Foods you dont like anymore



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Eggplant Rollatinii :cry:

    My hubby and I had dinner with my parents last weekend and that is what was served, among other things. I took one bite and was so disgusted. It tasted so oily. Not wanting to insult my mom, I put it on my hubby's plate and claimed that I took too much. I used to LOVE eggplant rollatini. :sad:
  • PBJunkie
    KFC is the worst! Can't handle the smell or the oily taste
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Mayonaise! I get sick when I eat it!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I have not lost my taste for any 'unhealthy' foods because frankly, I never stopped eating them. I'm on team "Everything in Moderation". I will always like cookies and cheeseburgers and pizza. :-)

    here here!
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I can honestly say that there is no food that I no longer like. :bigsmile: I definitely don't crave the same foods or any foods at all most of the time (except pizza. I can ALWAYS eat pizza. Lol). But when I'm coming home from work and I'm walking by a pizza shop, a bakery AND a peruvian chicken place, I almost always can keep walking and go home and make a healthy dinner. It just doesn't have the same effect on me anymore. I don't want to run out and eat somewhere awful when I have an afternoon to myself. I'll sit on the couch and eat something light and keep myself busy or go for a run. It's amazing how you can train your body without even realizing that it's happening.

    That being said, I almost never drink soda anymore. I converted to sparkling water,coconut water, regular water and coffee. That's about all I drink. Every now and then I have to have some diet coke and I'll drink a lot in a day, but then I won't touch a soda for weeks or months after. It's weird.
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Chinese food isn't the same anymore....It really makes me feel like a big blob.

    My wife and daughter wanted a chinese takeaway last Friday night, while waiting for it to be made I went next door and bought a tin of vegtable soup ! :noway:

    Never would have seen that happen a year ago :happy:
    KFC is the worst! Can't handle the smell or the oily taste

    Absolutely Agree !
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    I feel the same way about McDonald's. I hadn't gone there for at least 4 months, and I went last week with my coworkers. I ate it. It smelled great (crispy warm french fries and crispy ranch snack wraps) but I didn't get the same thrill after eating it. I even had a stomach ache afterwards. No more McDonald's for me!

    Similar thing happened to me. I walked into town to get a magazine and the receipt had a voucher for a mcchicken sandwich and fries for £2 so I decided I'd 'treat' myself.

    I don't remember them being so dry, overly filled with mayo or the chips being so salty but it put me right off ever going back. Perhaps it was just a bad batch or whatever but it was certainly no treat
  • dangerman113
    dangerman113 Posts: 1 Member
    Going vegan/vegetarian adds to this list. A few months ago I gave into peer pressure and tried a donut. All I could taste was egg ... yuck! Otherwise I agree that most junk food tastes awful
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    When I started eating healthy - whole grains, low sugar, low saturated fat - I immediately found I prefered the taste of these foods. As I child I hated milk. It turns out I only hate full fat milk. Skim tastes much better to me, though even that I'm not crazy about. I mostly drink soy milk now.

    When I switched from white to whole grain bread it was a real shocker. Bread actually has taste!! It's not just some tasteless spongey substance to hold sandwiches together. Rice has taste!! Brown rice is so much tastier and filling than white. I used to never eat rice, now I eat brown rice regularly. It is one of my favorite foods

    Meats, well that was easy. I've never been a big meat eater because greasy meats or too much meats have always made me feel bloated and icky. But we rarely had fish when I was growing up and only had it fried. I was surprised by how much I love fish.

    Sugar, I'll admit that was hard to give up at first. But after a few months your body adjusts and now I rarely crave sugar and when I do want somethign sweet, a little is plenty.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    I can't handle most fast food these days. I can't believe that I used to live on Taco Bell and Burger King in my late teens and very early twenties. When I was pregnant with my first I finally gave into a soft taco craving from Taco Bell, I took one bite and haven't been back since.. that was almost 5 years ago.
  • k2thaj
    My parents raised me to drink whole milk and even sometimes we would get milk straight from a farm down the road. My parents both became diabetic and we all switched to skim milk. I now live with my boyfriend and he is lactose intolerant so he rarely drinks milk and if he does it's skim so I am very used to it now. I tried to drink 2% the other day and could not even stomach it because it felt too thick and fatty.

    I love skim milk now!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    Since I started on this new life I promised myself when I hit 20 pound loss I would treat myself to a frisch's big boy! Before I would stop in once a week and have a big boy and fries. So I was so excited to get to finally have my treat! I ate less than half of it and realized it was sitting like a rock in my stomach.

    I also feel the same about mac and cheese, mcdonald's and pop! Haven't had a pepsi in 7 weeks, a diet pepsi in 6 weeks and just last night had some gingerale to calm my didn't work either until I drank some water....I don't even crave these things anymore either! I will take a grilled chicken breast anyday!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    A few years ago my Aunt made this really great pepper slaw. I remember eating tons of it because I was on the Atkins diet at the time. I ate so much of it, now when I see it, I feel ill.*LOL*

  • jendarlin
    jendarlin Posts: 184 Member
    Potato Chips!! So salty and greasy, just nasty! I used to eat a whole bag from time to time, bleh!
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    ever since i realised how many calories in one banana, i find it hard to buy it whenever i go for my weekly food shopping.
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    There's nothing I really don't like anymore, just things that my stomach doesn't tolerate as well, or at least doesn't tolerate a large amount of it.
    Anything deep fried/most fast foods - I can handle a very small amount, but my stomach really doesn't feel well after a "normal" serving. It's like it's just sitting there - maybe I've become more attuned to how I actually feel after these foods?
    With sweets, it's not as bad (other than with fried sweets - like donuts). I can eat a small piece of home made pie or coffeecake and not have a problem.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    wow quite a few people then :P
  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    Fizzy juice. I remember I used to drink it regularly and I soon began to cut down and change to diet varieties and then eventually not drink it at all. I rarely drink it now, but from time to time I allow myself to have one glass of diet pepsi / pepsi max if out for a meal with water, but when I drink that one I feel so bloated and gassy, I can't imagine how I coped when I drank it before!

    Also if I smell anything greasy it really makes me feel queasy.

    I certainly can't eat as much as I used to, I've had big meals but my appetite has reduced so I struggle to eat like that, I like my smaller portions!
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    Chocolate makes my teeth hurt, so I don't eat very much of it and don't miss it either.
    I'm with everyone else on the chinese takeaway - used to love eating it, but now I'm noticing how salty it is. That'll be the MSG probably.
    I've also cut down from one sugar in my tea to half a sugar, and it's amazing how quickly I got used to half a sugar. I made myself a cuppa in a rush the other day, with a big sugar, and was pulling faces all the way through it. (I coulda thrown it away, but I didn't want to waste the tea bag)