10 Things YOU Hate About Being Overweight

I thought this could potentially be a motivation thread for some people. I read something like this on another forum and it was really inspirational. It reminded me of all the reasons I hated being fat. It also listed things you hate about losing weight, but I'd rather stay positive. :)

So, list ten (or more) things you HATE about being overweight (or hated)!

1. Sex, I hate being on top, because I feel like I'm crushing my poor husband, or that it jiggles too much. Esp. lately, it's made me completely self conscience to the point I don't even want to have sex.

2. I have PCOS, so I'm hoping that when I lose weight, my periods wont be so wacko, and I might be somewhat fertile. Also, I have a lot of body hair (on my stomach) that I hate, that I'm hoping will go away, perhaps, when I lose weight.

3. Having to lift my stomach to shave "down there"

4. Being paranoid when I'm out that people are staring at me thinking "She's so fat and ugly." or "Why is he (my husband) with HER?!"

5. Not having any energy

6. Not feeling like I have self control and being disappointed with myself.

7. Looking at pictures of myself when I was 170-180 and remembering thinking back then "I'm SO fat, ew. I need to lose weight." And now looking and thinking "Omg, I wish I was that weight again. I looked good"

8. The fact it doesn't look like I have a butt at all. I'm really curvy, and I have a large bust and wider hips and teeny waist, but, my butt is smaller, and since I'm overweight, you can DEFINITELY tell. My fat rolls look like they're shading my butt. :|

9. My double chin and turkey gobble.

10. Being scared to get on an airplane, amusement park ride, or something else because I'm scared I'm too fat.

11. Feeling like I'm the fattest person in this country, and getting stares because I probably am. (I live in South Korea, most people are stick thin here.)


  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    12. Shopping. NOTHING i put on looks good.
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    I concur with #3 and #7...big time!
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    1. being more depressed (even those i still am) lol
    2. breaking out on my face (even though i still sometimes do)
    3. feeling insecure (even though i still am) ... am i starting to see a trend here????
    4. low confidence with feeling pretty/beautiful
    5. not feeling worthy enough (am i still??)
    6. feeling like i didn't deserve to eat delicious food around people who were thinner around me (what in the world gave me that idea?!?! silliness!?)
    7. walking up a flight of stairs with a group of people and feeling winded and being super embarrassed (still happens, but now i just sprint up the stairs and say .. come on, we can do it! lets go!!!)
    8. looking at pictures of myself and thinking i should have been sitting a different way, had my purse in front of my lap..)
    9. going shopping and picking up a pair of jeans and wanting to get them so. damn. badly. but they didn't look cute of me because of my big *kitten*. LOL. or not being able to wear hollister or abercrombie clothes because 'their' Larges and extra larges were like, too small on my DDs
    10. not being "good enough" to please my parents.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Oh honey I just want to hug you!!

    10 things I hate about being fat:
    1. sweating when I'm not working out
    t2. he giant roll that prevents a waist from appearing
    3. the jiggle from my "waddle" under my arm
    4. feeling out of shape and looking it
    5. not feeling sexy
    6. not even feeling pretty
    7. feeling manly shaped
    8. being fat in front of my kids
    9. not wanting to take the same double chin picture
    10. Most importantly, if I have ever made someone not proud to know me. (If my kids were ever afraid to introduce me, etc)
  • had a good giggle at number 3
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Great idea!

    1. Lack of energy. I can sleep 12 hours and still want to sleep more! My eyes will still be tired! Not cool!

    2. Hating that I only fit into half my clothes!

    3. All the Sexy clothes is way too small for me... at home or at the store :(

    4. Getting the double chin, it was a scary sight. It was my big motivator!

    5. Feeling so sleepy after most of my meals... I barely made it through a day without napping!

    6. I sell fattening food to cute tiny strippers (I have a food cart). They make me feel so gigantic! I know half of them are unhealthy, but still!!!

    7. No more flexibility! My belly gets in the way when I try to paint my toenails!

    8. My feet hurt more/sooner than they used to!

    9. Seeing pictures of myself from a few years ago in high school. I was so small and athletic! I looked great! I really miss feeling like I look great!

    10. Tired of being one of those fat people that is talked about behind her back :(
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    @lauraallover......trying to take judgement out of this observation, but some of these issues are things that losing weight 'might' not help you get over; some of the things are just things that we all go through, ESPECIALLY in our younger and more insecure stages in life. I hope you can work on those things and come to be more secure and comfortable no matter your weight - - oh, and i wish unicorns and rainbows were in my front yard every day when i woke up.....(oh, and btw, i have been drinking copious amts of wine tonight.....so sorry if i am coming across snarky and long-winded).

