How much do you spend on groceries each week?



  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    See! I knew that $100 dollars was about the average! One of the guys said I must live in a small town with a lot of mom and pop stores that sell generic food.
    Oh BTW, these 2 were Shakeology proponents. One was a distributor. The debate was how a $3-$4 shake was cheaper than many meals.

    Haha riiight. Yep, we should all live off of shakes. Oy.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I spend over $120 a week on just me... and the dog and 4 cats... but I include EVERYTHING in that cost... paper goods, cleaning supplies, litter, treats for the dog, etc.

    I shop at Wal-Mart, Weis, farmers market and Big Lots trying to get the lowest price possible without running to one place special to buy one thing a little cheaper than at the previous store.

    I use coupons that are $1 or more face value only at Wal-Mart and coupons that are under $1 at Weis or another grocery chain that doubles coupons to get the most out of my money but I still can't walk out of the store for less than $80. And I end up going every 4th or 5th day.

    Last night I bought salad makings (lettuce, carrots, mushrooms, celery, etc. - nothing fancy), not even peppers! Two 6-oz packages of portabella mushrooms, two types of deli meat (1/4 pound each), one snack product, almond milk, frozen blueberries, fresh strawberries and two each of apples, pears, nectarines and plums... 3 cans of dog food (cheap) and walked out paying $60+.

    $$ way too much!
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    a little over $200 every two weeks for me and my husband. This includes all cleaning supplies (I am a clean freak, so about $20-25 is devoted to that). This also includes dog food, cat food, and cat litter.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    See! I knew that $100 dollars was about the average! One of the guys said I must live in a small town with a lot of mom and pop stores that sell generic food.
    Oh BTW, these 2 were Shakeology proponents. One was a distributor. The debate was how a $3-$4 shake was cheaper than many meals.

    If you are going to spit BS please make sure you have your facts correct. The only comment I made on Shakeology was my answer to the OP. In which I said " I love Shakeology" I drink 4-5 a week.

    And like I said, I am glad you somehow manage to feed your family of 3 for $122. I and many others however can not. We don't have a sub whatever around this area.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    We spend $150 a week for 2 people (including toiletries / cleaning supplies). It does not include our lunches during the week or on the weekend or the dog food. Roughly $250 a week for absolutely everything.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    See! I knew that $100 dollars was about the average! One of the guys said I must live in a small town with a lot of mom and pop stores that sell generic food.
    Oh BTW, these 2 were Shakeology proponents. One was a distributor. The debate was how a $3-$4 shake was cheaper than many meals.

    If you are going to spit BS please make sure you have your facts correct. The only comment I made on Shakeology was my answer to the OP. In which I said " I love Shakeology" I drink 4-5 a week.

    And like I said, I am glad you somehow manage to feed your family of 3 for $122. I and many others however can not. We don't have a sub whatever around this area.

    *passes you some cheese to go with your whine*
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I dont go once a week i go every 2 or 3 weeks and spend between $200 and $250 for 5 people and one dog
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    See! I knew that $100 dollars was about the average! One of the guys said I must live in a small town with a lot of mom and pop stores that sell generic food.
    Oh BTW, these 2 were Shakeology proponents. One was a distributor. The debate was how a $3-$4 shake was cheaper than many meals.

    If you are going to spit BS please make sure you have your facts correct. The only comment I made on Shakeology was my answer to the OP. In which I said " I love Shakeology" I drink 4-5 a week.

    And like I said, I am glad you somehow manage to feed your family of 3 for $122. I and many others however can not. We don't have a sub whatever around this area.

    *passes you some cheese to go with your whine*

    LOL I dislike cheese and I can't stand "whine"

    And I am not at all crying. I'd just appreciate it, that if someone is going to direct me somewhere to try and prove me "wrong" that they don't lie and make crap up. :laugh:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    About 50 bucks a week!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    As a college student with no meal plan...anywhere from 40-70 to last 1 to 1 1/2 weeks!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    we buy so little in groceries that I have no idea how to answer these questions. but 3-4 dollars for a shake meal seems really expensive - a scoop of protein powder, some frozen fruit, milk, and a multivitamin is probably half that.

