how old do I look?



  • crazylil1
    24 posture
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I think weight tends to age people. I bet you'll look younger once you lose weight. And shzushz your hair up some.
  • preciousperez
  • preciousperez
    Are you going to tell u your age?
  • elgabriel11
    Are you going to tell u your age?

    She said she's 22.
  • eatnbetter
  • laurad1406
    Are you going to tell u your age?

    it's in an earlier response, she's 22
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
  • lordsangel
  • ronjaa
    At first look I would say around 30. But then I pictured you skinnier and thought around 20.. So, you'll look much better when you lose weight. better than all your 22year old friends:)
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    OP, if you can you ought to edit your original post to reveal your age and stop the guesses. :smile:
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    Posture and style is what I think makes you look older. Oh, and the terrible camera angle of the pics! No one looks good being photographed from underneath. Weight is not a factor IMO of how old or young someone looks.

    OMG do you know how many times I have had to tell my husband this!! Its a real hassle to try and get him to shoot from above!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    late 20s, early 30s
  • ooBrittoo
    EARLY 20'S!!!
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    tree fiddy
  • movemebotty
    Hi Im so sorry Im not very good with ages, but think it was more the clothes you have on and camera angles to be honest that didnt help more than parts of your body or face. so try not to dwell on it :D
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    mid 30s
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    well 3 people got it.....I'm 22

    But wow that was a real eye opener and a good tear jerker to be honest.

    I wanted people to be honest so I knew I'm not angry or offended by what anyone has said ( I knew what I was doing when I posted so its my own fault.) I needed to know that I looked 10 years (or more) older than I really am....I only just graduated last year?!?! Worrying eh? I've also thought i looked older and I am more mature but i just thought I'd find out how old people really did think I looked.

    SO! the next question is.....what part/PARTS of me is it that makes me look so much oldeer....i.e. tummy, arms, face double chin ( I know its hideous but no idea how to get rid of it I've had it since I was 11-12)

    any advice, tips welcom eon here or any new friends welcome :) Thanks guys!

    its not so much your face looks older its more the way you hold your self and maybe camera angel.
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 267 Member

    SO! the next question is.....what part/PARTS of me is it that makes me look so much oldeer....i.e. tummy, arms, face double chin ( I know its hideous but no idea how to get rid of it I've had it since I was 11-12)

    any advice, tips welcom eon here or any new friends welcome :) Thanks guys!

    You look older because you look tired. You have a defeated, tired look...exactly how I looked on my "before" pic. I am happy to say that I look years younger (and happier) now that I am at a healthy weight.

    Use this for really can take years off by losing weight, getting healthier, caring about yourself and holding your head high.


    Edited to add: I know you are smiling in the picture but it looks forced..and the camera angle is bad.......
  • MissTanya77
    I'll be honest. I think you look like you're in your mid 30's.

    Yep somewhere around 31 or so