    So, all that being said - here is my list of 5 things:
    1) not being able to buy clothes in a 'regular' store anymore
    2) having to wonder about small stadium seats/airplane seats
    2) worrying about putting undue stress on my heart
    4) knowing that when i visit Japan, i will not be able to find any souvenir tshirts in my size
    5) getting winded easily
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    1. Feeling insecure and unworthy of the things I have or want
    2. Not being able to fit into clothing at a store, that was suppose to be my size
    3. Being exhausted, yet having so much I want to do
    4. Fear of my weight holding me back from a job or keeping up with a child
    5. Depression... fought with it all my life, tends to make me eat more
    6. Looking at old pictures, thinking how amazing it would be to look like that again
  • 7. Looking at pictures of myself and remembering thinking back then "I'm SO fat, ew. I need to lose weight." And now looking and thinking "Omg, I wish I was that weight again. I looked good"
  • sry girl, i can relate to what you are going through.
    1. low sex drive
    2. Running out of breath when working out
    3.90% of clothes not fitting anymore and the fact that its hard to shop nowadays
    4.i wish there was a magic pill so that these excess adipose tissues could disappear off my body
    5.I've said a few times: why didn't God make it so that no one gained weight?????? but then again, i want world peace also.lol.
    6. im miserable/unhappy/moody<<<< *****y
    7.anti social now, i use to be very outgoing & happy, i miss it!!!!! :(
    8. i hate that i have to count calories and read labels, its not fair, its not right, we shouldnt live life like that!!!!!!
    9. I hate that i am less motivated now more than ever, what happened to my drive/ambition????
    10.I hate that it'll take a long time to lose it and itll take alot of work to maintain and not get back to this again....
    11: I blame the media also, not cool, too much pressure on lil girls. im not talking about me. ill never be a size zero, these big boobs & phat *kitten* are staying, im just saying: lil girls are anorexic, bulimic and trying to look cute for their lil 13yr old bfs that they'll forget in 10yrs. not cool but then again...that's where parenting should kick in......
  • jaramae
    jaramae Posts: 100 Member
    i agree with 1 3 7 & 9.

    1. chubb rub. Having that while walking this summer really put me over the edge and made me realize that i had to get serious.
    2. having to wear pants that are high waisted to tuck in and hide my rolls
    3. hiding myself so i can eat more to fill that hunger void.
    4. having people hug me touch and being paranoid if hugging me feel like hugging a sack of jelly.
    5. not being able to sit down without a pillow/purse in front of me.
    6. to result to being the friend and not the gf knowing that my weight and appearance had a factor in that.
    7. always wanting to hide under layers and my complete inability to wear anything sleeveless.
    8. stretchmarks
    9. being bigger than men i'd want to date.
    10. knowing that every day i do nothing, is another day closer to major illnesses that one day, could be the death of me.
  • I hate that i can no longer fit every single pair of my jeans- yet i can't seem to throw them away.
    Hate that when I'm having a "skinny day" i try on said jeans and get that jelly belly that jiggles at slight movement- sort of like all the chub from one area is pushed up.
    Hate that i can't fit any of my nice dresses ( a tad in denial about those-believe i can still fit them)
    Hate that sometimes i get focused on getting into shape that i loose motivation on things like uni work
    Hate when i look at photos of before i think what the bloody hell happened.
  • lovelyiskey
    lovelyiskey Posts: 44 Member
    Hate's a strong word but here we go

    1.) pain in my knee and hip

    2.) cellulite(mainly from not exersicing/weight training enough) makes me embaressed to be in, yoga pants, short-shorts or a bathing suit.

    3.) being asked if i am pregnant.

    4.) looking like i'm pregnant

    5.) low-self esteeme

    6.) being out of shape and having to stop several times when mountain climbing while everyone else flies past me

    7.) having to wearing loose-fitting clothing to hide my tummy

    8.) Not wanting my photo taken.

    9.) rubbing my arm and feeling how big they are

    10.) writing those 9 things because i feel i am part of the overweight club.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    1. Not being able to keep up with my kids

    2. Feeling like I didn't deserve to be happy

    3. Not eating around people for fear of being judged

    4. Not being able to find jeans to fit me

    5. Feeling tired all the time

    6. Knowing there are loads of shops where nothing would fit me

    7. Missing out on things because of lack of confidence

    8. Knowing whatever I went to the Dr about they would blame it on my weight

    9. Thinking the world was judging me

    10. Knowing I was setting a bad.example for my children
  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    I think it is interesting to think why we do like to be overweight. else why are we??
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    10 things i hate/hated about being overweight

    1.my thighs still rub together
    2.even tho ive lost alot im embarressed when i sit down (chub sits horribly)
    3. i still hate the way my face looks in photos (oddly enough not the ones i take of myself the ones others take of me....)
    4. feeling slow
    5. my skinny friends
    6. only having 1 bf when i was in highschool because no one else seemed to want me (i wish i would have lost weight back then)
    7. the fact that i wanted to be a cheer leader in highschool but didnt make the cut (prob. because i was fat)
    8.feeling so confident until i look in a mirror
    9. i hate that im over weight partically due to my pcos (most symptoms cured atm tho my endo cleared me today i dont have to see her anymore)
    10. I hate that im still overweight but people tell me i've lost enough! my body im not happy with it
  • 1 - Not being able to wear the clothes I want to, mainly in Summer! I.e, skirts, shorts, swimmers, singlets etc
    2 - Double chin!
    3 - My boyfriend can't lift me up to give me piggybacks or when we're mucking around.. embarrassing...
    4 - Thinking "I shouldn't be eating this" while eating it anyway
    5 - Shopping isn't fun, it's upsetting
    6 - When people tell me I'm not fat, because I KNOW that I need to lose more weight
    7 - I love swimming and am a great swimmer, but I don't do it anymore because I don't even own swimmers anymore
    8 - Not being able to borrow and lend clothes to my friends cos they're all way smaller than me
    9 - Hating myself when I don't exercise or when I eat badly
    10 - Being disgusted with myself!
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    1 - Not being able to wear the clothes I want to, mainly in Summer! I.e, skirts, shorts, swimmers, singlets etc

    What are swimmers and singlets????
  • 1 - Not being able to wear the clothes I want to, mainly in Summer! I.e, skirts, shorts, swimmers, singlets etc

    What are swimmers and singlets????

    Swimmers are togs like swim wear and singlets are how do you describe haha wifebeaters sort of . boob tubes with straps
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    thats a good Idea, i should start making a list o keep me going too :)