My kids won't eat breakfast!



  • BrandNewMia
    My daughter resists breakfast, as well, but she knows it is NOT optional - she MUST eat something at home and drink a glass of water before school, too.

    I am not too picky about what she eats. As long as it isn't junk, she can have it. I let her pick a breakfast cereal or yogurt at the store (that I have to approve of), or she'll eat sausage, sliced turkey, boiled or scrambled eggs, a piece of fruit, or like today she ate several tablespoons of peanut butter. She's even eaten leftover meat from dinner the night before (she LOVES chicken and pork chops, would eat them all the time!).

    My point is - tell them they have to eat, but let them decide what it is (with Mom's final approval, of course!). My daughter is like me, we don't like a lot of sweet things in the morning and a lot of traditional breakfast items are so sugary. I'm OK with anything she picks out as long as it is somewhat healthy, breakfast food or not.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    I don't really understand what the big hoopla is over not eating breakfast. If they are healthy and eat their veggies and such through out the day - I, personally, wouldn't worry about it. I know I got to be over weight by eating when I wasn't really hungry, so I will not be forcing my son to eat when he isn't hungry. Forcing them to eat or be punished (like a PP suggested) sounds like a great way to set them up for eating issues later in life. I don't think there should be punishment OR reward around food. Food is food. Not hungry - then don't eat. BUT I don't think they should not be eating breakfast and then eating garbage later.
  • crazyeaCHANGED
    When I was a kid Iused to skip breakfast as well. That was until I fainted in woodshop. After that I ate my breakfast.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Mother had a wicked fast back hand. She could also run faster than me.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Had the same problem so I would by vanilla carnation instant breakfast and blend it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. My daughter has never had a weight problem, but she claims I tried to make her fat by adding ice cream to her breakfast drink. I stand firm in saying the girl never finished any thing if she drank a quarter of the drink she was doing good.
  • TiffanyA2008
    HELP...My kids won't eat breakfast! I buy cereal, yogurt, breakfast bars, fruit, pop tarts EVERYTHING and they just don't want anything. I did get them to drink a yogurt drink but other then that they say "no, I am just not hungry mom!"...any ideas?!

    You're the parent. Make them eat. Stop babying them.

    Take something away or discipline them if you have to.


    My kids are almost 4 and 2 and they already know that breakfast is NOT an option. Don't allow them to win. YOU are the parent here therefore YOU make the rules. My kids know they cannot leave the table until most of their food is gone.
  • mcottle292
    Mother had a wicked fast back hand. She could also run faster than me.

    :laugh: bahahahaha!!!! :laugh:
  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    My 7-year old is the same way, always has been. She is in 2nd grade now, and ever since she has started school, breakfast has not been an option. End of discussion. Kids who do not eat breakfast perform worse in school.

    I have recently not given her a choice and just put whatever I prepare in front of her and there is no discussion about it. This is working for us for now. Before and when this doesn't work anymore, here are some of the things we did.

    Chocolate milk, AKA Carnation instant breakfast. Not ideal but better than nothing.
    2% String Cheese and juice
    Oatmeal to-go bars
  • mcottle292
    Had the same problem so I would by vanilla carnation instant breakfast and blend it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. My daughter has never had a weight problem, but she claims I tried to make her fat by adding ice cream to her breakfast drink. I stand firm in saying the girl never finished any thing if she drank a quarter of the drink she was doing good.

    Ice Cream for breakfast??? I am there!!!
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I don't really understand what the big hoopla is over not eating breakfast. If they are healthy and eat their veggies and such through out the day - I, personally, wouldn't worry about it. I know I got to be over weight by eating when I wasn't really hungry, so I will not be forcing my son to eat when he isn't hungry. Forcing them to eat or be punished (like a PP suggested) sounds like a great way to set them up for eating issues later in life. I don't think there should be punishment OR reward around food. Food is food. Not hungry - then don't eat. BUT I don't think they should not be eating breakfast and then eating garbage later.
    ^^^^^ THIS

    and THIS VVVVV
    "Make them eat?" I don't understand this. Most of us are here to lose weight.. why force your child to eat if they simply aren't hungry? The hunger/full mechanism is lost when people eat when they aren't hungry or over eat. Those kids probably know their true hunger level better than we do.

