Claim to Fame



  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I know and worked with Steve Bartman. He's really a nice man/boy!

    OH and I went to school with Chris Young of Max Headroom fame!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Since I've lived in Nashville I've met or seen closeup: Amy Grant (talked to her at our son's basketball game when they were younger), Lee Greenwood (ate at a table next to him in a restaurant), Chris Rice (sons were in a video with him), Steven Curtis Chapman (his sons were in the same video as my sons),
    I really want to meet Wynonna and my dream job would be to work for her in some capacity. .

    You've met some pretty neat people! I love Amy Grant.........even through all the b.s. that came along with her. Have you heard her newer song, Better Than a Hallelujah? It makes me bust out in tears! I bought the background CD and sang it at a church recently.........very powerful.
    Wynonna did a concert near here recently - I can't say I liked her THAT much before going, but after hearing her in concert? Man, she is freakin' AWESOME!!! I so enjoyed her stories, her music, her voice, her demeanor. What a great performer :)
  • AmyBrenn
    AmyBrenn Posts: 93 Member
    I'm about to shave my head at Union Station in Washington DC with 45 other Mommas to raise awareness and money for pediatric cancer research.

    That will be my claim to fame! :)

    Oh, and I've never met anyone famous...


    September 21st. You can google the 46 Mommas if you'd like. (And I am in no way, shape or form soliciting or asking for donations of any kind)
  • 2Heavy2Long
    2Heavy2Long Posts: 315 Member
    Well, I'm originally from the area that Jersey Shore is filmed.. in fact, the eye doctor they go to is down the street from my parents house and I used to belong to the gym they go to and the tanning salon they go to.

    I work for a broadcasting company and sometimes celebs come in for interviews.. I've met Gilbert Godfried, Joey Fatone (NSYNC), Kate Flannery (Meredith from the Office), Katharine McPhee, Judah Friedlander, Mark Paul Gosellar (Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell), Breckin Meyer, Noah Wyle... can't remember who else off the top of my head!

    Joey Fatone was SUPER nice and laughed at me when I told him i was a huge fan back in the day and saw NSYNC 6th row. Kate Flannery was SO nice and asked me if my office is anything like the tv show and thought it was funny my name was Angela. But probably the nicest was Noah Wyle.. he actually took the time to shake my hand and say hello and said it was really nice to meet me.. SO NICE.

    Gilbert Godfried was a JERK!!!! Ahaha, sometimes people come in and just act like they are too good for everybody.. but others are so polite and nice!

    I also met Mr. Belding from Saved by the Bell, he was kind of a perv. And I literally bumped into Hal Sparks on the street in NY. My friend and I realized who it was and chased after him for blocks.. couldn't reach him though. ha!

    You have met a bunch of real celebs and you lead off with Jersey Shore? :sick:
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    I met Joey Pantoliano ( in a bookstore last year and he gave me tickets to a showing for a documentary.

    Not the coolest story ever, but I'll take it :wink:

    Meeting Joey Pants is VERY cool. I am jealous.