FOR GUYS - Muscular Women, are they sexy?

Dandersonjr32 Posts: 73
Here's a question: Do you guys think muscular women are sexy?

It really boils down like this.

We've all seen them, the women at the gym with arms better defined than most movie action stars and just the sports bra on so you can see their chiseled abs. For some reason they're always wearing train conductor hats too, but I digress.

I know when I'm at the gym, being a man, I take a look at them. (By the way, ladies, men HAVE to look at you in the gym. It's not something we can help. We're genetically engineered to visually react to movement because of that whole 'hunter' thing. Sorry.) I just don't know if I find them all that sexually attractive or not.



  • No! Yuk!!!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Yes unless they.are huge and masculine
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    Yep to me they are sexy, period! I think any women that worked hard at her body will get a stare, sorry a glance from me. I am very much attracted to strong legs....not a sermon just a confession!
  • rockylucas
    rockylucas Posts: 343 Member
    I'm gay, but as a disclaimer, I like to surround myself with hot chicks, so my opinion is valid :)

    I think when women go below what is considered the average/fit body fat percentage, they lose a lot of the femininity which will attract the majority of men. I like my big breasted hotties with soft, flat bellies :P

    That said... I think you will get a few feminists on this thread *****ing you out, LOL :)
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 704 Member
    I'm gay, but as a disclaimer, I like to surround myself with hot chicks, so my opinion is valid :)

    I think when women go below what is considered the average/fit body fat percentage, they lose a lot of the femininity which will attract the majority of men. I like my big breasted hotties with soft, flat bellies :P

    That said... I think you will get a few feminists on this thread *****ing you out, LOL :)

    As long as they don't beat me up I'm ok with that!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I'm bi, but I looove fit girls as long as they still have a good hip to waist ratio :-) Often super low body fat and strong core in women can make their torsos more rectangular. I love a defined tummy, legs that flex instead of jiggle, and knowing she has dedication and knowledge about her body.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Depends home muscular they are. If their muscles are large then no, if they are small, but they are still defined then yeah sure.

    I wouldn't really class muscles as "sexy" per say... But it just shows that she cares for her body and her health, which is sexier imo!
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Sexy women come in all shapes and sizes. Jillian Michaels (and women slightly more muscular than her) is hot, but so is Christine Hendricks.
    I do prefer they not be more muscular than me though.
  • rockylucas
    rockylucas Posts: 343 Member
    I wonder if Elizabeth Taylor or Marilyn Monroe ever did a 30 day shred? LOL :P
  • I like muscles on women. This is likely a matter of taste. With how much definition a person has being a function of how much body fat they have, I still prefer women have enough BF% to maintain some of their gender "curviness." My hon' is looking better and better as her arms and shoulders define out from her BF loss due to Zumba, yet she still has great "hips!" :)
  • As a matter of taste, I have to admit there's something very sexy about these very muscular women to me. I don't know what it is.

    Maybe it's just because that part of my brain is on overdrive, I find a lot of different body types sexy.

    The sexiest, of course, is my wife. She's HOT, glad to say.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    It depends.
    In general, having muscle tone with out being overly defined is sexy.
    As a girl gets more and more defined, regardless of the actual size of her tends to be less & less attractive to me.

    BUT some very lean girls can pull it off, there are always exceptions.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    The range of attractiveness is pretty wide for me... I like the muscular look very much, but I also like the soft yet firm, more feminine look just as well. I don't like "skinny" and I don't like "sloppy" - the 2 extremes...
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I'm a feminist. Most of us kind of like sex, so not really likely to ball anyone out over finding people attractive. Interesting to hear that it's apparently only men who are genetically coded to look though. I must remind myself of that, next time I'm at the gym.... :-D

    I think those amazonian women look really quite incredible. Very beautiful that chiselled, lean look. However, when I mention to my (male) partner that I'd kind of like to look like that, he doesn't really thrill to the concept. I think the average hetero man does prefer a bit of a curve. However, of course there are men who like lean, muscular women. And I'm pretty sure that, if I were a man, or inclined towards the sisterhood, I'd be in hot pursuit of the Amazons. They're just gorgeous.
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    Ohhhh, so men stare because of our extended prehistory as hunters, NOT because girls walk around the gym gettin' all sweaty in sports bras and yoga shorts. I had this all backwards! =P

    That being said, I wouldn't say the super muscled girls AREN'T sexy, I just prefer ladies to be a little squishy.
  • I like muscles on women. This is likely a matter of taste. With how much definition a person has being a function of how much body fat they have, I still prefer women have enough BF% to maintain some of their gender "curviness." My hon' is looking better and better as her arms and shoulders define out from her BF loss due to Zumba, yet she still has great "hips!" :)

    I agree, with this. I'd say someone who is toned and lean i.e. athletic from something like zumba fitness would be very attractive to most people. The bodybuilder look is not something I'd find attractive as it reminds me of the male body, not the female's.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    I find lean and muscular women attractive as long as their build is in moderation. Someone who is lean like Kara Goucher, or Maria Sharapova are very attractive without much body fat... conversely someone who is built like Arnold Schwarzenegger is not sexy.

