10 Things YOU Hate About Being Overweight



  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    lili200 I agree that as humans we do not continue with behaviour that is not rewarding, so good question.

    I really dislike being the fat one in my cycling group. I really dislike the image of myself as fat and old, I don't want a 'matronly' figure.

  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    1 - Not being able to wear the clothes I want to, mainly in Summer! I.e, skirts, shorts, swimmers, singlets etc

    What are swimmers and singlets????

    Swimmers are togs like swim wear and singlets are how do you describe haha wifebeaters sort of . boob tubes with straps

    so swimmer just a swim suit and singlet do you mean like a cami?
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    My biggest one is shopping. I used to love it and now I just go and get discouraged. I bought jeans recently, I had gone down a size. I realized then, I hadn't brought a pair of jeans in over a year. I didn't buy any when I was at my largest weight. I just wore stretchy pants.
    I would love to enjoy trying on clothes again and buying what I like instead of what makes me look less fat
  • nattiepeach
    nattiepeach Posts: 40 Member
    HELLOO!!! stop focusing on the things you hate about being fat, and focus on the things you LOVE about being THIN! If you focus all your energy on being fat you will stay fat, if you visualize and dream about being thin and have positive feelings about your perfect body, you will achieve it. Throw all your 'fat hates' out the window and only have POSITIVE THIN thoughts from now on. 'THINK THIN', it works! And just be happy!!! :D
  • PurpleCoookie
    1. sweating so easily doing simple things...like washing dishes
    2. thighs rubbing together
    actually, I should consider that a nsv because they used to move in one motion like one giant flesh.:sick:
    3. hard to shop for clothes
    4. paranoid that when somebody laughs its about me
    5. huge feet
    6.the jiggling
    7. being the fat friend
    8. feeling tired all the time
    9. the squishing
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    1- confidence, my confidence has dropped dramatically over the last 5 or so years when all this nasty weight piled on.
    2- not been able to wear summery clothes when its sunny! - shorts, skirts, vest tops, etc.
    3- un-social, i use to be out every weekend with friends in night clubs couple years ago, although i was only 15/16 at the time i still got served alcohol at bars as im very tall for my age and they never used to asked for ID.
    4- sex, i always have to be at the botttom, because i just cant be on top! Or else id be holding my hands on the bed to try and support my weight. So then im not suffercating the lad with 193lbs of weight! And thats no fun at all!
    5- chubby cheeks, double chin: i have little chubby cheeks and a little double chin (its gone down a hell of a lot!), i just want to get rid of these soo ive actually got a decent shape to my face and not just a fat podge.
    6- clothes shopping: this is a bloody nightmare!! I have to try on EVERY single piece of clothing that i manage to pick up! Its horrible, i hate it! Especially when your sweaty enough walking around the shops! The last thing i want to be doing is stripping off!
    7- food shopping: once a month me and mum do a big food shop (so it lasts all of us a month or so) we fill the fridge, freezer and cupboards! When we do the freezer shopping, i tend to pick up a load of those weight watchers meals for myself. The looks i get off some people are just hurendous!! They look at me like 'yeah you bloody need weight watchers food ya fat *****!' and i just hate it sooo much =(
    8- just walking down streeet: when i walk down town (which is like everyday) i try and cover myself up as much as possible! - jeans, and a hoody, or dark joggers and a hoody!! I just cant go down street in just a t-shirt or whatever! I get soo paranoid, i worry to much about what others are thinking..
    9- going to the gym: i enjoy going gym with a friend once in a while; but i get sooo paranoid and my confidence touches the floor and i just feel really crappy when i go there. I would never run of a treadmill, id constantly sit on the bikes or rowing machine, etc. I know we are all ther for the same reason like, but i still get paranoid! Its full of local people that i know and live by me! I dont want all of them to see me workout, and all that =/
    10- photos!: i HATE having my photo done of my whole body, like if i was out with friends shopping or whatever and we decided to take a full length picture of us in a mirror or something, i would try and hide behind my friends lol!! I just hate seeing my body from another view like.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    HELLOO!!! stop focusing on the things you hate about being fat, and focus on the things you LOVE about being THIN! If you focus all your energy on being fat you will stay fat, if you visualize and dream about being thin and have positive feelings about your perfect body, you will achieve it. Throw all your 'fat hates' out the window and only have POSITIVE THIN thoughts from now on. 'THINK THIN', it works! And just be happy!!! :D

