"Learning to Run"-open support group



  • fitfunk
    fitfunk Posts: 119 Member
    The good news is you are enjoying yourself! I think signing up for races is a huge motivator. Even if you take walk breaks (or just stop at the water stations), there is a huge feeling of accomplishment. I often repeated weeks when I was on C25K, like when I felt I wasn't ready for the next running segment length. Maybe just play with going slower? I do that sometimes when I feel out of breath, but don't want to stop, i say to myself, how slowly could i go and still be moving? Often I think your body (or mind) just needs to know you're not trying to kill it! Also a subconscious cue to remind myself "I. Am. Enjoying. This."
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    ****Have you considered just running intervals? I do all of my running that way. 2 or 3 minutes running and 1 minute walking is my current pace. I'm at least as fast, if not faster, than if I were just running and I went 8 miles that way this weekend. There are a lot of benefits to running intervals. Google Jeff Galloway if you'd like some additional information.****

    Yes, I do run/walk intervals, I think you suggested it before actually LOL, because I was not able to handle the long runs of C25K. I just need to chill...LOL...I think I am getting too worked up over it.

    *****The good news is you are enjoying yourself! I think signing up for races is a huge motivator. Even if you take walk breaks (or just stop at the water stations), there is a huge feeling of accomplishment. I often repeated weeks when I was on C25K, like when I felt I wasn't ready for the next running segment length. Maybe just play with going slower? I do that sometimes when I feel out of breath, but don't want to stop, i say to myself, how slowly could i go and still be moving? Often I think your body (or mind) just needs to know you're not trying to kill it! Also a subconscious cue to remind myself "I. Am. Enjoying. This." ****

    Thank you, I am enjoying myself...my husband is doing this right with me and he was never a runner and he is doing great! I know I just need to relax and just go with the flow...I know it will eventually kick in and one day I will look back and be amazed...I am now with what I have accomplished thus far.

    It's nice to have a place for support and encouragement, advice, and a place to just rant...thanks y'all!!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    OMG what is my problem?....I have been at this now for 6 weeks and I can barely jog for 2 to 3 minutes straight...I feel like if I go any slower it would be considered walking...I am having no cramps, shin splints, or knee problems, just breathing issues...I discovered I was breathing incorrectly and so when I changed I thought it would be better and its not...I have never had asthma but I did smoke for 10 years and have been smoke-free for 7! I am doing my first 5K on Thanksgiving and I am now unsure of myself...I don't expect anyone to have an "answer", but has anyone else experienced this?? Am I just being too hard on myself and messing with my brain (overthinking things??)...This happens whether I run outside or inside on the treadmill. I think I am just psyching myself out...LOL...Maybe after the 5K I will calm down...I refuse to give up! I am thoroughly enjoying this too much...I have not run since I played softball my freshman year of HS some 20 odd years ago so I am very proud of myself!

    I noticed that it seemed to happen all of a sudden...I "found" my running breath. My only advice is keep going, and try to relax amd think about something else :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    ****Have you considered just running intervals? I do all of my running that way. 2 or 3 minutes running and 1 minute walking is my current pace. I'm at least as fast, if not faster, than if I were just running and I went 8 miles that way this weekend. There are a lot of benefits to running intervals. Google Jeff Galloway if you'd like some additional information.****

    Yes, I do run/walk intervals, I think you suggested it before actually LOL, because I was not able to handle the long runs of C25K. I just need to chill...LOL...I think I am getting too worked up over it.

    *****The good news is you are enjoying yourself! I think signing up for races is a huge motivator. Even if you take walk breaks (or just stop at the water stations), there is a huge feeling of accomplishment. I often repeated weeks when I was on C25K, like when I felt I wasn't ready for the next running segment length. Maybe just play with going slower? I do that sometimes when I feel out of breath, but don't want to stop, i say to myself, how slowly could i go and still be moving? Often I think your body (or mind) just needs to know you're not trying to kill it! Also a subconscious cue to remind myself "I. Am. Enjoying. This." ****

    Thank you, I am enjoying myself...my husband is doing this right with me and he was never a runner and he is doing great! I know I just need to relax and just go with the flow...I know it will eventually kick in and one day I will look back and be amazed...I am now with what I have accomplished thus far.