    I guess its a question of whether their physique overtakes their femininity that I find sexy. I prefer strong yet feminine.
  • I'm not a guy, but I have an opinion!

    I think sex appeal comes from within. Many women and men can exude their sexiness without being a certain ideal, or fit within criteria that is usually sexy. It comes from a wiggle in a hip, a look in the eye, a smirk on the face.

    However, if we are talking pure asthetics here, I'd like to chime in. I think soft curves, on a fit body are always going to be sexier than hard muscle. Like women in the 1950's and 1960's. They didn't go to the gym for hours, lifting heavy weights. They enjoyed life, and it showed. They were sexy, curvy, fit.

    That is what I find sexiest. Of course a muscular women with a 6 pack can be sexy in her own right, but in my opinion, that isn;t what comes to my mind when I think of sexy.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    I wanna be muscular like Jessica Biel in Blade Trinity.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Here's a question: Do you guys think muscular women are sexy?

    It really boils down like this.

    We've all seen them, the women at the gym with arms better defined than most movie action stars and just the sports bra on so you can see their chiseled abs. For some reason they're always wearing train conductor hats too, but I digress.

    I know when I'm at the gym, being a man, I take a look at them. (By the way, ladies, men HAVE to look at you in the gym. It's not something we can help. We're genetically engineered to visually react to movement because of that whole 'hunter' thing. Sorry.) I just don't know if I find them all that sexually attractive or not.


    I'd like this qualified a little. I mean, I don't think that many people find this sexy on a woman:

    this is also not somthing I personally would strive for:

    but I've seen some really beautifully strong women.
  • sexiness is subjective.

    I would say a muscular lean women can very attractive but some have crossed the line....but if they still have curves (a ala serena williams) they can still be sexy to me.

    I have rarely seen women that are overly muscular outside of bodybuilding shows -- and I do not find that look attractive.

    Most of my friends find "buff" women unattractive.
  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    I agree with JeffRodgers1. Kara is great.

    Though not big at all, there is a women in my Friday A.M. yoga class. She's nice, pretty consistent in yoga,
    reasonably flexible, and her build is just rippled. Again, not big at all. She's just ripped. It is great.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Admirable? Yes.

    Sexy? No.
  • I confess that, if I have a physical preference, I'm more inclined to be attracted to tall, bigger boned women. I have no problem with six-foot women who are either muscular or just bigger boned. Being taller myself, my experience is that I have had better sexual relations with women I can see "eye to eye" with. Any way, it's just a tendency, I try not to discriminate. But hey, everyone has preferences. :)

    Also, taller, big boned women are far more attractive than what is put out as the "ideal" woman, i.e, the tall anorexic model who is all skin-and-bones.

    Society has gotten fatter and fatter, and things like diabetes and obesity have risen to near epidemic levels. Ånd yet, we have very skewed perception of "ideal". But these models aren't marketed to men--it seems they're geared towards women.

    I've always wondered what women think when they read the fashion ads in women's magazines. Is that look really an ideal????
  • bobdawg65
    bobdawg65 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, they are sexy! That being said, so are the ones with a little more softness to them.
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    I would have to say yes, as long as we're not talking like Ronnie Coleman / Jay Cutler muscular....that **** would be freaky.
  • Here's a question: Do you guys think muscular women are sexy?

    It really boils down like this.

    We've all seen them, the women at the gym with arms better defined than most movie action stars and just the sports bra on so you can see their chiseled abs. For some reason they're always wearing train conductor hats too, but I digress.

    I know when I'm at the gym, being a man, I take a look at them. (By the way, ladies, men HAVE to look at you in the gym. It's not something we can help. We're genetically engineered to visually react to movement because of that whole 'hunter' thing. Sorry.) I just don't know if I find them all that sexually attractive or not.


    I'd like this qualified a little. I mean, I don't think that many people find this sexy on a woman:

    this is also not somthing I personally would strive for:

    but I've seen some really beautifully strong women.

    OMG! The second pic was just scary... I mean... her boobs are like drooping off her huge pecs!

    I think looking athletic and fit is sexy but once you start getting to body builder competition looking, its just too much...
  • vizamy
    vizamy Posts: 60 Member
    I don't find that kind of extreme "sexy" in either men OR women. But fit and strong and healthy ... that's different. (Although I'm a woman I can appreciate either gender.)
  • frankbo25
    frankbo25 Posts: 206 Member
    Yes that are as long as they dont go too far and start looking like men. My wife is getting muscular and I love it, I tell her just to not get carried away with it. Its not sexy anymore whwn you start looking like a man.Just look at women like Angela Bassett, Jillian Michaels, Chalene Johnson, and countless others
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Not at all. IMO women should look petite and slender, not mscular at all
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