Tips to tone my THIGHS, ARMS & BELLY.. HELP!



  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I feel like I keep preaching about pilates, but DAMN it works! I was within 5 pounds of goal weight and still had a soft stomach, jiggly thighs, and my upper arms weren't anything to be proud of. I have been taking a pilates mat class 2x a week for a month now and am seeing big changes. I am not losing much weight but inches for sure in my stomach, hips, and butt (I am pear shaped, so that is important to me!). We do a little bit of arm work and even that area is strengthening. Pilates is great because it is super low impact-it doesn't matter how old, young, fat, or skinny you are, you can do it. Between my two classes there are people with all sorts of ailments: arthritis in the hands, frozen shoulder, bad knee, etc. and all of them can modify movements so it works for them.
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    I'd say you need to include some strength training.

    I've been doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and am seeing great results.

    Is this a video?

    It's a book.

    It gives you a structured strength workout of, I think 7 or 8 stages whch should take about a month each to complete, so you never get bored.
    I bought mine off Amazon, but if you google you should find it.

    :flowerforyou: Thank You! I will Look it up NOW!
  • lemonyposset
    lemonyposset Posts: 31 Member
    I'd say you need to include some strength training.

    I've been doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and am seeing great results.

    Is this a video?

    It's a book.

    It gives you a structured strength workout of, I think 7 or 8 stages whch should take about a month each to complete, so you never get bored.
    I bought mine off Amazon, but if you google you should find it.

    :flowerforyou: Thank You! I will Look it up NOW!

    no problem, if you have any questions, feel free to pm me and I'll do my best to help (not that I'm an expert mind lol)
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    I feel like I keep preaching about pilates, but DAMN it works! I was within 5 pounds of goal weight and still had a soft stomach, jiggly thighs, and my upper arms weren't anything to be proud of. I have been taking a pilates mat class 2x a week for a month now and am seeing big changes. I am not losing much weight but inches for sure in my stomach, hips, and butt (I am pear shaped, so that is important to me!). We do a little bit of arm work and even that area is strengthening. Pilates is great because it is super low impact-it doesn't matter how old, young, fat, or skinny you are, you can do it. Between my two classes there are people with all sorts of ailments: arthritis in the hands, frozen shoulder, bad knee, etc. and all of them can modify movements so it works for them.

    :flowerforyou: Pilates... Hmm- I will do some research! I am all about toning! I don't really care to lose- eventually that'll come, right!
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    You can do cardio until the cows come home....if you don't incorporate weights and a sound clean diet, you won't get your desired results.
    Excessive cardio is not the answer. :)

    :flowerforyou: Thank You
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    You can do cardio until the cows come home....if you don't incorporate weights and a sound clean diet, you won't get your desired results.
    Excessive cardio is not the answer. :)

    Best answer i've seen. :)
  • Call these suggestions basic, but they work!

    I have/had the world's largest "thunder thighs", but with a combination of general walking, squats, lunges (both regular and lateral) and calf raises have really helped with the definition in my legs; especially my inner thigh, which was my biggest problem.

    These really got out of control for me. And, the best exercise to target these bad boys was, believe it or not, push-ups. Not only is it helping with the toning of your arms, but also your shoulders and strengthening your core.

    I just mentioned push-ups as a good core exercise, but my trainer also has me do a circuit (1 minute per exercise) of various core exercises. They include leg raises (which are similar to belly burners if you know them best as that), oblique twists (with or without a medicine ball), traditional crunches or knee to elbow crunches and planks (preferrably on an upside down bonsu ball).

    Ultimately, the thing that worked best for all three areas for me was......(drum roll please)......WATER AEROBICS! I absolutely love it! It burns so many calories and works muscles you didn't even know you ad. Aside from that, it focuses on the core, targets the legs quite a bit and if you have an instructor that believes in water weights, your arms will be worked. I've been doing it for 3.5 months now and it has helped me come within a 7 lbs. reach of my gol weight.

    I hope these suggestions help. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    I always get great results from the 30 day Shred and Ripped in 30. They are short workouts which are perfect for me to fit in everyday and never make an excuse to not to them.

    Yes there is jumping but you can modify lots of it. Jillian really stresses modifying for low impact in Ripped by leaving out the jumping. I am not a fan of Jillian and she talks too much just to hear herself talk thinking shes being inspirational so I have to tune her out but her workouts are great.

    :flowerforyou: Ha ha ha I am laughing so hard about the Jillian comments! You are so silly! I own the 30 DS- SO let me see what I can work with (modification wise).
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'd say you need to include some strength training.

    I've been doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and am seeing great results.

    Is this a video?

    It's a book.

    It gives you a structured strength workout of, I think 7 or 8 stages whch should take about a month each to complete, so you never get bored.
    I bought mine off Amazon, but if you google you should find it.

