Atkins diet



  • vonibee
    i done the Atkins diet a couple of years back and yes i got great results , but because of the food you have to eat you do start to miss the normal stuff and i have to say didn't take me long to put weight back on, , you just get so fed up with the heavyness of it , doing this MFP means you can eat a variety of foods to make sure you get what your body needs and you can up to a point pander to your taste buds :noway:
  • dragondreamer
    Hi Anne, welcome on board! I'm still pretty much a newbie when it comes to doing low carb but there is a great thread you should join on here with people with loads of experience and advice:

    But, for now, my first thought would be whether you have sought medical advice about all this. Sounds like there is a lot going on and self-diagnosis is not always the best way forward. I've been treated for allergies since I was a child (undergoing skin scratch tests, exclusion diets etc - I have asthma, hayfever and allergies to dust, pollen and wasp stings) and have since had what I thought were allergies as an adult to things like wheat and milk (which gave me stomach problems so aren't really allergies). But only an exclusion diet under medical supervision can ever really test for allergies and intolerances. Also, bread and pasta give a lot of people bloating, but this is not necessarily an allergy - it's just that some bodies struggle to digest these (my digestive system often grinds to a halt if I have lots of bread, even wholemeal and multigrain).

    Giving Atkins a go is a great idea. It certainly seems to settle my stomach, although do keep taking the psyllium and keep your fat and water intake high to prevent constipation (this often settles down after the first few days, so don't worry).

    Your symptoms could be IBS so, again, worth talking to your doctor. There are over the counter antispasmodic drugs too that could help with the cramping - ask your pharmacist about these.

    Not being able to eat meat could be a problem though as this is vital to the diet. You can try eating lots of fish instead but I really would give meat a go. You may find that by cutting out the foods we usually eat alongside them (potatoes, rice etc) stops the indigestion problems. Chicken is usually quite kind to the stomach, so start off with that and see how you go. Also avoid processed meats as it could be that the additives are upsetting your stomach.

    Good luck and will drop you a friend alert - we could all do with a little support now and then :)

    Thanks for the reply :)

    I did determine the "issues" under the care of an acupuncturist I was seeing for infertility. She suggested the diet and gave me the feedback. I have not continued to see her for monetary reasons though, not because i didn't want to!

    My wheat allergies are not stomach related. I get what I thought was an allergic reaction to cats! About 1/2 an hour after I eat it I get a "frog in the throat", itchy, plegmy feeling in my throat, and that progresses to sinus congestion & sneezing quite rapidly. The red, itchy, swollen, watery eyes - "faucet" runny nose, etc. continues in the next day.

    I spent years thinking I had standard "hay fever" with the allergy to cats when in truth it was because when I visited my friends & family with cats (mom, best friend, inlaws) we'd have a big get together, burgers & dogs, bake cakes & cookies, etc... I blamed it all on the cats!! I have my own now, and she doesn't bother me!

    I have eggs, ham, and plain salted no sugar added bacon and 2 types of lettuce waiting in the fridge.... chicken breasts & thighs, pork chops, broccoli & cauliflower in the freezer to start with. My major shopping trips are Thursdays so I hope to absorb some knowledge and get some recipes before then.

    Oh! I posted the same message above in the thread you suggested right after I posted the original. I wasn't sure which I'd get more activity on :)
  • dragondreamer
    Voni, I'm not sure of you were replying to me, but just in case...

    I KNOW I will miss the foods that Atkins cuts out... Oh pasta & garlic bread how I love thee!!!

    But it is something I have to do for my health to counteract food allergies anyway - not just my weight, so since it needs to be a full LIFESTYLE CHANGE and not a DIET I believe I will get and keep results.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Hi Anne, welcome on board! I'm still pretty much a newbie when it comes to doing low carb but there is a great thread you should join on here with people with loads of experience and advice:

    But, for now, my first thought would be whether you have sought medical advice about all this. Sounds like there is a lot going on and self-diagnosis is not always the best way forward. I've been treated for allergies since I was a child (undergoing skin scratch tests, exclusion diets etc - I have asthma, hayfever and allergies to dust, pollen and wasp stings) and have since had what I thought were allergies as an adult to things like wheat and milk (which gave me stomach problems so aren't really allergies). But only an exclusion diet under medical supervision can ever really test for allergies and intolerances. Also, bread and pasta give a lot of people bloating, but this is not necessarily an allergy - it's just that some bodies struggle to digest these (my digestive system often grinds to a halt if I have lots of bread, even wholemeal and multigrain).

    Giving Atkins a go is a great idea. It certainly seems to settle my stomach, although do keep taking the psyllium and keep your fat and water intake high to prevent constipation (this often settles down after the first few days, so don't worry).

    Your symptoms could be IBS so, again, worth talking to your doctor. There are over the counter antispasmodic drugs too that could help with the cramping - ask your pharmacist about these.

    Not being able to eat meat could be a problem though as this is vital to the diet. You can try eating lots of fish instead but I really would give meat a go. You may find that by cutting out the foods we usually eat alongside them (potatoes, rice etc) stops the indigestion problems. Chicken is usually quite kind to the stomach, so start off with that and see how you go. Also avoid processed meats as it could be that the additives are upsetting your stomach.

    Good luck and will drop you a friend alert - we could all do with a little support now and then :)

    Thanks for the reply :)

    I did determine the "issues" under the care of an acupuncturist I was seeing for infertility. She suggested the diet and gave me the feedback. I have not continued to see her for monetary reasons though, not because i didn't want to!