    It's nice to have a place for support and encouragement, advice, and a place to just rant...thanks y'all!!
    Haha! I give that advice so often, I forget to whom I've given it.

    Just keep at it. Endurance will come with time. In the meantime, you'll be getting a great cardio workout, so there's no downside.

    I actually shocked myself last Friday. I started a race in a big crowd and I was able to run for 6 minutes straight without any trouble. I walked at that point for two reasons: the crowd had cleared and I hit the bottom of a steep hill. LOL I never usually run more than 3 minutes at a time so it hadn't occurred to me that I really could, but apparently I now can. :smile:
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    Well, Friday I had an awesome run...I just felt really good so after my warm-up I set the treadmill at my pace, covered up the timer and just did it...I wish I hadn't peeked when I did, but I got so excited for going 8 minutes and could have kept going, but decided to walk a minute so I wouldn't wear myself out. After that, I couldn't get back in the rhythm, but it felt great to accomplish that since 2 days before I struggled to get 2 good minutes.

    We try to do one day outside at the park, but I can't find my pace...also, it has really aggrivated my husband's asthma this week. He even struggled indoors last night. I couldn't make the eight minutes last night, but I did 3/1.5 ratio and it worked great for me. That small victory Friday is exactly what I needed, because I just didn't think I was cut out to run. This restored confidence in myself.

    To think, before I started, I couldn't even spend the whole day out with my husband because 2 hours into it my knees would hurt so bad and I could barely walk the rest of the day to, now, running at least 3 days a week, no knee pain, no constant limping! Plus, we have our first 5K to complete in 2 weeks! That is amazing in itself.

    I just wanted to share and thank everyone for the advice, support, and encouragement you give to me...have a great week!
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member

    I just saw this thread, and thought I'd poke my head in. I'm more of a biker than a runner, but with cold weather moving into Colorado, there are going to periods this winter when running turns out to be the better option for getting outdoors. I have always hated "working out" indoors, and would much rather "go do stuff outside".

    Having completed C25K before, I figured I'd jump back into it. I re-started somewhere around week 3, but have been adding extra jogging intervals, just trying to stretch the time out a little bit by going more slowly.

    Anyhow, I have my own, "Custom" music for C25K that I made from my library, along with voice-overs for the start and end of the intervals. I'd love to share/trade my runlists with anybody who's done the same. My taste runs the gamut from classic rock to punk to electronica, so the playlists are pretty diverse. Anyone interested?
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Totally excited about my workout last night and thought I'd share.

    I usually do intervals on my own on the treadmill when I train, but I happened to choose a LifeFitness treadmill at the gym last night, rather than the one that is in my usual spot. I was pleased that there was a speed interval button on it. I really blasted calories and felt like I got a better workout by using. I finally hit the 15 mile a minute pace by alternating between 4 and 5mph.

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Totally excited about my workout last night and thought I'd share.

    I usually do intervals on my own on the treadmill when I train, but I happened to choose a LifeFitness treadmill at the gym last night, rather than the one that is in my usual spot. I was pleased that there was a speed interval button on it. I really blasted calories and felt like I got a better workout by using. I finally hit the 15 mile a minute pace by alternating between 4 and 5mph.


    That's awesome! I see those at one gym that I got to, but I'm not sure how to set up the intervals..did someone help you?
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    The machine simply had a program button labeled speed interval. You set a jog and run speed and it alternated for you, or you can hit the button to switch it yourself. It was neat and made me feel empowered that I could go that long!

    On another note, it sounds like everyone is doing a fantastic job with their training. Keep up the good work during the holidays!

    I'm planning on doing a 2.8 mile adventure race this spring/summer in central PA. I've done two 5Ks prior, but now I'm upping the ante and doing strength training another 5K training program to make sure I'm fit enough for it.

    I've decided for the strength portion to use the Spartain Virgin weightlifting training guide. I've been doing it for two weeks already and already feel toned, regardless of the Thanksgiving feast!:-D

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    The machine simply had a program button labeled speed interval. You set a jog and run speed and it alternated for you, or you can hit the button to switch it yourself. It was neat and made me feel empowered that I could go that long!

    On another note, it sounds like everyone is doing a fantastic job with their training. Keep up the good work during the holidays!

