
Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
Which do you like, which grate on your nerves.

Personally I can stomach most, and find a lot pleasant. I don't even mind midwest or boston accents that bother many. In fact I like them, they are robust!

But I cannot stomach a souther accent when it is exaggerated such a cartoonish point. If your accent can be turned on and off, best leave it off.

This is a problem, as I live in Georgia. lol


  • WifedUpMartin
    WifedUpMartin Posts: 166 Member
    I absolutely love thick southern accents! I think they are sexy on a guy and adorable on a girl! I'm from Oklahoma and don't have one but I kinda wish I did. My best friend lives in GA and she has one but hates it.
  • im canadian...apparently we have an accent i dont think so though. i love southern accents and british/finnish/australian/ accents french accents bother me
  • im canadian...apparently we have an accent i dont think so though. i love southern accents and british/finnish/australian/ accents french accents bother me
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    im canadian...apparently we have an accent i dont think so though. i love southern accents and british/finnish/australian/ accents french accents bother me

    You do lol.

    The only proper way to speak is how we do in the midwest, what what!

    Not by anymeans being racist, but the chinese accent is a problem for me. I have a proffessor who has a SUPER thick chinese accent, and I have no idea what she is saying. Just the same, I am pretty sure she doesnt know what I am saying
  • Cape Town, South idea what people think about our accent.

    Anyway a certain british accent makes it very hard for me to hear and understand, but I wont say I hate it.
  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    Accents add flavor. I love them. And, even better when I mock them. :)
  • I've never heard an accent that bothered me. More of the tone of voice. Like baby talk, or high pitched squeaky voices! Now those get me down!
  • I love the Irish accent and I'm really not a fan of the South African accent. It grates on me for some reason!

    I live in the south west of England and apparently I have 'farmer' style accent! Really it's just a typical west country accent. I'd love to hear everyone else's accent.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't have an accent. Everyone else does.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I like British accents. My husband is from England and I like his accent. The only drawback it that women often flirt with him because they like his accent too....
    I also like German accents.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I dont like alot of accents, tbh.
    Hmm i like scoutser, (cant spell lol).
    Dont know if i like southerner, obviously because i cant hear myself talk.
    Im in England.
    I HATE it when american shows try to do our accent. Because im always like who are they pretending to be Australian? French?
    No one has spoken like that in england since we had a king..
    Well i suppose the queen talks like it.. and maybe some stuck up university people..

    Cant say i like american accents very much.. not being harsh, but generally the girls sound like *****es and the guys sound like girls.. We have much deeper voices than americans lol.

    Um dont really like the welsh accent either, iv only ever heard one person use it, the welsh guy off "my family", i mean its a funny accent, but its also a bit like hmm yeah...

    haha sorry lol im very judgmental when it comes to accents..
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    im canadian...apparently we have an accent i dont think so though. i love southern accents and british/finnish/australian/ accents french accents bother me

    Shouldnt this have been followed with an ---eh!
    I kid I kid !
    We used to party in Lethbridge Canada when I was in the military, definitely a northern accent, which bascially meant more pronunciation. I remember going to a Mcdonalds in Canada an ordering a mcpoulet sandwich.....needless to say they had all the staff come and listen to my little southenr twang when I would say poulet.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I like British accents. My husband is from England and I like his accent. The only drawback it that women often flirt with his because they like his accent too....
    I also like German accents.

    Ha ha! I'm English and my brother used to work in the US (Boise then Cleveland). His favourite trick was going into a bar and ordering a drink at the top of his voice (putting on a posh voice, of course, not his usual northern Manchester accent) and the laydees would come flocking (or so he told me!)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    cannot stand New York and English midlands accents

    love South African accents
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member

    The only proper way to speak is how we do in the midwest, what what!

    Actually, a lot of news stations in American train their anchors to have a midwest accent. It's the most "standard" USA accent. Thank you Linguistics class.

    I LOOOOOVE a Boston accent, if an accent came from the UK it makes me melty *sigh*. I love a good drawl (Texas, Wyoming does it right too), but I straight up cannot understand some southern accents, I don't know if I'm to lazy to wait for them to finish their words or what but I can't understand.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I like British accents. My husband is from England and I like his accent. The only drawback it that women often flirt with his because they like his accent too....
    I also like German accents.

    Ha ha! I'm English and my brother used to work in the US (Boise then Cleveland). His favourite trick was going into a bar and ordering a drink at the top of his voice (putting on a posh voice, of course, not his usual northern Manchester accent) and the laydees would come flocking (or so he told me!)

    Yeh lol iv heard american girls LOVE english accents!
    I wonder if its the same with girls..
    I know i talk deeper than american girls.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Language and accents - part of the colors of the world'. It is amazing how just a few hundred miles can change the tonal quality (e.g. the Kansas/Oklahoma twang compared to a true southern drawl). I find it fun to try and guess someone's accent as there are such subtle differences within a country with the same language as well as the language differences between countries. Three cheers for the rich differences of the human race!
  • pammye65
    pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
    Im from Mississippi and have a very strong Southern accent. I cant help it..its not a put on...and very PROUD of it!
  • im canadian...apparently we have an accent i dont think so though. i love southern accents and british/finnish/australian/ accents french accents bother me

    The phrase 'British accents' grinds my gears. For the size of the country we're one of the most versatile places in the world for accents... this ranges from Northern Irish to Scottish, to Cockney, to Manc etc etc etc. Don't write everyone off just like that!
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    Cape Town, South idea what people think about our accent.

    Anyway a certain british accent makes it very hard for me to hear and understand, but I wont say I hate it.

    Love the South African accent. Was a warm welcome to hear when I was flying through Jo'burg.

    The only accent, being American, that I can't take is the Northern/Midwest one. I live in Indiana, but down in the southern portion where people think we sound like we're from below the Mason Dixon. Two hours north and there's this strange accent that starts. Lots of round O's. No offense to fellow Hoosiers, just can't take it :wink: