My kids won't eat breakfast!

HELP...My kids won't eat breakfast! I buy cereal, yogurt, breakfast bars, fruit, pop tarts EVERYTHING and they just don't want anything. I did get them to drink a yogurt drink but other then that they say "no, I am just not hungry mom!"...any ideas?!


  • pandabear_
    pandabear_ Posts: 487 Member
    I wouldn't eat breakfast either. I just couldn't eat that early and not feel sick when I was younger.

    I guess if they get hungry, they will want food. So give them a snack to take on the way to school, maybe?
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    You need to tell them that breakfast is not an option. Tell them that
    they must choose one of these things!
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    If they eat well otherwise and are healthy, I would say maybe they don't like solid food first thing. I know a lot of people don't. They could take something with them for later in the day if you're worried. At least they're getting yoghurt, right?
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    HELP...My kids won't eat breakfast! I buy cereal, yogurt, breakfast bars, fruit, pop tarts EVERYTHING and they just don't want anything. I did get them to drink a yogurt drink but other then that they say "no, I am just not hungry mom!"...any ideas?!

    You're the parent. Make them eat. Stop babying them.

    Take something away or discipline them if you have to.
  • mustanggirl_2011
    mustanggirl_2011 Posts: 116 Member
    My 5 yr old is like that. She only wants chocolate milk so I have been getting her the carnation instant breakfast and she just drinks that. If she's been up for a while she will eat something but rarely.
  • lisapickering
    I couldn't eat breakfast until I was an adult... I couldn't stomach it. Can they have a snack mid morning (at school?) Send them with protein snacks -- yogurt, cheese sticks. I know that it's the most important meal and now I can't live without it but I totally get not being able to eat in the morning.
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    Try to find out why they dont want to eat breakfast. When I was younger breakfast literally made me feel sick I didnt start eating breakfst til I was at least 21. I would get nausea and an upset tummy to this day I dont know why it made me feel that way
  • mcottle292
    I have a great suggestion! My kids are the same way. Buy a juicer! You can put LOADS of great nutrient rich fruits and veggies in there and they will drink it up!
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    when I was younger I couldn't eat it either. I didn't start eating breakfast until my university years believe it or not. I still turned out fine. So don't fret it. It is important for development but if they won't eat, don't force them.

    I know it's an extra step, but the things you are buying don't' require a lot of prep or nutritional value. Maybe try getting them to make their breakfast, or have their recess snack more of a breakfast item that they have to prepare. Kids tend to eat what they make.

    good luck!
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    Eating breakfast was not an option for me! Hell, in a family of six we had "breakfast days" where each kid rotated who's day it was to cook breakfast!

    Of course, now I'm out of the house and rarely eat much for breakfast lol!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    It bothers me too (my daughter doesn't eat breakfast a good 80% of the time). But I would send them to school with a protein/fiber bar of some sort for a snack between breakfast and lunch. As long as they are eating good the rest of the day. Also, my daughter is more inclined to eat breakfast if I cook it. Like if I make eggs, or bacon, or french toast...I dunno...then she's all over it. LOL
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I have a great suggestion! My kids are the same way. Buy a juicer! You can put LOADS of great nutrient rich fruits and veggies in there and they will drink it up!

    hmmm that's a good idea! then they would be helping with the prep and kids love juice.
  • 4cookiesmom
    I can't eat first thing in the morning either. My girls are the same way. They carry a snack with them on the way to school. They don't always like the traditional breakfast foods either. Sometimes it's a cheese stick and fruit or hummus and veggies. Or something leftover from dinner the night before. I think as long as it is healthy and they get a little something in them, it is better than not eating anything at all.
  • angijunbug
    Maybe try a yummy granola or protein bar or a healthy shake/smoothie. My kids will eat natural peanut butter on a spoon, 1/2 of a banana & a glass of almond milk for breakfast. Sometimes an actual pb sandwich or dry cheerios.
    I wasn't a breakfast eater either. Still not. I have to force myself to eat at breakfast. We had lots of carnation instant breakfast or ovaltine in the house when I was growing up. Good luck!

    By the way, I still don't know how to make a kid eat & I wouldn't make them eat if their not hungry. They will eat when they are hungry.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    "Make them eat?" I don't understand this. Most of us are here to lose weight.. why force your child to eat if they simply aren't hungry? The hunger/full mechanism is lost when people eat when they aren't hungry or over eat. Those kids probably know their true hunger level better than we do.

    On another note, I do understand the importance of breakfast. It provides fuel for the day and is very important for their growing brains and bodies especially before school. I think the yogurt is a good idea, if they are hungry and they like it they will eat it. Have you tried the yogurt packets - Gogurt or something? You could give it to them to have if they get hungry later in the morning. Cheese sticks, whole wheat crackers, etc. Someone suggested smoothies, kids love smoothies - not really a to-go option but might work at home.

    Good luck.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    This is the only time ill be saying this!

    Breakfast IS the most important meal!

    ...for kids. It's been proven that it helps their concentration at school. So, like someone else said, discipline! Softly softly wont work, you have to make them realise they MUST eat something, videogames when they get home from school!
  • marquesajen
    When I was younger, middle to high school, I felt sick to my stomach when I ate really early. My high school bus picked us up at 6.50am! I don't know what to tell you, but to pack an extra big lunch maybe or offer and non-breakfast food for breakfast and see if that helps.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    As long as they eat healthy when they do eat I wouldn't sweat it. My kids snack all day.

    My rule is that they have to eat healthy things and then can eat when they want what they choose. BUT, we expect them to also sit at the table with us for lunch and dinner and eat a meal which they do. If it turns that they aren't hungry at regular meal times then we cut down on the snacks.

    I figure that they haven't learned poor eating habit yet so I am letting their body tell them when to eat and what to eat. And mostly they eat veggies and dairy. Very little meat. They are active and healthy so that works for us.

    Good luck on your own journey.
  • twistofcain
    I couldn't eat breakfast during the school week due to it making me ill. Usually, if i ate breakfast I left for school within 10 minutes afterwards, so I would get really car sick. Yet, on the weekend I would eat at the same time and then go somewhere within the same 10 minute span after eating and would be fine. I guess the thought of being bored all day at school coupled with eating just made me sick.

    I would for sure ask why they do not want to eat breakfast, and it could be they may not like the selection. I know that with our son, if we feed him the same thing without variety, he will usually refuse and we end up giving him milk to hold him over until his mid-morning snack; granted he is two, but variety tends to help us all so we do not get bored.