


  • themurph8910
    Hell, yeah! And forgive me if I do a bit of explaining.

    First up, it's just a tool. A website can't lose the weight for you, but it can give you the information you need to use your common sense.

    I love the database and the graphs (but I'm a geeky nerd...)

    I can read, and when it tells me "if every day was like today you'd weigh so much in 5 weeks", I KNOW that's an estimate, not a prediction.

    I'm still accountable for what happens to my body, not some pixels on a screen.

    I don't go into the chit chat section much, so I don't really notice the *kitten* Thursday type stuff. It's very easy to ignore.

    But in the sections on diet and exercise and recipes - the support and advice and suggestions from other users are terrific, really useful and helpful (mostly :wink: ).

    THIS!!! Its up to you and how you use the tools, this site is great to me it makes me want to excersise more and the calorie counting just shows you what you are putting in your body...I have changed my eating habits alot since I started MFP...

    If you don't like it then leave...its as simple as that.
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    this post is full of have several individuals imo bashing a life changing site....and honestly if you dont think this site is helpful, or in that matter harmful...then why in the hell are you sure there are some emo sites around that can coddle your negativity...

    you joined here for a reason..if its not working then dont troll...
  • shannon121278
    I haven't been here long, but it's helping me a lot so far. No a site can not make you lose weight, but being able to track my calories when I didn't pay attention before, has helped me stick to a certain number of calorie intakes, therefore causing me to lose almost 3 pounds in just 4 days time.

    This site is so much easier than writing it out or adding it in your head or so on. It's convenient and helpful to me personally.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    This site forces people to obsess over calories. It's honestly not good.

    Saying MFP makes forces you to obsess over calories is like saying a knife forced you to stab someone or a match forced you to burn down a house. They're all tools. Only you can decide how you use them.

    I could have lost the weight without MFP, but I have no doubt I've done it more quickly and easily with the aid of this site.


    Also, if you say "it wasn't the site, it was the people" or "it wasn't the site, it was the food logging"...then you mean YES it WAS the site , because those things ARE the site, and without the site you wouldn't have done/had those things.

    And if you feel this site "gave you" and eating disorder, or made it worse, then delete now and seek a professional. But for many it has helped then work through it.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    this post is full of have several individuals imo bashing a life changing site....and honestly if you dont think this site is helpful, or in that matter harmful...then why in the hell are you sure there are some emo sites around that can coddle your negativity...

    you joined here for a reason..if its not working then dont troll...

    and THIS!

    I just tried to say it nicer in my first post... but this is what I was aiming for.

    (thanks for telling it like it is)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    ugh...what the heck happened in this thread? seriously...the reality is if you are here and you are not losing there is something you are doing wrong (and I don't mean that in a mean way, because I have had plenty of weeks where I didn't lose because of poor food choices or lack of exercise). That said, using this site has been an integral tool in my weight loss. I had tried one other site that had a crappy food database but this one is amazing for that. I have been on here since April and though I am to be under my calorie goal I do not spend the whole day obsessing about numbers. I have learned to control my portions and make smarter food choices which is what keeps me under. If you are obsessing about numbers you need to delete your account and get to the bottom of your deeper issues with food and your weight. I wish you well.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    This site has absolutely helped me lose weight. It's also helped immensely with my eating disorder. I struggle with bulimia. For me, the best way to avoid binging (which leads to purging) is to be very consistent about making sure I get the right amount of calories in — specifically, making sure I eat enough. Being able to accurately track my food has made me healthier in addition to allowing me to lose 25 to 30 pounds of excess weight that I'd been carrying for three decades (and that no amount of purging helped me lose). If you want to call that "obsessing," then bring on the obsession. I prefer to call it life saving.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    What liquid said.

    But this highlights a reason I wish the moderators would police the pro eating disorder comments and threads better. I was on a different site and the I-eat-500-calories-or-less-and-itt-works-for-m-so-i-demand-your-support BS that happens here would NOT fly on the other site.

    If you're eating right and exercising and hitting calorie goals,kiddos, then you're not losing weight because you're underweight as it is so its time to stop and that your body for being smarter than your brain. And go to a counselor to figure out your power and control issues or whatever is underneath your eating disorder. And stop pissing all over this tool that you aren't using right and isn't meant for you.
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    Yes, this site made me hyperaware about numbers in and out....but that is a good thing bc i was UNAWARE before. Its the best site i have ever found.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    This site has been a huuuge help for me! Now I know what is in the foods I eat. There's nothing better. It's about using this tool to make smart decisions. MFP gives me the power to do that. It's amazing.

    If it's not working for you I would suggest seeing a doctor. Because if fewer calories and more exercise doesn't work there may be something physically wrong with you.

    But if you're trying to blame your lack of weight loss on what other people say on the forum or post as their avatar you're not really concerned about losing weight. Friends and support are nice. But if you're not doing this for you it's not going to work.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    How? eat less exercise more. Don't really need a website to tell ya that.

    If that's you're attitude about it, then why are you on MFP? I'm not being mean or starting any trouble, I'm just curious.

    exactly. lol

    its your own damn fault if you dont like it or it doesnt work.

  • This website is meant to be a GUIDE, it's not a miracle worker. If you don't eat enough/eat too much, it clearly warns you.
    How you use this website is up to you.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    yes - definitely - no excuses