    Sorry, not to be a total pedant here, but aren't we aiming for health here? Not thinness?
  • nattiepeach
    nattiepeach Posts: 40 Member
    The topic is about hating being overweight, so I assume everyone here is aiming to not be overweight i.e. thin/healthy weight/whatever you want to call it. Its a general concept; don't focus on the things you hate about yourself now, focus on the positive self you want to be.
  • megsie25
    This has so motivated me. Half an hour ago I was thinking to myself, I have been good for 8 weeks and shed 17 pounds, I'm sick and I cant be bothered cooking I'm going to have a hugely high cal take away dinner. You've just changed my mind, I may be too sick to work out at the moment but I'm not too sick to throw a salad together and tuna on top. Thank you for reminding me why I am doing this.

    1: I want to be the best me I can be rather than being miserable about what I look like
    2: I want my partner to feel like he is lucky to have a lovely looking lady
    3: I am sick of being tired all the time
    4: I don't want to be restricted in the bedroom because I'm self conscious
    5: I want to be able to keep up with ny baby when he starts crawling
    6: I want my elder girls to be proud and set a good example for them
    7: I want to feel gorgeous in everything I wear from tracky pants to ball gowns
    8: I don't want to eat more and quicker than everyone else anymore
    9: I don't want to cringe when I look at photos or my reflection
    10: I want to love everything about who I am, including what I look like
  • Ajbays10
    Ajbays10 Posts: 39 Member
    I needed to read this definatly can realate to so many of them heres my own i guess

    1. The "muffin top" at the top of all my jeans except my "mom jeans" that i now wear everyday
    2. having to wear a camisole underneath everyshirt because it keeps said muffin top under control
    3.my sons new word is bellly and he is always lifting up my shirt to see mine..i want to be ok with that
    4. I wish i could paint my toes easily!
    5. sex..i miss it but i have such low self esteem that i dont even have the desire
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    all of the above
  • lauraallover
    lauraallover Posts: 28 Member
    Really, nattiepeach, because I find these reasons I dislike being overweight more of motivation than anything. In fact, one of the more inspirational things for me was writing this lisr down, because I could take a step back and think "Okay, these are the reasons I'm aiming to lose weight."

    It's not even necesarrily about things you hate about YOURSELF, it's about things you hate about being OVERWEIGHT.

    Sorry if I'm coming across as rude, but I think this is good for some people. :) Maybe not for YOU, but for some people it is. :)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    1. My overall sex appeal disappear
    2. I can't wear string bikinis or body hugging outfits
    3. I can't walk properly
    4. People keep making nasty comments on my weight
    5. I can't run 5 meters or climb stairs 2 floors without gasping for breath
    6. I get more sickly
    7. My diabetes worsens
    8. My blood pressure is worsen
    9. More prone to stroke & heart disease - and we already have a family history of that illness
    10. I hate how I look in the mirror
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    Doing something outside or even cleaning and then when I pull my shirt down, there are stripes of sweat from where my fat "sucked" my shirt in. HATE that...

    Not being able to pull my feet up to paint my toe nails.

    Tank tops... no matter how loose the stomach part is, there is no way to hide my upper arms..

    Having my stomach get in the way while trying to shave my legs.

