


  • livnlite
    Small simple gestures is what does it for me. I don't need expensive bouquets, or gifts to know that he's thinking of me .. I appreciate the 'little' things. I do not associate a price tag on a gift to how much I think he loves me.

    A single rose (to me is just as beautiful and a full bouquet) .. just to say .. "I'm thinking of you". One time, instead of a card he left me a note with a stick figure on it of a stick man holding a flower, handing it to a stick lady with a heart in the middle.

    The silliest simple gestures mean more to me than any fancy smancy gift .. Anyone can make a phone call and have a bouquet of flowers delivered .. I much prefer things like putting out a bowl and a box of cereal on the counter in the morning before he goes to work, knowing I will be in a rush to get going because I start my day off at a dead run. If the box is almost empty, he will save the last of the cereal for me, because he knows if I don't have time, I won't eat.

    He will cover me with a blanket when I have fallen asleep on the couch.
    He will put out his hand for me to touch when I walk by him
    He will take care of me when I am sick
    He will walk up behind me while I am cooking dinner, take me in his arms and just start dancing (sometimes even when there is no music playing on the radio)
    He will just look at me sometimes .. for no particular reason .. and just smile.

    Those things are (at least to me) his way of showing me that he is just simply happy to be with me .. THAT is all I need to know.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Romance...dancing with me anywhere or anytime just because he knows how much I love to dance. The last guy I dated was a farmer and I went with him to check water on the crops. A slow song came on the radio and he turns it up, stops the truck, comes over to my side, opens the door and asks me to dance. So there we are slow dancing in the middle of a field road between soybeans and rice and it just happened to be at sunset.

    He also picked me flowers and arranged them himself instead of ordering them from a florist.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member

    Oooh baby - let me scrub the crock pot for you tonight

    Im not a grand gestures girl. It is the thought that counts. Id rather him write me a quick note. Pick me a flower. Think of me at the store and grab a package of my favorite whatever it is.

    I JUST read above on the dancing part. I have n e v e r had a man dance with me in the kitchen. Id like that. :)
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Romance is when my husband really wants these cool looking after market headlights but gets the new bushings that I want.
  • Krull_the_WarriorKing
    When you find the right person - romance isn't a task. Romance happens on it's own.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Romance is what a guy does to get in a girl's pants. Or dress.

    Let me're under the age of 25?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    When you find the right person - romance isn't a task. Romance happens on it's own.

    I like this.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    know my love for blues and smooth guitar tone, skip the bottle of wine and fancy food for a bottle of patron and let the fun begin :wink:

    Do you have a sister?
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    know my love for blues and smooth guitar tone, skip the bottle of wine and fancy food for a bottle of patron and let the fun begin :wink:

    Do you have a sister?

    Not of legal age... but I'm single :wink:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I don't like things that are planned and drawn out and over-the-top. Sucks for my husband, who's a really romantic guy, but I just don't go for the whole rose petals and chocolates kind of thing. He's always looking for that wowed-to-tears reaction, and he very rarely gets it. It's just not in my nature to be bowled over by a Whitman's Sampler.

    For me, the most romantic gesture is one where he lets me know that he really "gets" me. Like he had the kids custom-design me those Chucks in my profile pic. That melted me pretty well, because I love Chucks and I love when something is made just for me, and I love that the kids had a hand in it.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Options need an old sould for that these days, from what I am told. are correct, Very over done, and they only last a short moment. Essentially, they die WITH the sentiment.

    If a guy is going to swoon his lady, then he need to embelish the every day thoughts and actions. Yes, Dim the lights, burn the candles...add in some single instrument soft jazz or blues. Close off the entry way by whateaver means possible. Greet her at the door, with passionate, thrist quenching kiss like no other. Get her out of her shoes, use a dark slik scarf to blind-fold her as you guide her to a hot bubble bath. The drink of favour is chilled, the chocolate covered strawberries there to feast upon....
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    know my love for blues and smooth guitar tone, skip the bottle of wine and fancy food for a bottle of patron and let the fun begin :wink:

    Do you have a sister?