    On another note, I do understand the importance of breakfast. It provides fuel for the day and is very important for their growing brains and bodies especially before school. I think the yogurt is a good idea, if they are hungry and they like it they will eat it. Have you tried the yogurt packets - Gogurt or something? You could give it to them to have if they get hungry later in the morning. Cheese sticks, whole wheat crackers, etc. Someone suggested smoothies, kids love smoothies - not really a to-go option but might work at home.

    Good luck.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Do they have to eat breakfast?

    Perhaps take them to the store and ask them to pick their own breakfasts out... That way they are more involved.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    HELP...My kids won't eat breakfast! I buy cereal, yogurt, breakfast bars, fruit, pop tarts EVERYTHING and they just don't want anything. I did get them to drink a yogurt drink but other then that they say "no, I am just not hungry mom!"...any ideas?!

    You're the parent. Make them eat. Stop babying them.

    Take something away or discipline them if you have to.


    The only reason my daughter eats breakfast is because I refuse to add to the improperly fed, poorly rested mass of children poor teachers have to deal with every day.

    BTW her favorite breakfast is organic peanut butter on multi-grain toast with red pepper flakes (her invention), a glass of almond milk and a multi-vitamin. All my years of forcing her to eat a healthy breakfast has resulted in her knowing what makes a balanced start to her day.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member

    When I was in high school the only "breakfast" I ate was a smoothie my mom and I would make in the morning, silk tofu, greek yogurt, frozen/fresh fruit, a little bit of pudding mix, some milk/apple juice, and a touch of sugar. I'd drink it on the way to school

    Edited to add: This started only bc my mom and I were going to the gym before I'd go to school, so I had been up for a few hours, otherwise I never would have been able to stomach it. I don't eat breakfast until I've been up and about for a few hours.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Had the same problem so I would by vanilla carnation instant breakfast and blend it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. My daughter has never had a weight problem, but she claims I tried to make her fat by adding ice cream to her breakfast drink. I stand firm in saying the girl never finished any thing if she drank a quarter of the drink she was doing good.

    I would have thought my mom was trying to make me fat, too if she was making me have ICE CREAM for breakfast! I'm sorry, but that's just absurd!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    This may not be much help, but I'm gonna post anyway cuz I can...

    I HATED to eat breakfast as a kid. Still do. I would fight and fight my parents about it. I even resorted to lying (badly) about what I'd eaten. I got caught so many times b/c I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box when it came to lying. I never wake up hungry. In fact, I wake up with no appetite at all, so eating is a nauseating chore.

    Thank gawd I'm an adult now and can just have coffee for breakfast.
  • BrandNewMia
    The only reason my daughter eats breakfast is because I refuse to add to the improperly fed, poorly rested mass of children poor teachers have to deal with every day.

    BTW her favorite breakfast is organic peanut butter on multi-grain toast with red pepper flakes (her invention), a glass of almond milk and a multi-vitamin. All my years of forcing her to eat a healthy breakfast has resulted in her knowing what makes a balanced start to her day.

    LOVE the reason and her favoriite breakfast!

    Lots of people are questioning the need for breakfast and forcing them to eat when they don't want to - it is proven that children have less energy and perform more poorly in school when they are not properly fed and hydrated. Breakfast IS important - for HUMANS - skipping breakfast has been linked to the development of obesity. You know we call it breakfast because we're literally breaking a fast - they've been sleeping all night, if they don't eat until lunch time that they can go up to 18hours without nourishment. Their bodies and brains are growing and developing, they need the nutrition!

    And - my personal experience - when I used to allow my daughter to skip breakfast, she ate poorly at lunch and came home in a fowl mood. I dreaded after school time. Then I started enforcing breakfast and eating a healthy snack when she gets off the bus - life is SO much easier now. Her demeanor has completly changed, and yes, I do believe it's all because she is better nourished.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I couldn't and still can't eat breakfast for around 3 hours after i'm up...if i do I will see it again. 2 of my 4 kids are similar. Send them to school with a hearty but healthy snack to eat on the way/in the playground or at morning break. No point forcing food on them, it kind of makes food an issue and that is not worth doing in my opinion
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Is it possible they are eating breakfast at school so they are passing up breakfast at home?