    Just out of the shower + full body mirror - 'nuff said.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    1) Almost everything everyone has mentioned

    2) My chin
    3) Bending down because I asphyxiate
    4) Back fat
    5) Thigh rub
    6) Being a sweaty betty
    7) Being like an oil tanker, it takes a while for me to change course, I'm not flexible or agile.
    8) Bingo wings
    9) Feeling unattractive, ungainly and unsexy
    10 Ending up like this in the first place

    But there ends the pity party, because we are all here, we are all doing it and we are all gonna melt this lard away! Right folks?
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    thank you for this topic. this is part of the mental part of our healthy lifestyle journey that is SO important. everyone should be doing this, either publicly or privately...but it should be in writing and you should review it often. so, my list:

    1. I hated having NO energy to do anything after work, other than sit my fat *kitten* on the couch and watch TV or play on the computer (i.e., I hated being a couch potato).

    2. I hated wearing pants with ever expanding waist lines....and then having those pants get tight and uncomfortable on me. On a related note, I hated having to get some pairs of work pants "repaired" because the seam would tear.

    3. I hated having my picture taken and seeing pictures of me. I refused to have a family picture for the last several years because I didn't want to see myself in the family picture. I'm looking forward to a family picture this year.

    4. I hated wondering if my wife was mentally withdrawing from the marriage because of my weight. As I learned earlier this year, I was asking my wife to love me in spite of who I had become (let's face it folks, we change when we become lethargic and it was wrong to expect my wife to love the lethargic version of me when I was energetic when we met).

    5. I hated airplane rides because sitting in those seats was so dang uncomfortable. It also stunk that the seat belt barely fit around me and that was embarrassing.

    6. I hated having to take my 2XL t-shirts out of the dryer after only a few minutes so that they wouldn't shrink and become uncomfortable. (now I dry all of my XL t-shirts for the full amount of time and they are all loose on me).

    7. I hated coming up with excuses for why I was breathing hard when doing very little.

    8. I hated being embarrassed to go to the beach because I never wanted to take my shirt off...and whenever we had friends over to swim in our pool, I often found "other things to do" rather than swim when friends were over.

    9. I hated that I let myself get as heavy as I did....that I lost 50 pounds in 2005 and gained it all back (plus some)...that I really had no legitimate excuse for being as fat and out of shape as I was other than pure laziness, although I sure came up with enough excuses.

    10. I hated living an unhealthy lifestyle when I was trying to encourage my children to eat healthy. My daughter would walk around asking me "I'm eating healthy, aren't I daddy" ... me answering "yes" ... but realizing that I wasn't eating healthy.
  • TheShelterCat
    10 things I hate about being overweight.

    1. People making comments about me being chubby/looking pregnant.
    2. Feeling sluggish
    3. Feeling insecure about how I look all.the.time.
    4. Not doing things (like swimming, going to a club) because I'm insecure about how I look.
    5. Not wanting to have sex because I feel fat
    6. Binging because Im depressed and then being depressed because I binge
    7. Hating clothes shopping
    8. Hating bikini/underwear shopping even more
    9. Not feeling healthy
    10. Being dissapointed in myself for getting to this point.
  • lauraallover
    lauraallover Posts: 28 Member
    7. I hated coming up with excuses for why I was breathing hard when doing very little.

    Very true. I've done the exact same thing, and it feels horrible. My husband is like "Laura, why are you sweating so much?" and all we've done is walked down steps into the sunlight. :S
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    7. I hated coming up with excuses for why I was breathing hard when doing very little.

    Very true. I've done the exact same thing, and it feels horrible. My husband is like "Laura, why are you sweating so much?" and all we've done is walked down steps into the sunlight. :S

    yep. there were many times where my wife asked me "why are you breathing hard" and I'd respond "I'm not breathing hard" or "I just did...." (and I was embarrassed that doing whatever it was caused me to breathe harder than I should have been).

    As for the sweating thing, I've always been someone to sweat...whether I'm in shape or not...but I was sweating more easily and for doing lesser activities. I've definitely noticed that heat doesn't bother me as much and that I don't sweat merely from walking anymore.

    I also want to add:

    11. I hated nagging from my wife, my mother and my grandmother. I know they meant well, but the nagging didn't help me because I wasn't mentally ready to go on my healthy lifestyle journey. I remember telling my mom and grandmother that nagging me about my weight wasn't helping and I'd prefer talking about something else when I visited.