    But then again I am a convenience food eater so I'd probably buy that stuff if I wanted to replace a meal of real food with a liquid meal (Which I basically never want to do, ever, but other people seem to like it). if you make it yourself you have to take the blender apart and wash all the little bits
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hold on to your hats guys.... Last time I went BIG shopping... we spent 320.00. That is everything from meat, to snacks, to laundry soap. AT Walmart. Then I go small shipping too, like milk and bread stuff. Then I spens 100 or so every time. Things we run out of often. We have a family of 5. The kids would eat 24/7 if I let them. I usually go BIG shopping 2-3 times a month. my hubby is a snack eater. We do dinner, dinner every nite, like meat and potato, veggie and rolls. We do get a lot of walmart brand. I live in the middle of no where so a trip to Walmart is a long process for us. When I go small shopping it is to the local mom and pop shop where everything is way over priced. I buy a lot of frozen things at walmart. we have a huge chest freezer and I stock up. So, if I work over and miss dinner the kids can pop something into the over of make mac and cheese. the twins are 13 so they can't cook a lot yet. My kids eat the heck out of cereal, for breakfast, snacks... but I can't complain cuz they are in love with special k red berries, so we stock up on the great valus brand. like 5-6 boxes at a time I buy.

    Reading your posts, I feel like we spend WAY too much, but nothing is ever wasted. ever.
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    My husband and I spend roughly $200 per week on groceries (including paper goods, toiletries). But, he and I eat completely opposite foods, so there is literally nothing in the bag that we share.
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I get by on $75 - $100 most weeks. Once in a while I have a big stocking up week (or I get some splurge-y things, like a big jar of cashews) and hit $125.
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    probably somewhere between $150 and 200 a week for me, hubby and out toddler still in dipes and picky as all get out! (not that I eat anything put in front of me, I'm selective ;) ) It might be a bit less since we started getting milk delivered so that saves me from running into the store every few days and adding on another $10-20 in other things I see along the way, stupid supermarket placement marketing schemes! THEY WORK!
  • allison_joan
    I spend about $150 a week to feed me, my boyfriend, and my two year old son.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    About $150/week for two of us - plus an extra $100 or more if I have a dinner party that week. We buy whatever we fancy, paying almost no attention to grocery prices. I know from my student days that we could easily spend much, much less by going vegetarian, buying whichever fruit and vegetables were cheap each week, eating more rice and lentils, and buying cheaper brands of non-food groceries.
  • mrsmccullen07
    For our family of 4 I spend $150-$200 a week . This is only groceries no baby formula or milk for the toddler we have to buy his milk from a pharmacy and its $65 a can ... also I drink Shakeology its delicious and honestly for us it is cheaper than what we were eating/wasting for breakfast neither of my boys eat a good breakfast and only want cereal and hubby and I would try and have a decent breakfast and now we both drink Shakeology and our grocery bill dropped when we switched even though I now buy Almond Milk & Frozen Fruit for our shakes .. I also spend $150 on special-order stuff & take out a month (this includes my Shakeology & PB2)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    About £150 a week for a family of 5, we have been alot more sensible with food since we had kids. We used to spend alot when it was just the 2 of us but we used to end up chucking alot of stuff out as we'd buy too much and it would go off.
  • shankleefranklee
    I only shop at Safeway. I work there, so 10% off on store brands is nice.

    For my boyfriend, and I, we spend 50 - 100 a week, or every week and a half.
    It depends on what we need, if we need meat or not. I started going to the farmers market on the weekend, so we're expecting that to save us around 20 - 30 a week.

    If you shop at Safeway - check out "just for u." It's online and it's virtual coupons you can put on your club card/phone number. Some are prices that are only available to you. It save me so much money.