    I know my nephew prefers to eat breakfast at school..
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    I have a couple of thoughts on this subject...

    First - I believe there's been talk of a protein-focused breakfast producing better results in school and on exams. SO... I would make this a fun project for them that involves them in the shopping/preparing process.

    Depending on their ages you can get them involved in this to whatever is age-appropriate for them. I'd do some oneline research WITH them, and get ideas for easy or make-ahead breakfasts with a protein component. Various nuts, yogurts, smoothies, eggs, meats... all kinds of protein options for their main breakfast. If they ate half a banana with peanut butter on it, plus half a glass of milk - that would give them a protein boost.

    Find FUN ways with breakfast. I have a microwave "egg cooker" - I whip one egg with a splash of milk, spray the egg-cooker with nonstick spray, pour the egg in and microwave for 1 minutes. Makes a perfectly round scrambled egg - my son loves to make a stacked sandwich with a toasted bagel - bacon, hash brown patty, and an egg "circle". (He's 17 and lanky, 6 feet tall, he eats 2 of these for breakast!) You can also put a slice of cheese on it as soon as it comes out, and the cheese will be melty-good in just a minute!

    Get a variety of nuts and have them each pick out which ones look good that day - get small little Dixie-type cups and tell them the nuts have to fill the cup - nuts of THEIR choice.

    Tortillas can be filled with ANYTHING and taken on the run - last night's salmon is one of my favorite breakfasts in a whole wheat tortilla! Ground beef, scrambled eggs and sausage - again, let the KIDS tell you what they want in THEIR tortilla.

    Get fun spoons for their "spoonful" of peanut or almond butter. Let them shop for their own jar, put their name on it, or for young kids, use colorful markers and a bit of glitter! :-)

    Find recipes for "breakfast bars" or "breakfast cookies" and try them out, let the kids help you make them. (I'm currently doing the 17 Day DIet, and I LOVE "Dr. Mike's Power Cookie" - easy to grab-on-the-go, makes a terrific breakfast and it's full of healthy stuff!)

    Try alternatives to milk - I personally LOVE Almond Milk - I use unsweetened, unflavored in my hot tea, but it comes in some flavors that would also be good.

    SEONDLY - how LATE are they eating the night before? I was never much of a breakfast person, but that's because I was snacking right up until I went to bed. When I stopped snacking after dinner and LET MYSELF go to bed just a bit hungry, I found I was READY for breakfast when I woke up! I also drink a huge glass of water just before bed - if I oversleep my alarm, I NEVER oversleep my full bladder!

    I don't agree with discipline-enforced eating at any time with children... the basics of eating should always be to eat when hungry, do not eat when not hungry. HOWEVER, I think you can work this out to where they will WANT to eat at least a little somethig in the morning. Make it fun, and get them involved.

    Good luck, and please post an update on what you find works for you! Great topic!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    I'm generally not hungry when I first wake up so I understand how someone doesn't want to jump on breakfast as soon as they wake up. However, as a mother to 4 in school, kids don't always get a chance to eat at school when they want to/need to, so sending them loaded with good food in their belly is super important.

    Here are some suggestions:

    Get them up earlier. You didn't say the ages of the kids but if they are going to real school, then get them up 1 hour earlier and have them help you with simple housework (Sweeping, neatening the living room, emptying/loading the dishwasher, vaccumming, etc.) for an hour or so.

    I'm pretty sure if they move around for a hour or so, breakfast will be more appealing. A. They will be hungry because there bodies will be awake. B. Breakfast will be more interesting, because it will stop the housework.

    I would agree with others who said don't worry about having breakfast foods at breakfast. I tell my kids, if you have some carbo, a little fat, protien, dairy, and fruit/veg for breakfast then I am good. I don't care if it is a cold slice of pizza, with a glass of milk, and side of cucumbers. Or chobani with protien enriched granola. Or a egg on a bagle with tomato.

    Hope this helps.