Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    As for everyone else, it's that time of the week again! A new challenge!
    This week's focus : ABS!!

    Yesterday I went and did yoga and saw myself in the big yoga mirrors and it made me realize how far I still have to go. I know that my main focus is my abs, and Ashley was nice enough to share for some great workouts! So guess who else is doing abs this week?? YOU! :) Here's the link : . This is for EVERY DAY this week!! It is only 8 minutes of your day, and I know you all have 8 minutes to better yourself. :smile:

    **DISCLAIMER!! - To those of you who do not complete this challenge, you WILL be asked to leave the group. This group was started for, and I quote, "those who are truly motivated". If you have any questions/concerns/feel the need to *****, you are more than welcome to PM me. I need to know who is really in this, because I want to start doing team/personal challenges!!! **

    Maxie - We will be adjusting the banner as needed next week, depending on who finishes the challenge.


    Okay, you got it, Alex!!!!!
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    i'm so sorry i haven't been doing the challenges. i have had a rough couple of weeks and that is no excuse, but it has been hard to keep up. i'm sorry that i won't be part of the skinny dippers anymore, but i hope that i can remain friends with all of you! thanks for the amazing support and motivation.

    lots of love,
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    As for everyone else, it's that time of the week again! A new challenge!
    This week's focus : ABS!!

    Yesterday I went and did yoga and saw myself in the big yoga mirrors and it made me realize how far I still have to go. I know that my main focus is my abs, and Ashley was nice enough to share for some great workouts! So guess who else is doing abs this week?? YOU! :) Here's the link : . This is for EVERY DAY this week!! It is only 8 minutes of your day, and I know you all have 8 minutes to better yourself. :smile:

    **DISCLAIMER!! - To those of you who do not complete this challenge, you WILL be asked to leave the group. This group was started for, and I quote, "those who are truly motivated". If you have any questions/concerns/feel the need to *****, you are more than welcome to PM me. I need to know who is really in this, because I want to start doing team/personal challenges!!! **

    Maxie - We will be adjusting the banner as needed next week, depending on who finishes the challenge.


    OKAY OKAY!! I will be doing this challenge. I missed yesterday because I was not home alllll day, and it was my day off!! But, starting today, you know I'm in, chica!! :)

    Side note: The girl in the video makes me sad. Lol
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    i'm so sorry i haven't been doing the challenges. i have had a rough couple of weeks and that is no excuse, but it has been hard to keep up. i'm sorry that i won't be part of the skinny dippers anymore, but i hope that i can remain friends with all of you! thanks for the amazing support and motivation.

    lots of love,

    Sad to lose you, but of course we can stay friends!!!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Done the challenge for the day. I have bad neck and tailbone, but I still did it. NO EXCUSES!!! It felt good though!!!! Get'r done!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    i'm so sorry i haven't been doing the challenges. i have had a rough couple of weeks and that is no excuse, but it has been hard to keep up. i'm sorry that i won't be part of the skinny dippers anymore, but i hope that i can remain friends with all of you! thanks for the amazing support and motivation.

    lots of love,

    I hope I wasn't confusing, but those who don't complete THIS week's challenge (the ab workout) will be asked to leave. As far as I'm concerned, you're still in!
  • miracleminded1
    I'll take a look when I get home...I can't watch videos here at work, darn it!!

    I did have a nice drop in weight this past week, which totally makes up for no loss the week before. I'm down 3.4 pounds from last Monday, and very happy about that!

    Last week I set a personal goal of losing 2 pounds per week, so I'm on track for that and have a little leeway. If I lose at that rate, I will be out of the 160's by Halloween, which is in 2 weeks from today. Then I get to wear the new exercise clothes that I bought myself yesterday (since they were on sale) as my reward for getting below 160! I love, love, LOVE new exercise clothes!!

    P.S. The pants I'm wearing today are not obscenely tight, as they had been a month or so ago. I can comfortably wear them again!! :) Progress!!
  • fosterr8
    I just finished my abs challenge day #1
    Very similar to the exercises we did in gymnastics for conditioning.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Super stoked I could help with the inspiration for this week's challenge! For those of you who don't know already, I am a HUGE fan and supporter of Oxygen Magazine, the Eat Clean Diet, and Tosca Reno in general. If anyone doesn't know who she is, Google; great inspiration, good story, and excellent motivation! So if I seem pushy with the Oxygen workouts or articles, it's because I firmly believe that they are helpful, and I really like the message Oxygen lends about being strong, healthy, and sexy - that it's NOT all about a number on the scale, or clothing size, or being a stick. Muscles are hot, ladies! :)

    And with that being said I am off to work my abdominals, and will report back shortly! Hope everyone had a great weekend :)
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I'll take a look when I get home...I can't watch videos here at work, darn it!!