    :flowerforyou: Thank You! I will Look it up NOW!

    the best 10 $ I ever spent
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    Call these suggestions basic, but they work!

    I have/had the world's largest "thunder thighs", but with a combination of general walking, squats, lunges (both regular and lateral) and calf raises have really helped with the definition in my legs; especially my inner thigh, which was my biggest problem.

    These really got out of control for me. And, the best exercise to target these bad boys was, believe it or not, push-ups. Not only is it helping with the toning of your arms, but also your shoulders and strengthening your core.

    I just mentioned push-ups as a good core exercise, but my trainer also has me do a circuit (1 minute per exercise) of various core exercises. They include leg raises (which are similar to belly burners if you know them best as that), oblique twists (with or without a medicine ball), traditional crunches or knee to elbow crunches and planks (preferrably on an upside down bonsu ball).

    Ultimately, the thing that worked best for all three areas for me was......(drum roll please)......WATER AEROBICS! I absolutely love it! It burns so many calories and works muscles you didn't even know you ad. Aside from that, it focuses on the core, targets the legs quite a bit and if you have an instructor that believes in water weights, your arms will be worked. I've been doing it for 3.5 months now and it has helped me come within a 7 lbs. reach of my gol weight.

    I hope these suggestions help. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.



    :flowerforyou: You are so hilarious! Thank You! These really did hurt! I need to print this comment out and put it on my bedroom wall.
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    I bought some Butt Shaper shoes and cut my sodium. 6 weeks later I had lost 9 1/2 inches in each thigh and my calves and booty look good! Go ahead. Look at my pictures! lol:happy: After I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred my belly and arms look amazing but my boobs shrunk. :sad:

    :flowerforyou: I don't mind my boobs shrinkin, lol ha ha ha But thank you! I will check the butt shaper shoes out!
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    All of you are amazing with the comments! I'm so educated right now- It's amazing! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you all :flowerforyou:

    You BETTER have added me as a friend!! :drinker:
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    I'd say you need to include some strength training.

    I've been doing New Rules of Lifting for Women and am seeing great results.

    Is this a video?

    It's a book.

    It gives you a structured strength workout of, I think 7 or 8 stages whch should take about a month each to complete, so you never get bored.
    I bought mine off Amazon, but if you google you should find it.

    :flowerforyou: Thank You! I will Look it up NOW!

    the best 10 $ I ever spent

    It's $7.98 on Amazon! Ordering
    > Now
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    cycling for your legs, or squats alone , hand wieghts for your arms , but you have to keep this up if you want results, anything resistance will tone you up.

    :flowerforyou: Very True! Being consistent = Results! Thank you!
  • RiverRat99
    RiverRat99 Posts: 10 Member
    OK, I took Forza training at my gym to really help with strength training, as more muscle will burn fat. As I've done more of that, my metabolism has shot up. I do weights 3 times weekly hitting all body parts and 1 hr. of cardio a day. Exercise biking and swimming would be good for you (low impact). I combine that with BRISK walking (4.4 mph). Good luck!! :happy:
  • Monroe121
    Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
    Rock Climbing!!!!

    :wink: Sounds fun
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    You can do cardio until the cows come home....if you don't incorporate weights and a sound clean diet, you won't get your desired results.
    Excessive cardio is not the answer. :)

    :flowerforyou: Thank You

    You're welcome...after reading it again, very vague sorry.

    I have big thighs and the only thing that worked and I have tried everything, (including bodybuilding and nutrition with a personal trainer) P90X hybrided with Brazil Butt Lift, really helped and then some Insanity and Asylum. Those are all probably too intense for you right now. I suggest you start with P90 and work your way up. All the workouts come with a good nutritional guideline.

    Your diet is 80% of the equation, if you don't lose bodyfat all the exercise in the world won't make much of a difference.
  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    You can do cardio until the cows come home....if you don't incorporate weights and a sound clean diet, you won't get your desired results.
    Excessive cardio is not the answer. :)

    This absolutely! Cardio won't help honey it's a really common misconception. You should cut down the cardio and up the weight training. I am sure Victoria2448? and of course I would love to help you with getting a programme together. This would also be less stress on you foot, because you can start with machines. There are certain things everyone thinks; like if I intake very few calories I'll lose a stack load of fat, and if I do shed loads of cardio I'll get lean and if I do exercises like 100 star jumps I will build muscle. The truth is; if you intake very few calories you will lose fat yes, but you will also lose muscle which will make you a smaller wobblier version of yourself. Doing shed loads of cardio will only make you fitter, as will 100 star jumps. If you want a lean, healthy, tight bikini body you need good nutrition and weight all the way baby!!!!

    Good Luck!! :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Lift heavy, maintain caloric deficit since you can't spot reduce, but the lifting will help improve body composition as you lose fat
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