My encounter of the Not-So-Smart people

After my walk at the park tonight, I got into my car, I was stopped at a red light and this lady pulls up beside. Well she got into my business cause I was smoking a cigarette in my OWN car, she said that she doesn't want her child to see anyone smoking.. She proceeds to get out her car to tell the police office that pulled up behind us that I was smoking a cigarette.He asked us to move into the parking lot so he could figure out was going on. He then tells her that smoking is not illegal. As he is walking around her car, he sees a joint in her front seat. the officer starts to questions her, I start to laugh and he tells me I can leave. There are two lessons to be learned here: ONE....Make sure your business is clean before you get into someone else's business.. Lesson Two: Apparently, smoking weed in front of your child is less disturbing than smoking cigarettes..

So has anyone else have had the encounter of the not-so smart type?


  • TMLPatrick
    TMLPatrick Posts: 558 Member
    Haha.... that's awesome.... what a self-righteous moron.
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    :laugh: Great story!!
  • xMissAprilx
    xMissAprilx Posts: 143 Member
    That was just hilarious. I would have been laughing so hard.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Gotta love it, some people are such idiots. :huh:
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    She must have been high :smokin: ... it's scary:noway: to think someone is that stupid and driving.... WITH a child in the car... sheesh...
  • Cadenpet
    You just made my night. That is hilarious. People are such idiots.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    OMG, how perfect was that...what a crazy woman to get all up your business when she had a joint...baahaaahaaa
  • boomboom011
    He should have let you punch her in the face!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    sensational, how happy are you that the police made you all pull over instead of telling her to shove off and ignoring. That's hilarious! Totally worth 5 minutes of your time for her to just get in trouble for being in idiot!
  • XiaoRuRu
    Made my day.
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    thats really funny. i just tell my child when she see's someone is smoking that its gross, their breath smells like onions, its makes their teeth fallout, and if you dont stop you can die. If some idoit is smoking at the park outside where the kids are, I just move, and show my child, see, look at her nasty teeth, and we can smell her from here. But you were in your car, so no biggie.
  • Jelleebean
    that's so full of fail on her part.... awesome!
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
  • Dolphingirlie81
    sensational, how happy are you that the police made you all pull over instead of telling her to shove off and ignoring. That's hilarious! Totally worth 5 minutes of your time for her to just get in trouble for being in idiot!

    It blows my mind that she was more concerned about me smoking in my car and actually getting out of her car to "TELL" on me, maybe she forgot what she had in her car cause she WAS so into my business..
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    LMAO!! Well my neighbor was telling me about this other woman in the neighborhood that refused to let their daughters play together because my neighbor's daughter had a poster of Justin Beiber on her wall. Then she asked her to baby sit while she goes out and parties all night long and has men in and out of her house all the time.

    I know, my story is a little bit gossip, but I don't doubt the truth behind it. Hypocrites are everywhere.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    sensational, how happy are you that the police made you all pull over instead of telling her to shove off and ignoring. That's hilarious! Totally worth 5 minutes of your time for her to just get in trouble for being in idiot!

    It blows my mind that she was more concerned about me smoking in my car and actually getting out of her car to "TELL" on me, maybe she forgot what she had in her car cause she WAS so into my business..

    Nah... she was probably just high.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Funny!! What goes around, comes around, and looks like she got hers!!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I get to see some of the funniest stuff at the gym sometimes. I was working out on the stepmill (a revolve step machine) and was getting ready to finish when this big guy and I'm assuming his girlfriend come up beside me on another stepmill. They seemed to by on a free pass because I'd never seen them before and the female wasn't familiar with the stepmill. The guy urges her on it and proceeds to tell her how to operate it. As soon as it gets going, he tells her she's going too slow and that she should be going the pace I'm going. I was at a level 10 which is really too fast, but still challenging if you've never done it before. When he pressed the button to level 8, she told him to stop because it was move fast already. Well this guy called her a wimp and said he could do the highest level for an hour at no problem. She said he was full of crap and that he was just trying to show off. He told her to get off and he'll prove it to her. At this point I interjected and said that level 20 is very very fast and that it's really only for the fittest. He said not to worry he's done it before with no problem. Level 20 is practically running on the stairs, so i just stayed around to see what would happen. So he climbs up and max's the level up to 20. Now like a treadmill, the stepmill progressively increases speed so it starts slow and speed up little by little. Anyway, the guy starts off then as it starts to speed up, he starts hanging on the hand rails for dear life. At the top speed, he's fricking rumbling, bumbling, stumbling and already breathing hard.............and it's only been 30 seconds. Then it happens.........................he loses his grip, falls and the stairs shoot him down to the floor. I reach over and hit the stop button and jump off to see if he's okay. He ends up spraining his ankle and I have to get help to get him to the lounge area and get one of the first aid people to take care of him. I later had to fill out a report stating what happened because I witnessed, but it there would have been a box saying "injured because of stupidity" I would have marked it.
  • Dolphingirlie81
    I get to see some of the funniest stuff at the gym sometimes. I was working out on the stepmill (a revolve step machine) and was getting ready to finish when this big guy and I'm assuming his girlfriend come up beside me on another stepmill. They seemed to by on a free pass because I'd never seen them before and the female wasn't familiar with the stepmill. The guy urges her on it and proceeds to tell her how to operate it. As soon as it gets going, he tells her she's going too slow and that she should be going the pace I'm going. I was at a level 10 which is really too fast, but still challenging if you've never done it before. When he pressed the button to level 8, she told him to stop because it was move fast already. Well this guy called her a wimp and said he could do the highest level for an hour at no problem. She said he was full of crap and that he was just trying to show off. He told her to get off and he'll prove it to her. At this point I interjected and said that level 20 is very very fast and that it's really only for the fittest. He said not to worry he's done it before with no problem. Level 20 is practically running on the stairs, so i just stayed around to see what would happen. So he climbs up and max's the level up to 20. Now like a treadmill, the stepmill progressively increases speed so it starts slow and speed up little by little. Anyway, the guy starts off then as it starts to speed up, he starts hanging on the hand rails for dear life. At the top speed, he's fricking rumbling, bumbling, stumbling and already breathing hard.............and it's only been 30 seconds. Then it happens.........................he loses his grip, falls and the stairs shoot him down to the floor. I reach over and hit the stop button and jump off to see if he's okay. He ends up spraining his ankle and I have to get help to get him to the lounge area and get one of the first aid people to take care of him. I later had to fill out a report stating what happened because I witnessed, but it there would have been a box saying "injured because of stupidity" I would have marked it.

    Hahaha, that's what he gets for trying to show off!