    I did have a nice drop in weight this past week, which totally makes up for no loss the week before. I'm down 3.4 pounds from last Monday, and very happy about that!

    Last week I set a personal goal of losing 2 pounds per week, so I'm on track for that and have a little leeway. If I lose at that rate, I will be out of the 160's by Halloween, which is in 2 weeks from today. Then I get to wear the new exercise clothes that I bought myself yesterday (since they were on sale) as my reward for getting below 160! I love, love, LOVE new exercise clothes!!

    P.S. The pants I'm wearing today are not obscenely tight, as they had been a month or so ago. I can comfortably wear them again!! :) Progress!!

    That is GREAT stuff!!!! :) Congrats! You're awesome!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Super stoked I could help with the inspiration for this week's challenge! For those of you who don't know already, I am a HUGE fan and supporter of Oxygen Magazine, the Eat Clean Diet, and Tosca Reno in general. If anyone doesn't know who she is, Google; great inspiration, good story, and excellent motivation! So if I seem pushy with the Oxygen workouts or articles, it's because I firmly believe that they are helpful, and I really like the message Oxygen lends about being strong, healthy, and sexy - that it's NOT all about a number on the scale, or clothing size, or being a stick. Muscles are hot, ladies! :)

    And with that being said I am off to work my abdominals, and will report back shortly! Hope everyone had a great weekend :)

    No, I totally agree. It's great stuff! And I LOVE muscles. I'm working on getting some of my own :P
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 298 Member
    Super stoked I could help with the inspiration for this week's challenge! For those of you who don't know already, I am a HUGE fan and supporter of Oxygen Magazine, the Eat Clean Diet, and Tosca Reno in general. If anyone doesn't know who she is, Google; great inspiration, good story, and excellent motivation! So if I seem pushy with the Oxygen workouts or articles, it's because I firmly believe that they are helpful, and I really like the message Oxygen lends about being strong, healthy, and sexy - that it's NOT all about a number on the scale, or clothing size, or being a stick. Muscles are hot, ladies! :)

    And with that being said I am off to work my abdominals, and will report back shortly! Hope everyone had a great weekend :)

    I have never heard of her before, I'll have to go do a google search!! I was super tired today after doing a double at work.... but I still pushed forward and finished my workout and the ab challenge!! :D
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Holy cats that video is hard. Now for kickboxing!

    Good job everyone!
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Hahaha that video is hell. The 2 sets of 100s were the worst, I had to break them up into 50s then rest. Oh well, hopefully by the end of the week theyll be cake !! Keep up the good work dippers!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I'm soooo proud of my fellow Skinny Dippers!! :)
  • miracleminded1
    OK!! I did it!! And it wasn't easy!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Hahaha that video is hell. The 2 sets of 100s were the worst, I had to break them up into 50s then rest. Oh well, hopefully by the end of the week theyll be cake !! Keep up the good work dippers!

    Bahaha I did the same thing! And I kept getting SO pissed cause it kept freezing on me!!
    And I didn't even want to work out today, but I decided to do a kickboxing DVD and burned 450 cals. And I got a little anger out.. Def feels WAAAYY better than just sitting on my *kitten*. I'll think about that next time I don't want to work out :)

    Good job ladies!
  • skinniewannabe
    skinniewannabe Posts: 106 Member
    OK!! I did it!! And it wasn't easy!

    OMG, you got that right! I couldn't do it all at once, I had to break it up, hopefully by the end of the week I'll get it in all one shot!
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Wow, that is intense, and the first workout I have done in weeks! I start my Zumba DVD's tomorrow as well. :)
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    ok... so I did the first 2, modified. The first one, I did the modification they showed for the first 25, then I lifted alternate legs for 25 each, then their modified. For the 2nd one, I leaned back and did my side to side then I laid back and did a sort of bicycling by doing alternate leg extensions with legs out rather than up. The last one... hm... I didn't do well.. I did manage to assume the position and hold it for about 7 seconds then I was done. Better than I thought I could do on that one for sure.