Anyone given up soda?



  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    Im the diet coke queen. Im giving it up. Me and a friend on here just started recently. Join us!! Just saw what Laddyboy said about bone loss, screw dat!
  • Trvlr_grl
    Trvlr_grl Posts: 2 Member
    I have 'given it up' insofar as I don't drink it regularly. (I used to drink a ton of coke zero thinking, "But its ZERO!") I do allow myself a diet coke now about once a week or two. It's usually if I'm tired or stressed or hung over. I'm trying to break the cycles of eating certain things associated with certain emotions but I guess I'm saying it's a cheat food that I allow myself occasionally. I also gave up coffee at the same time. (And all dairy actually.) So it was mixed into a bundle of things I changed about my life and I was super focused. I started buying tons of sparkling water. I'd have it with a slice of lemon or if I was feeling ambitious I'd make my own Italian Sodas. I'd juice berries and boil the juice with some agave syrup to sweeten and then use about 2 TBS of the 'berry syrup' to a glass of sparkling water. It kind of satisfied my soda cravings particularly at dinner. In the end it became too much work and now I only make it occasionally. But I think it helped in the first weeks.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Addictions come in solid and liquid forms. It's hard to overcome anything addictive- but IT CAN BE DONE- and has been, by MANY on this site.

    Guess you first have to determine if it's an addiction- or something you can cut back on and have on occasion- in moderation.

    YOU make the choice to remove it from your life- and see how you react to it...that will tell you how strong a hold IT has on you...

    If you SERIOUSLY want to overcome it,
    The main battleground is in the mind first and foremost.

    You have to UNfriend it- it becomes the enemy you must defeat- at all costs.

    Yeah, I know I sound drastic.

    You defeat a drug/alcohol/nicotine addiction the same way.
    If it's an addiction, you can't overcome it if it's still a part of your life.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I haven't had a soda since I started eating healthier on June 3. I used to have two to three on most days. Once I made the decision, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I don't think I was ever really affected by the caffeine; I just liked the taste. I drink a lot of water and I do like tea. Try to find something healthier that you like to drink that you can drink when you feel a need for something more than water. There are still times I would kill for a Dr. Pepper, but not most of the time. Most of the time I just accept that I made the decision not to drink them anymore. Oh, and I had to go cold turkey..fully at one time...some people cut back slowly..but I'm an all or nothing kind of person......

    GOod can do it!!!
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    I was a soda addict my whole life. I'm pretty sure my mom gave me mountain dew in a bottle before I could talk. And up until my sophomore year in high school I had at least 6 a day. Then one year, I gave up soda for religious purposes, and it was hard. I craved and craved it. The only real advice I have from my experience is just don't drink it, and tough it out. But seriously, after about a week, I felt SOO much better about myself =] It was tough but soo worth it. And now 6 years later, I still don't drink it or crave it!
  • sal0118
    May if you knew that recent studies have linked it to bone loss you could give it up easier.

    I agree. I also read studies especially with diet soda that it does decrease your calcium, which does contribute to bone loss.
    I was drinking 20 cans per month. I have replaced it with decaf. green tea. I do find myself having a can a month.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I didn't give it up...I finally managed to get rid of it. Small but important distinction :wink:
  • bscroggins5
    I have. And I have also given up my coffee addiction as well. I like to much sugar & creamer in it. Now I just drink water and some hot tea in the morning. I make sure to have water with me AT ALL TIMES. So I am not tempted to buy pop. But I only gave it up a week ago so we will see how long it lasts.
  • alapoint89
    i have completely and its been a year
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Yea, I've pretty much given up soda. 100% water here.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I haven't totally given it up.
    But... i have only had 2 pops since I started MFP the end of June.
    And I'll tell you what....
    they do not taste as good as they used to. :laugh:
    I drink 96-120oz of water every day--sometimes with iced tea. (no sugar)
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    I gave it up 6 or more years ago when I was in middle school for lent. Other than the occasional party punch (which I did not know contained 7-up) I haven't had pop. I don't crave it all.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Coke-Pepsi & I split up a year ago. Although it was a heartbreaking one & a really tough one to do since I cannot live without "him" anymore, I had to leave "him" for another "man" called Water since "he" wasn't being good at my health & my waistline. I "love" him so much that at first, thought I will suffer for the rest of my life since it happened out of "force". But guess what, after several months of being "together" with Water, I found out that "he" is actually very "delicious" & "refreshing" too aside from being "nice & supportive" of my health & fitness goals. "He" is just so fabulous that I don't miss my "ex" anymore & until now.

    In other words, it is a struggle at first but eventually you & your taste buds will get used to water that you no longer miss drinking a soda.
  • rachellosesitall85
    I did and I feel less bloated. I use chrystal light now, some juice, and water.
  • Melissa110682
    Gave up soda 8 weeks ago and started feeling better and noticed I started to lose weight faster I always ate somewhat healthy so didnt understand why I was still weighing in the 60's. The amount of sugar and general 'garbage' in soda is incredible the calories can almost be the same quantity as in a full healthy meal.
    Its the sugar addiction that will keep you hooked, if you can go a few days without it the craving will go away but its your mindset that will be harder to change. When you would usually reach for a soda exchange it for water. I also found having cool drinking water was better than room temp to begin with because I missed the cooling sensation from a soda from the fridge it was just a way I could trick my brain a little hahaha (I know I'm weird).
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I think I'm starting to wean away from so much soda. It isn't so much because I want to stop drinking it but because water is healthier. I have switched to drinking at least 1.5L per day before I allow myself to have a Diet Dr Pepper.

    I think this weekend I will stock up on bottled water or something and make the decision to drink 3L before I can have a DDP. If this works out well, I am going to find reusable water jugs to take to work with me because I just can't make myself drink the local tap water unfiltered.

    Eventually I will be weaned off this crap and then I can wean myself off the other crap I ingest.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    totally gave up soda and I used to have a pepsi every morning. Reading articles like this helped motivate me.
  • lisasbig30
    Thank you everyone for the advice/input. I have not made up my mind yet but I'm either going to cut way back on it or give it up all together. I may try cutting back at first and see how that goes.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I used to drink about 64 fl oz of non-diet soda a day. I gave it up cold turkey at the beginning of July. I've had four cans of diet since then and not because I was craving it but because it was the only non-sugar drink available at the time. I don't find that I have any real cravings for soda at this point.

    That said I may not be the best example. I don't seem to develop addictions (habits yes but addictions in the clinical sense no). I quit smoking cold turkey about 8 years ago and haven't had a cigarette since (was smoking half a pack or more a day).
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    I gave it up awhile ago. At this point, I'll have a diet Coke two or three times a year. I just don't care for the taste. I don't like drinking calories either, so I only drink water.