My encounter of the Not-So-Smart people



  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    1. When a police officer tells you, "if you don't stop causing a disturbance and leave, I will arrest you" and the suspect replies " go ahead, I don't care" don't act all surprised when I cuff you and take you to jail.

    2. People ask a stranger to watch their money while they go to the bathroom, they come back and the money and person are gone and now they expect me to somehow magically find this person and get their money back. I won't say where this happens, but in this place, it happens alot.
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    lmfao wow thats great :P
  • Dolphingirlie81
    1. When a police officer tells you, "if you don't stop causing a disturbance and leave, I will arrest you" and the suspect replies " go ahead, I don't care" don't act all surprised when I cuff you and take you to jail.

    2. People ask a stranger to watch their money while they go to the bathroom, they come back and the money and person are gone and now they expect me to somehow magically find this person and get their money back. I won't say where this happens, but in this place, it happens alot.

    Enforcer, you're AWESOME!
  • timgordon24
    He should have let you punch her in the face!

    BAHAHAHA! Great storyy! Hilariousss!
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    Talk about people living in glass houses....! What a maroon! Great story!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Thanks for the giggle!
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    This happened a while back. After Sunday church service my whole family went out for breakfast. We had a nice meal with all 5 brothers and sister and mom and one sister-in-law. When we were leaving the restaurant my brother walked out first, then my sister. While I was walking out, door being held by an elderly gentleman, a little boy about 5 years old comes crashing into my leg at full speed. Being that I'm not skinny, he bounced off my leg and hit his head on the door being held opened. He had been running full speed because he got left behind and was trying to catch up to his mom. He looked like he wanted to cry so I turned around and told him it was ok. Asked where his mommy was at, and tried to calm him. His mother finally realises that she is missing her son, turns around and sees that he wanted to cry. She starts yelling at me asking why I'm making her son cry! Starts insulting me and calling me names. I get irritated quick but tried to explain to her that he son ran into me and she should have been watching her "stupid boy" anyways. I tried to keep civility because my brother does not approve of his sisters acting unlady like. He is a very serious person, he's a lawyer after all. But my sister does not really care for anyone yelling at anyone else in our family. So she and this women start a yelling match that got physical. My brother caught my sister mid way in the air literally as she was jumping at this lady. Who is still yelling and calling, now all of us, names. My brother managed to pull my sister away and put her in the car. I walked away after giving the women a piece of my mind. The rest of my family is just confused as to why this crazy lady is yelling at us outside the restaurant. When we all finally go in our cars, the women walks over to my brother and apologizes to him for her reaction. The older gentlemen that had held the door open for me was her father, and the little boy's grandfather. He explained to the crazy lady what really happened with the little boy. When she apologized to my brother he gave her a shame speech of how unlady like we had all acted, and that she was the worst one at fault being the eldest person involved. We still laugh about how crazy that was.
  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    Made me laugh :D
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    How about the guy who robbed a local bank here, and wrote the hold up note on the back of one of his mother's checks.
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    I get to see some of the funniest stuff at the gym sometimes. I was working out on the stepmill (a revolve step machine) and was getting ready to finish when this big guy and I'm assuming his girlfriend come up beside me on another stepmill. They seemed to by on a free pass because I'd never seen them before and the female wasn't familiar with the stepmill. The guy urges her on it and proceeds to tell her how to operate it. As soon as it gets going, he tells her she's going too slow and that she should be going the pace I'm going. I was at a level 10 which is really too fast, but still challenging if you've never done it before. When he pressed the button to level 8, she told him to stop because it was move fast already. Well this guy called her a wimp and said he could do the highest level for an hour at no problem. She said he was full of crap and that he was just trying to show off. He told her to get off and he'll prove it to her. At this point I interjected and said that level 20 is very very fast and that it's really only for the fittest. He said not to worry he's done it before with no problem. Level 20 is practically running on the stairs, so i just stayed around to see what would happen. So he climbs up and max's the level up to 20. Now like a treadmill, the stepmill progressively increases speed so it starts slow and speed up little by little. Anyway, the guy starts off then as it starts to speed up, he starts hanging on the hand rails for dear life. At the top speed, he's fricking rumbling, bumbling, stumbling and already breathing hard.............and it's only been 30 seconds. Then it happens.........................he loses his grip, falls and the stairs shoot him down to the floor. I reach over and hit the stop button and jump off to see if he's okay. He ends up spraining his ankle and I have to get help to get him to the lounge area and get one of the first aid people to take care of him. I later had to fill out a report stating what happened because I witnessed, but it there would have been a box saying "injured because of stupidity" I would have marked it.

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I so would have created a box just for that!!!
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    These stories are great!
    I love Karma!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Are you kidding me? That's priceless. I just love it when people try to dictate to me how I should live my life, simply because they don't like my choices.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    After my walk at the park tonight, I got into my car, I was stopped at a red light and this lady pulls up beside. Well she got into my business cause I was smoking a cigarette in my OWN car, she said that she doesn't want her child to see anyone smoking.. She proceeds to get out her car to tell the police office that pulled up behind us that I was smoking a cigarette.He asked us to move into the parking lot so he could figure out was going on. He then tells her that smoking is not illegal. As he is walking around her car, he sees a joint in her front seat. the officer starts to questions her, I start to laugh and he tells me I can leave. There are two lessons to be learned here: ONE....Make sure your business is clean before you get into someone else's business.. Lesson Two: Apparently, smoking weed in front of your child is less disturbing than smoking cigarettes..