    Not of legal age... but I'm single :wink:

    How youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu doin'? :drinker:
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    I could lie and say that the traditionally romantic things don't matter to me, but I would like them. However, I am not married to a Cassanova ;) In the first years of our marriage that caused some issues, til I decided to focus on what he IS rather than what he ISN'T.
    These days, 4 kids later? It's (like pp said) scrubbing a pot, bathing a kid, changing that poopy diaper...those are the things that matter. And knowing that when I'm old he'll be right there holding my hand if he has any say in the matter. That's the stuff that matters!
  • Abdoutron
    Romance to me is when two people connect in a supernatural state and can feel each other emotionally and physically. Doing the little things that matter to make him/her happy. Feeling your mate’s thoughts and reflecting, knowing when they need that kiss on the cheek, foot rub, to listen and to just be there for them every single second you are together.
  • sdwelk11
    know my love for blues and smooth guitar tone, skip the bottle of wine and fancy food for a bottle of patron and let the fun begin :wink:

    Do you have a sister?

    Not of legal age... but I'm single :wink:

    How youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu doin'? :drinker:

    love it!!!!!!!! You two are cute!!!!!!!!!! Now thats romance!!!!!!!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    When you find the right person - romance isn't a task. Romance happens on it's own.

    I think this is right on ^^ I hope one day I can find the right person >_<
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member

    How do you define romance?

    When he shows up home from work with a 12 pack of beer because he knows I've had a hard day. That's romance.
  • livnlite
    Options need an old sould for that these days, from what I am told. are correct, Very over done, and they only last a short moment. Essentially, they die WITH the sentiment.

    If a guy is going to swoon his lady, then he need to embelish the every day thoughts and actions. Yes, Dim the lights, burn the candles...add in some single instrument soft jazz or blues. Close off the entry way by whateaver means possible. Greet her at the door, with passionate, thrist quenching kiss like no other. Get her out of her shoes, use a dark slik scarf to blind-fold her as you guide her to a hot bubble bath. The drink of favour is chilled, the chocolate covered strawberries there to feast upon....

    I think you may be missing the point why 'some' guys give their lady flowers (whether it be a bigazz bouquet or a single rose .. It's not because THEY like 'em sooo much ... It because they know their lady likes them so much.. They know it' s pleases their love'd one. It's all about sending a message to someone they love. It's not always about .. "ahhh crap, gotta send the ol' lady flowers .. cause she'll be expecting something for her birthday and ya know what they COST??? I better get some'n tonight!"

    Noooo ... it's not always like THAT!

    Agreed .. yes, most certainly the flower dies .. as it's supposed to .. But the sentiment LIVES and lingers. It's all about intention.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Options need an old sould for that these days, from what I am told. are correct, Very over done, and they only last a short moment. Essentially, they die WITH the sentiment.

    If a guy is going to swoon his lady, then he need to embelish the every day thoughts and actions. Yes, Dim the lights, burn the candles...add in some single instrument soft jazz or blues. Close off the entry way by whateaver means possible. Greet her at the door, with passionate, thrist quenching kiss like no other. Get her out of her shoes, use a dark slik scarf to blind-fold her as you guide her to a hot bubble bath. The drink of favour is chilled, the chocolate covered strawberries there to feast upon....

    I think you may be missing the point why 'some' guys give their lady flowers (whether it be a bigazz bouquet or a single rose .. It's not because THEY like 'em sooo much ... It because they know their lady likes them so much.. They know it' s pleases their love'd one. It's all about sending a message to someone they love. It's not always about .. "ahhh crap, gotta send the ol' lady flowers .. cause she'll be expecting something for her birthday and ya know what they COST??? I better get some'n tonight!"

    Noooo ... it's not always like THAT!

    Agreed .. yes, most certainly the flower dies .. as it's supposed to .. But the sentiment LIVES and lingers. It's all about intention.

    Decent debate, but you have then set the stage for expectation for flowers. Flowers are easy, no thought process, a quick stop, and rarely a meaning...Romance is from the heart, not a simplistic gesture.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I have never been a flower giver. I tend to suprise with gift or event. But I will pick some wild flowers every now and then.