Mommies: Stretch Marks



  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Warrior marks. You have helped continue the human race. No man can do this. These are well earned. Be proud of them. I only have one on my tummy and none on hips and thighs even at 267.5 (top weight) I do however have LOTS of them on my breasts. They haven't faded much either. I'm 54 and kids are 33-23 yrs. The dr. said I could breast feed triplets given my size and milk supply. They don't make me happy but I am proud of how they were earned. Look at the reward, a baby for some stretched skin. In the big scheme of things.....not a big deal. Congratuations on your baby.:happy: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    congratulations! Every girl has them, heck i have them from puberty and I am sure they will get worse with my new little one. I wear a bikini and use a lotion fake tanner. that seems to help a little. but honestly you look amazing and all anyone will be able to see is how amazing you look and how great a mom you are.

    And other new moms will be jelouse that you were able to do so well on your weight loss journey. I hope I look as good as you when my baby is born. :smile:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
  • natersmama
    just rock em!! they fade a LOT over time. i started tanning and i hardly notice them anymore. i dont mind my stretch marks. they're my mommy marks. and i love being a mommy. =)
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    Vitamin E capsules!!! Use a sterile needle to poke into it.. then squeeze out the Vit E. Put it on your stretch marks or scars everyday. It will help. :)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member

    LOVE LOVE LOVE these! they look like pin up girls! lol! thanks!!!
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    Yeah my stretch marks are from my pregnancy too! I never had any until I got pregnant with my son, then boom, 8 1/2 months pregnant and they show up all of the sudden! I thought that I was going to get our scotch free! LOL....boy was I wrong! Though mine are not as bad as they could have been! They are pretty good compared to some people's!

    And yes, my husband is always telling me that he loves me the way that I can still be hard though, especially because I know that I do not look as good now as I did then. I have come a LONG way with that though, and feel a LOT better about myself now than I did a year ago. :smile:
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    mine all got cut off with the tummy tuck =) and before that I tried about every lotion out there, mederma smoothed them out and Osmotics blue copper body cream seemed to lighten them, but I wanted them gone!
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    I told my kids when they were little that I had belly stripes because I was part tiger and I would nibble their toes, then I'd chase them around the house LOL

    Love this!!!

    To the OP I got a few on my hips with my daughter but they do eventually fade. She is 16 months and they are barely noticeable now. I've used bio oil since she was born so maybe that's why but maybe not lol.
  • Snelllee
    Snelllee Posts: 23 Member
    My son is 7 and I still have mine from breasts to halfway down my thighs :( I rubbed cocoa butter and vitamin e on my body every day when I was pregnant and it did absolutely nothing. The marks don't tan when you tan so they are more noticeable. And oddly enough,I spray tan and even that doesn't soak into the stretched skin! But I'd take stretch marks from head to toe to get rid of the loose skin on my belly! Thats SO much worse and isn't going away till I get the chance to afford a tummy tuck. Good luck and everyone else is right, the marks aren't that noticeable and be thankful your not trying to find a solution for sagging wrinkled belly skin, Blech!
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    my friend used to take flaxseed tablets and oil and her stretch marks really tightened up and have almost disappeared. Also bio oil is said to be really good at fading them
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I'm with hotrodgirl, I'd take stretch marks in exchange to the saggy skin on my belly. I haven't got stretch marks, but something worse.
