Was I rude?



  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    do you think that was rude of me to have a rejection manner about the drink?
    Pretty much. I value friendship over going out of the way to make a point about my own eating habits. I would have taken a couple of sips, then perhaps dumped it later without her seeing.

    Could have made it clear that you don't want any in the future, with a "Oh wow. I really shouldn't, as I'm trying to stay away from these, but hey -- I'll make an exception today. Thank you!"

    ^^ This
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Why was she watching you drink it? That sounds like sabotoge to me!
    Yeah, that's spooky.
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    Was this person intentionally trying to sabotage your weightloss efforts and sky rocket your sugar through the roof?! How rude of her! That being said ... I probably would've accepted it politely and tossed it when she wasn't looking ... just to be polite. lol!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Honestly, from the scenrio in the OP - you both kind of acted childish.

    Does she know you are dieting? If not, then a simple thank you would suffice and keep it at your work station until she can't see you any longer and dump it.

    If she knew - she just may not be aware that smoothies are high sugar and you could have just mentioned that it would have killed your meal plans for the day. Thanks, but no thanks - not make faces as you drink it.

    For her to react that way - just take it away and dump it with no words - her feelings were obviously hurt but she could have handled it better too.
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I stopped drinking pop entirely, so the other day when I went to the movies with a friend, he asked if I wanted anything and I said no thanks. He bought me a pop anyway. I just told him oh I'm so sorry I stopped drinking pop. He apologized for getting it for me and I apologized, so i wouldn't seem mean about it. We laughed and dropped it. I've known him since we were 6 though. I feel like if you keep saying yes to make someone else happy, you may not know when to draw the line. Gotta draw it somewhere, that's how I got in this mess.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    You could have not drank it at all and told her to give it to someone else who might want it. It probably was a bit annoying for her to see you act like you wanted it, only to have you be pretending and now since you were pretending, she can't very well give it to anyone else. I'd say drink if you're really going to drink at least half of it, otherwise be polite and ask her to see if someone else might want it but thanks for thinking of you.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I think it was weird that she bought you a smoothie without asking if you wanted it. What was her agenda anyway? Also think I was rude of her to dump it. kind of Martyr - ish.

    I made the mistake once of offering starbucks to my group at work, and an outsider took up my offer and order a very expensive drink. Learned my lesson there.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    It depends... I presume you like smoothies or why else would your friend buy you one... then again was this a friend friend or a close friend.

    If I am offered things I neither like nor want, I would thank them for the offer, but politely decline.

    It sounds a bit rude of her that she percieved your hesitant efforts as a rejection and then proceded to take the drink from you and bin it.

    There was a time when I used to bite my tongue, but it's not worth it. You gotta be true to yourself... that's not rude.. that's being honest.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    yes and no. You didn't ask for it, but then if you knew you didn't want it, you could have politely declined before starting to srink on it, so either she could drink it or give it to someone else who might have appreciated it.
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member
    Some people who are not knowledgable in healthy food and weightloss do not realize that a Smoothie from McDonalds is bad. It is marketed as a healthy option. I don't think she was trying to sabotage you. However you could have just accepted it and threw it away when she wasn't looking..

    It was my 1yr anniversary here at my job, a co-worker kindly made cupcakes. I took one, put it on my desk, made an effort to make it look like I ate it, while in reality I tossed it. When people do something special for me or think of me, I in no way want to hurt their feelings if they miss the mark. It honestly is the thought that counts.
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    and I agree ... both wierd and rude for her to sit there and watch you drink it. Proving to me that it was sabotage. WHAT A B*****!!!
  • kevinlynch3
    kevinlynch3 Posts: 287 Member
    Gotta say..I think you were being polite..you were hesitant but you started drinking it and then stopped. You didn't refuse to drink it. Now, that would be rude. Comparing it to smoking cigarettes is not analagous..consuming food is a natural process "for everyone" where breathing in smoke is not "for everyone".

    You did follow the advice that others like Elexgordo gave (good advice), she just didn't allow you to be polite about it.

    Seems like she went out of her way to observe that you stopped drinking it and then she dumped the drink.

    Seems a little rude on her part to me. It wasn't clear whether she said anything to you about you not drinking it. If she did, then she was definitely the one being rude, you were gracious and tried to be polite and not offend your friend.

    If she didn't actually say anything, then maybe you're being a little too sensitive in perceiving it as potentially rude while she might have discounted the whole incident as meaningless.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I think people jump to conclusions so much. The world is not out to get us. In the end regardless of others decisions we are responsible for our own actions. There is a way to do this with tack and grace.

    I would of accepted it and taken a sip, explained that I'm on a new lifestyle goal and that I wasn't blessed with the genetics to be able to drink this. Thank them for thinking of you and then either dump it or sit it there for awhile and talk and chat. Maybe it'd start up a conversation about the changes you are making, maybe the friend felt like someone was being ungrateful and etc.

    Communication and respect is key in all parts. Before I'd jump to the conclusion of sabotage or anything along that lines, I'd talk to the person about it. I think you did this politely, if you are afraid they are hurt by this ask them and communicate!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Why do you feel you weren't polite? I mean, if you didn't feel guilty you wouldn't be posting about it here.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I stopped drinking pop entirely, so the other day when I went to the movies with a friend, he asked if I wanted anything and I said no thanks. He bought me a pop anyway. I just told him oh I'm so sorry I stopped drinking pop. He apologized for getting it for me and I apologized, so i wouldn't seem mean about it. We laughed and dropped it. I've known him since we were 6 though. I feel like if you keep saying yes to make someone else happy, you may not know when to draw the line. Gotta draw it somewhere, that's how I got in this mess.

    "he" pretty much most guys wouldn't get upset and start throwing drinks around. yeah. I went there.
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    Why was she watching you drink it? That sounds like sabotoge to me!
    Yeah, that's spooky.

    Next time she tries something like this, you tell us and we'll take care of her. -wink and smile-

  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I'd say it was like offering a cigarette. I never consume smoothies unless I make them myself, because who knows what's really in them. To scary of a potential caloric disaster in my opinion.
  • goatruns
    Aren't you glad you asked?
  • musicmint
    Why was she watching you drink it? That sounds like sabotoge to me!
    Yeah, that's spooky.

    Yeah she knows I drink nothing but water so I honestly was the one offended....it was nice of her but I was trying not to be rude...in the end she was like "I'll dump it ..drink some water"
    I don't think it was anything personal though on her part..
  • musicmint
    Was this person intentionally trying to sabotage your weightloss efforts and sky rocket your sugar through the roof?! How rude of her! That being said ... I probably would've accepted it politely and tossed it when she wasn't looking ... just to be polite. lol!

    i dont think it was anything personal..nevertheless it did hurt my feelings..however I agree with a previous poster that if it was another food I was crazy about maybe I would have reacted alittle differently....overall though it wasn't a big thing she just said "I'll dump it...go get some water"