Skinny Dippers! (Closed Group)



  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    very excited for the challenge. i hope i can make it!

    my check in: i have been super sick for the past couple of days and now i have a fever. i won't be exercising until i am feeling better (i don't want to make myself any worse. i will let you all know how many calories i end up burning!

    you guys are all great! xo
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Happy Monday pretties! You know what that means.....


    For this week, your goal is to burn 2000 calories from exercise!

    Yes it may seem like a lot, but if you break it down, that's only 400 calories for 5 days this week.

    You can report daily and I'll tally it for you, or you can just keep track and report back next Monday with your total.


    BRING IT ONNNN :wink:
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Happy Monday pretties! You know what that means.....


    For this week, your goal is to burn 2000 calories from exercise!

    Yes it may seem like a lot, but if you break it down, that's only 400 calories for 5 days this week.

    You can report daily and I'll tally it for you, or you can just keep track and report back next Monday with your total.


    OMG, Serious?!? Well I was planning on being a couch potato today, but I guess not! Off to go jump on the treadmill I guess, lol!

    Hehe, this exact reason is why we have challenges! WORK THAT BUTT OFF GIRL!!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Happy Monday pretties! You know what that means.....


    For this week, your goal is to burn 2000 calories from exercise!

    Yes it may seem like a lot, but if you break it down, that's only 400 calories for 5 days this week.

    You can report daily and I'll tally it for you, or you can just keep track and report back next Monday with your total.



    I'm checking in at 368 cals burned, but I'll keep tally myself pretty lady, don't worry. Just letting you all know! I have a looooong burning week ahead of me :) I'M EXCITED!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    Hey guys!! My triathlon went really well!!! I am very proud of myself! I finished 6th in the under 29 age group and 168th out of 670 people. I have some ideas of how to improve for next time! Swim felt great and bike was good! I need to improve my run.
    I didn't eat horrible this weekend but I didn't eat last week to loss weight so I am the same weight as last week (OK with me). It was also my Birthday so I had cake and ice cream too.

    What is our challenge? I am up for anything!

    Wow! That's fantastic! So proud of you!!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey guys!! My triathlon went really well!!! I am very proud of myself! I finished 6th in the under 29 age group and 168th out of 670 people. I have some ideas of how to improve for next time! Swim felt great and bike was good! I need to improve my run.
    I didn't eat horrible this weekend but I didn't eat last week to loss weight so I am the same weight as last week (OK with me). It was also my Birthday so I had cake and ice cream too.

    What is our challenge? I am up for anything!

    wow thats awesome congrats!!!!!!

    Thank you! I had been working so hard.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Way to go, Emma!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey guys!! My triathlon went really well!!! I am very proud of myself! I finished 6th in the under 29 age group and 168th out of 670 people. I have some ideas of how to improve for next time! Swim felt great and bike was good! I need to improve my run.
    I didn't eat horrible this weekend but I didn't eat last week to loss weight so I am the same weight as last week (OK with me). It was also my Birthday so I had cake and ice cream too.

    What is our challenge? I am up for anything!

    Congratulations!! I'm so glad you had a good time and that you finished so well! Our triathlon isn't until June (I'm going to need all the time I can get to get myself ready!!) but I'm looking forward to it more and more as I feel myself building up my endurance and getting stronger.

    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :):):)
    Thank you and thank you! triathlons are amazing!! You get addicted to them :)
  • Wow, Emma, I'm impressed!

    I am so far from being able to do something like that -- but maybe some day!
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    I am checking in this morning with 1237 from this morning workout.

    I think i am going to set a personal challenge of 5000 calories burned.
  • Checking in with 624 for today. :)
  • Checking in with 553 exercise calories today!
    I'm looking forward to this challenge. Will have to go to the gym one day extra this week :)

    Good luck everyone!
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    Didn't make it to the gym today, but will go every day this week, hopefully. According to my logs last week I burned around 2500 cals, so I am going to try and push myself to burn 3000-3500 cals. :)
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Logging in with 506 calories burned today!!!!!
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    Checking in with 394 cals burned today :)
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    For everyone who is setting their own goals for calories burned this week, go you! 2000 may be a stretch for me, as I told Alex... BUT I will do it!! :)
  • Checking in....I burned 384 calories at exercise today! :)
  • Checking in! Burned 451 calories.

    Hoping to get in a longer workout tomorrow :D
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Nice exercising all! :)

    Today was not good for me.. I only got to walk the dog for 30 minutes and burned 116 calories. But, I did have a job interview (which I got!) and a meeting with a possible landlord (we will find out tomorrow if we got the place or not..). Tomorrow will definitely be a better day! I think I'm going to try and do a yoga class in the morning and a Zumba class in the afternoon or evening. We will see if I can make it to both! Trying to stay positive :)
  • Happy Monday pretties! You know what that means.....


    For this week, your goal is to burn 2000 calories from exercise!

    Yes it may seem like a lot, but if you break it down, that's only 400 calories for 5 days this week.

    You can report daily and I'll tally it for you, or you can just keep track and report back next Monday with your total.


    i GOT THIS!!!!