.. throw it out for a few weeks
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    i step on almost every time i go to the bathroom. :-/

    I'm really not sure why my weight fluctuates in a 24 hr period as much as 8lbs. I know it will vary depending on time of day but really a difference of 8 lbs. CRAZY!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    i do but i think as long as you know your not actually heavier its not a big deal i.e i know how my body fluctuates the morning im lightest during the day i weigh about 3lbs more than i do in the mornings at night i usually weigh 1lb more than i do in the morning i.e if my night time weight is less than it usually is ill weigh less in the mornings so i can predict calculated loss. so yes i think its fine as long as you compleatly understand you didnt actually gain fat during the day just water
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, same time: right after I work out. I know its not the best thing to do, but if I see my weight even slightly lower, it encourages me to lose more weight
  • mabelebam
    mabelebam Posts: 150 Member
    I weigh myself every morning too...but I try not to get discouraged if the numbers are still the same. Instead I take it as an indicator of the amount of water I need to replace in my body (if I ate too much sodium the day before) and a daily motivator to get moving!
  • I weigh myself every day, most nights and often more.

    Do I feel guilty about it? Definitely not.
    Do I ever get concerned if I gain weight? Not unless it's significant uptrend over a couple of days.

    I do it just because I'm fascinated at seeing what different effects things like exercising, eating, salt, drinking water have on my body. Even gaining weight during the day, I can feel happy because I can generally predict what the overnight drop (which is pretty consistent) is going to be.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Everytime I'm passing by... Not the best motivator in the world!

    I only log the weight once a week though
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I was weighing daily and it was dragging me down, it wasn't showing a move in 4 days, felt ready to quit, decided to stop weighing until it was monday, which would be one week and I was -4lb. If I'd just weighed myself once that week I would have had an emotional rollercoaster! Its hard but I'm determined now to only weigh once a week. I weigh in on the wii fit. I feel more positive and I really look forward to Mondays now! X
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I used to weigh daily... Now sometimes I don't bother weighing even weekly... i am more happy if i am able to get my workout in and stay within the calorie limits. Just give it time, you will get out of it.
  • Kntu
    Kntu Posts: 24
    yeahhhh, this is so me! When I first started to really weigh myself a lot, it was so depressing to see the number go up and the loss I thought I had made disappear throughout the day. But I know now, five months on, that this is not the case at all. I know now, for example that I will 'put on' on average about 2lb a day and I know that the next morning this 'gain' will have magically disappeared. In fact, when I didn't have the scales to guide me when I was away for a week, I put on a few pound. I think that if I had had scales to hand, the temptation of chocolate and ice cream (and there was a lot!!!) would have been easier to resist because I would have seen the gain on the scales. For some people it might be an unhealthy obsession, my Mum certainly thinks so, but for me it's how I measure my progress and it's what keeps me on track and surely that's no bad thing!