    So has anyone else have had the encounter of the not-so smart type?
    Wow, that made by day!!! She does know that that is smoking too right?
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I was down in Alcoa, TN for work one time. I had spent a late night at the hangar working on a new tool for a helicopter. I get back to the hotel and basically everything is closed for dinner excep the Taco Bell across the street. I go over, order my dinner and it comes to like $7.20 or something. I give the cashier a $20 and she hands me back $2.80 and says she is out of tens and that her manager is getting some.

    So as I am standing there I can see in the register that there are a stack of fives. So I tell her "Hey- I'll take two fives instead". She looks at me, very serious, and says "I aint giving you no double change". So thinking this was a joke I laughed and said "No- no- thats ok really- I'll just take two fives"

    Her reply - "Where you're from you may think we're all stupid down here in the south but i aint falling for this- you aint getting no double change" :noway:

    She was 100% completely serious- I even tried to explain that two fives equals one ten but she would have none of it. When the manager brought the tens out the cashier peeled one off with a flourish, handed it to me, said "There's your ten, nice try and have a good night". I took my food and left weeping that people like her are allowed to vote and breed.
  • Dolphingirlie81
    I was down in Alcoa, TN for work one time. I had spent a late night at the hangar working on a new tool for a helicopter. I get back to the hotel and basically everything is closed for dinner excep the Taco Bell across the street. I go over, order my dinner and it comes to like $7.20 or something. I give the cashier a $20 and she hands me back $2.80 and says she is out of tens and that her manager is getting some.

    So as I am standing there I can see in the register that there are a stack of fives. So I tell her "Hey- I'll take two fives instead". She looks at me, very serious, and says "I aint giving you no double change". So thinking this was a joke I laughed and said "No- no- thats ok really- I'll just take two fives"

    Her reply - "Where you're from you may think we're all stupid down here in the south but i aint falling for this- you aint getting no double change" :noway:

    Bahahaha, think it's time for her to go back to school and get an education. No wonder she is working at Taco Bell. Just to be mean I would have stood there and gave you a math lesson.

    She was 100% completely serious- I even tried to explain that two fives equals one ten but she would have none of it. When the manager brought the tens out the cashier peeled one off with a flourish, handed it to me, said "There's your ten, nice try and have a good night". I took my food and left weeping that people like her are allowed to vote and breed.

    Bahaha, maybe it's time for her to go back to school for an education on simple math? No wonder she was working at Taco Bell. I would have given her a little math lesson
  • Dolphingirlie81
    How about the guy who robbed a local bank here, and wrote the hold up note on the back of one of his mother's checks.

    Doesn't surprise me. Awhile ago there was a story about a man who was robbing a bank and the teller said ok, we just need your drivers license and he actually gave it to her, took the money, forget his DL. 30 minutes he was arrested.

    I know it's mean, but I laugh at the stupidity of others.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Here's one I mentioned in another thread:

    I was training one of my teenage kids in the weight room. She had overheard a guy saying to another "Add on a nickel." and wanted to know what that meant. I told her that guys refer to the weights as nickels (5lbs), dimes (10lbs) and quarters (25lbs) regularly. Then with "bright eyes" she says, then the big ones (45lbs) must be dollars! <I tried to keep a straight face>


    I was instructing some female swimmers on the "21's" technique. If you do a bicep curl for example, you would start with the weight from your thighs and lift it 7 times till your forearms were parallel to the floor, then the next 7 would be from there to the top of the movement, then the last 7 would be full range of motion lifts. When we were done one girl said "Wow those really made my arms burn! But why do they call it 21's?"
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I especially like when I encounter a smoker while I'm out walking and they take offense to my cigar smoke.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I get to see some of the funniest stuff at the gym sometimes. I was working out on the stepmill (a revolve step machine) and was getting ready to finish when this big guy and I'm assuming his girlfriend come up beside me on another stepmill. They seemed to by on a free pass because I'd never seen them before and the female wasn't familiar with the stepmill. The guy urges her on it and proceeds to tell her how to operate it. As soon as it gets going, he tells her she's going too slow and that she should be going the pace I'm going. I was at a level 10 which is really too fast, but still challenging if you've never done it before. When he pressed the button to level 8, she told him to stop because it was move fast already. Well this guy called her a wimp and said he could do the highest level for an hour at no problem. She said he was full of crap and that he was just trying to show off. He told her to get off and he'll prove it to her. At this point I interjected and said that level 20 is very very fast and that it's really only for the fittest. He said not to worry he's done it before with no problem. Level 20 is practically running on the stairs, so i just stayed around to see what would happen. So he climbs up and max's the level up to 20. Now like a treadmill, the stepmill progressively increases speed so it starts slow and speed up little by little. Anyway, the guy starts off then as it starts to speed up, he starts hanging on the hand rails for dear life. At the top speed, he's fricking rumbling, bumbling, stumbling and already breathing hard.............and it's only been 30 seconds. Then it happens.........................he loses his grip, falls and the stairs shoot him down to the floor. I reach over and hit the stop button and jump off to see if he's okay. He ends up spraining his ankle and I have to get help to get him to the lounge area and get one of the first aid people to take care of him. I later had to fill out a report stating what happened because I witnessed, but it there would have been a box saying "injured because of stupidity" I would have marked it.

    I've seen this happen on the treadmill once. Right next to me. If you like physical humor, it's awesome!!