Eat then Log vs. Log then Eat?



  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I usually plan my whole week of eating on sundays. I basically eat the same breakfast/snacks everyday, lunch is leftovers from last night's dinner or turkey sandwiches and dinners are planned thanks to allrecipes/skinnytaste (recipe sites that give calorie contents). Logging before/after I eat has little importance!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I have recently started logging all 3 meals before I leave for work in the morning. It helps me to plan, and also not to waste food I have in the fridge.

    I can then see how many cals I have left for snacks, OR how many cals I need to aim to burn off in the gym. If I know I am going to the gym I will have an extra snack in the afternoon usually.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I log as I eat, right before I eat, or right after, assuming I know how many calories are in what I'm eating. For example, my breakfasts are pretty standard, so I eat, then log.

    If I'm not sure what the calorie content of what I'm eating is, or if I'm going out and don't want to whip out my phone to log in front of half the world (though I'm very open about using MFP so that I can spread the word), I will pre-log and then make a promise to myself that I won't deviate (too much). If I do deviate, then I just edit, but I deviate "safely" in that I don't go overboard with any changes. You have to live your life!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I do a mixture of the two. The majority of the time I log after I eat, but sometimes if I know what I'm going to be eating later or I want to plan out my meals I'll log before I eat and adjust accordingly is measurements change, etc.

    I do a mixture, too. I generally eat the same thing for breakfast every day, so I'll usually log that before I go home for lunch. I eat lunch and then log it, and then, depending on the meal, I will log my dinner either while I am logging my lunch or after dinner. I like to have a cocktail in the evenings, so I log that right after lunch so I have an idea of what and how much dinner I can have and what and how much exercise I need to do. If, after logging my cocktail in, I only have 350 or so calories left over, I know that I'll want to burn at least 250, preferably 300 calories at the gym.