    My wheat allergies are not stomach related. I get what I thought was an allergic reaction to cats! About 1/2 an hour after I eat it I get a "frog in the throat", itchy, plegmy feeling in my throat, and that progresses to sinus congestion & sneezing quite rapidly. The red, itchy, swollen, watery eyes - "faucet" runny nose, etc. continues in the next day.

    I spent years thinking I had standard "hay fever" with the allergy to cats when in truth it was because when I visited my friends & family with cats (mom, best friend, inlaws) we'd have a big get together, burgers & dogs, bake cakes & cookies, etc... I blamed it all on the cats!! I have my own now, and she doesn't bother me!

    I have eggs, ham, and plain salted no sugar added bacon and 2 types of lettuce waiting in the fridge.... chicken breasts & thighs, pork chops, broccoli & cauliflower in the freezer to start with. My major shopping trips are Thursdays so I hope to absorb some knowledge and get some recipes before then.

    Oh! I posted the same message above in the thread you suggested right after I posted the original. I wasn't sure which I'd get more activity on :)

    You're definitely on the right track! Just make sure you get plenty of low carb vegetables too - low carb doesn't have to mean no carb. I also use a lot of frozen veg, cauliflower in particular. Lovely as 'fake' mash. Just cook, drain, blend (in a blender/food processor or with a hand blender), add some black pepper, salt and a spoon of double cream. Mmmmmmm... amazing with just about any meat or fish! Also worth taking some multivitamins as during the first week you can get a bit headachy as your body adjusts - it will pass and then you will feel amazing!
  • Leanne1795
    I live the Atkins lifestyle for several reasons. I am an insulin dependant diabetic and through Atkins I have lowered my insulin intake incredibly. I have lost large amounts of weight and am keeping it off. I LOVE the energy Atkins gives me.
    I only just started to go to the gym a few days ago and that was not as a requirement of Atkins. I just need to get rid of some energy and tone up.
    Many people think that you have to eat meat and more meat for Atkins. Don't be fooled. Many vegetarians are very successful with this lifestyle. It isn't about meat, it's about protein and good fats.
    I love this lifestyle and I am an Atkins lady for life. Feel free to add me if you wish. :happy:
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    I'm down 65 in 9 months by eating smart. I don't think of myself as on a diet. I cut out processed & starchy foods leaving lean meats, healthy fats, and natural carbs found in veggies (theoretically Atkins)... I need to get ready for work now... I'll be back later.
  • ginamay28
    ginamay28 Posts: 11 Member
    I started Adkins July 2010 and stayed on it strictly for about 4 months. I lost right at 50 pounds. Once the holidays got here I allowed myself to get off for a while. I sort of watched what I ate but never really was able to get back on it as strict again. I gained about 10 pounds back in 10 months so I decided it was time to do something else - so now I have switched to WW (old points plan) in August. I loved doing Adkins because I knew exactly what I could eat and really didn't have to watch my portions as much. However, with a change in my social life, I decided its easier to do WW cause I can eat a variety of foods.
  • dragondreamer

    You're definitely on the right track! Just make sure you get plenty of low carb vegetables too - low carb doesn't have to mean no carb. I also use a lot of frozen veg, cauliflower in particular. Lovely as 'fake' mash. Just cook, drain, blend (in a blender/food processor or with a hand blender), add some black pepper, salt and a spoon of double cream. Mmmmmmm... amazing with just about any meat or fish! Also worth taking some multivitamins as during the first week you can get a bit headachy as your body adjusts - it will pass and then you will feel amazing!

    I'll be making broccoli & cauliflower to go with dinner... i haven't decided what to have as a main yet....
  • LowCarbForLife
    LowCarbForLife Posts: 82 Member
    I started Adkins July 2010 and stayed on it strictly for about 4 months. I lost right at 50 pounds. Once the holidays got here I allowed myself to get off for a while. I sort of watched what I ate but never really was able to get back on it as strict again. I gained about 10 pounds back in 10 months so I decided it was time to do something else - so now I have switched to WW (old points plan) in August. I loved doing Adkins because I knew exactly what I could eat and really didn't have to watch my portions as much. However, with a change in my social life, I decided its easier to do WW cause I can eat a variety of foods.
    I think you made the right decision to get off Atkins and onto something you can stick with because Atkins and other low carb diets are lifetime lifestyle commitments. If you can't stick with them forever, its best not to start them at all. I will take issue with the variety of foods comment--I eat a wide variety of foods each day. I eat many different kinds of vegetables prepared many different ways. I get protein from fish, beef, seafood, eggs, cheese, and several other sources which can be prepared an almost infinite number of ways. These protein sources also supply a good portion of fat which I also supplement. One of my favorite fat sources is a large coffee with a lot of whipping cream in it and a pack of splenda. OMG, it is excellent. I would bathe in it if I could. My point is that if you plan correctly, there can be a lot of variety in a low carb diet so that you don't get bored with it.

    What I don't eat are any refined sugars, most starches, or any grains. I feel great and have lost so much body fat which I'd accumulated under my old SAD diet it isn't funny. I'm now at 15.5% bf and wearing pants sizes I haven't been in in over a decade (I'm in my 50s). I use a body fat caliper and I can tell you absolutely it isn't water weight I've lost over the last 6 months.