    I'm planning on doing a 2.8 mile adventure race this spring/summer in central PA. I've done two 5Ks prior, but now I'm upping the ante and doing strength training another 5K training program to make sure I'm fit enough for it.

    I've decided for the strength portion to use the Spartain Virgin weightlifting training guide. I've been doing it for two weeks already and already feel toned, regardless of the Thanksgiving feast!:-D

    My brother is trying to talk me into a Warrior Dash in April. Sounds similar to your adventure race. I'm moderately tempted but would definitely need to do some strength training of my own!

    I've been increasing my mileage this month in preparation for my first half marathon in January. Ran 8 miles on the 13th and my training plan calls for 9.5 miles this coming Sunday. Yikes! The funniest part for me is that my mid-week "short runs" are now 5 miles. I never would have imagined calling 5 miles a "short run!"
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    The machine simply had a program button labeled speed interval. You set a jog and run speed and it alternated for you, or you can hit the button to switch it yourself. It was neat and made me feel empowered that I could go that long!

    On another note, it sounds like everyone is doing a fantastic job with their training. Keep up the good work during the holidays!

    I'm planning on doing a 2.8 mile adventure race this spring/summer in central PA. I've done two 5Ks prior, but now I'm upping the ante and doing strength training another 5K training program to make sure I'm fit enough for it.

    I've decided for the strength portion to use the Spartain Virgin weightlifting training guide. I've been doing it for two weeks already and already feel toned, regardless of the Thanksgiving feast!:-D


    Thanks for the info!!
  • lawoods
    lawoods Posts: 56 Member
    So glad I found this thread! I figured I wasn't the only one with lung/breathing questions. I started the "Ease into 5k" program this week. First week is 30sec, 45sec, 60sec, walk/run intervals repeated 3 times. This is my 4th or so attempt to do a c25k. I want to run. I want to be a runner. But my body seems to hate it! I've researched breathing patterns and have heard that once you find your pattern you will see improvement. But man, I haven't found it yet. But I will continue to try. Thanks to all of you for some inspiration!
  • simplyme99
    simplyme99 Posts: 68 Member

    My Couch 25k plan starts on monday next week, mixed in with some weight training at the gym on the rest days.

    Last time I tried to run I felt like my lungs were going to collapse, my heart was being slowly eaten by fire ants and I was ready to chuck up my own toenails, so hopefully c25k will help me build gradually without causing me to have a massive coronary!

    I feel like this too, just like after 1 minute!!

    I am going to try c25k too...I've never been a runner.
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    Been awhile since I have visited...Starting my c25K program for the 2nd time to bump up my pace which I feel I can handle. Once I completed my first 5K in November, I kind of slacked off with my running...good news is I barely gained a pound between Thanksgiving and today, so that is awesome for me! I didn't want to stress over the holidays if I wanted to indulge just a little and it worked.

    So, back into tonight! The agency I work for has a 5k every year in the spring, so I hope to amp it up and better my time. I had to walk my first 5k almost entirely, so I finished in an hour :(...but, I finished and thats what matters! I went from no exercise to walking/jogging a 5k 2 months later!

    Happy New Year Y'all!!
  • Touched670
    Touched670 Posts: 97 Member
    Hello, my name Is Tammy and I am 41 years old.
    I am going to start a HIIT running program this week. Its a lot like couch25K but with shorter running/longer walking distances to start. The goal is pretty much the same, finish 3 miles in 30 minutes or less.
    I am also going to run my first 5K in May. I would like to run the whole thing and finish in less than 30 minutes.

    Love this thread....want to run but it is hard. I look forward to being able to do it with ease......
  • triciaj66
    triciaj66 Posts: 253 Member
    I started running at the end of oct and never want to go back on my elliptical ... I love it ... I never thought I could run for longer than 5 minutes.. I started with 1 / 1/2 miles now a few months late I am going for 3 1/2 miles ... I want to go for at least 5 miles someday .... I am so glad I saw the blog !!! I hope to meet some friends here!!!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Happy New Year!

    Sorry I've been away for a bit, guys. Between Thanksgiving and now, I've been all over the the place with visiting relatives and taking a trip to Disney World. I'm back now, but right when I was heading back to the gym for my training, I got hit with the flu. I've been miserable with a lingering sore throat and cough the last few days. I can't wait until I'm back on my feet. I'm ready to go, but my body just isn't!:-P
