Paleo/Primal Dieters

Are they any Paleo/Primal dieters out there? I've been Paleo for about 18 months now and have been more or less consistent in the application of the dietary and fitness principles in general. I've also lost ~20 lbs in the process and have cured my chronic sinus infections/allergy issues. I'm looking for some like-minded people to exchange ideas and knowledge with.


  • Dee120hb
    I don't eat like that but I'm really curious about it. How long did it take you to get used to that kind of diet. It's pretty strict, isnt it?
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    hi there,it's weird you say about your sinus infections ect i had them probally 5 times a year before i started healthy eating and loosing weight i have not been ill now for nearly 2 yrs! since i started my journey! SNAP! lol

    as for the dieting i'm just healthy eating! soory about that one x
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I've been doing it since April and it has worked out well for me. There are a lot of Paleo/Primal dieters on the forum. Before starting the diet, I had problems with my sinus infections, headaches/allergy, but those are now a bad memory. There have been lots of other benefits with almost eliminating sugar and excising processed food, grains, pasta from my diet. Weight loss is a lot easier on this type of diet.
  • SyreetaJayne1
    I eat very similar to Paleo/Primal, with some exceptions. Almost no grains, very limited amounts of sugar, no processed foods and high fat/protein content. I have lost 29 pounds and have cured a host of issues, including migraines and allergies, and hoping to cure PCOS, as well.
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    I pretty much eat paleo. Lean protein like chicken and fish. I cut the red meat cause I had cholesterol issues but now that is gone and I'm sure this way of eating has helped. Also fresh fruits and veggies, nuts and legumes too. But I have to have my plain fat free Greek yogurt and I am pretty sure that is not considered paleo cause cavemen didn't milk cows. lol I don't eat processed foods either and have recently eliminated eating anything made with any kind of flour. I only eat whole grains occassionally like wheat berries, brown/wild rice, quinoa etc. It has helped me lose weight after a plateau. Is that paleo enough for ya. lol Feel free to friend me:smile:
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I don't eat paleo, though I probably could, considering I went to the store to buy oatmeal and left with steak. (breakfast of champions?) I'm much more likely to crave meat than carbs. The only problems would probably be my greek yogurts and coffee. :p
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    I do something similar and I dont adhere to it strictly ... The Perfect 10 ... Have you heard of it?
  • julieinomaha
    I used to follow South Beach but plateaued. Several trainers at my gym insisted I needed to go Paleo and so I am converting. I have been doing it for about a month with some "allowances". Let's face it you have to make room for some beer and wine. And eating a single piece of pizza a week isn't going to kill you. Overall I am losing weight again and getting very close to my target weight. I think Paleo works and when you follow it true, you do feel so much better. I need to work at expanding my options working within the diet to get more favorites established to stay with it. If you want to friend and share ideas that would be great.

  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    There is a group/thread here:

    I'm mostly Primal, although recently been adding *some* grains... but they are the devil as I've gained weight since adding them back.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Add me in as another one gone Primal / Paleo................
  • egbrooks
    egbrooks Posts: 8 Member
    Great to hear that there are so many primal/paleo dieters on here. If anyone is curious about the diet here are some great resources:

    @XFitMojoMom - thanks for the heads up on the support group.

    Also, to answer an above question, it took me about 2-4 weeks to get comfortable and make the transition with the diet. However, once I did, I noticed huge improvements in energy levels and an overall feeling of well-being.
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    i eat pretty much paleo (except no fruit, well not including tomatos and zuchini and the like)for three days, then on the forth i eat some grains and fruit, then back to meat and veggies

    but i tend to cheat.. :(
  • luscadero
    luscadero Posts: 92 Member
    I'm basically primal, I still eat dairy. I cut all grains except for special occasions or rare cheat days, which usually happens if I go out to a restaurant with an awesome chef. I don't eat any processed foods (argh, hate the argument of what is processed vs. what is not - I'm talking about things that come prepared, packaged, in a box, etc!) or sugars except the very occasional honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar.

    I have PCOS, autoimmune pernicious anemia, heart valve disease, and I am extremely carb/sodium sensitive as far as blood pressure and blood sugar spiking. My heart palpitations and blood sugar problems are pretty much gone, and I'm hoping the PCOS and anemia will go the same route. I have no dietary intolerances or allergies in the digestive sense, but I feel a million times better and have way more energy.
  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 181 Member
    I know a little about this but would like to start doing it because I think it would really help my allergies, asthma and arthritis. I also have a question. The myfitnesspal says I should be on 1200 calories a day to lose weight (I want to lose 15-20 lbs) but I have read that is too low to support the body's nutritional needs? I have been doing this website for a month or so and I often come up a little over on my calories. Help?
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I know a little about this but would like to start doing it because I think it would really help my allergies, asthma and arthritis. I also have a question. The myfitnesspal says I should be on 1200 calories a day to lose weight (I want to lose 15-20 lbs) but I have read that is too low to support the body's nutritional needs? I have been doing this website for a month or so and I often come up a little over on my calories. Help?

    With Paleo / Primal you don't count stick to the allowed foods of fats, protein, vegetables, throw in some fruit and nuts on occasion and dairy if you are tolerant.............
  • carloP90X
    Started Primal this past August and for me IT WORKS!!! If I am super strict with it, I can count on losing 3 lbs. a week. If I don't watch my carbs that are not vegetable based I can easily count on 1 lb. per week. I was at 219 lbs. when I first started and now I am at 205 lbs. I do my best to keep my daily carb intake no higher than 80. Many academics say this is wrong or a plan for failure but if this is so, why am I able to complete my Insanity and P90X workouts without feeling drained? I am not losing muscle mass as many people think because my strength has not diminished. The best part is that I used to have weekly migraines but they seem to be gone. The hardest part was the first 10 days but after that I can actually control my carb appetite and my energy returned.
  • Dee120hb
    I don't know if I could do it. I love cheese, dairy of any kind really, and bread. Maybe I'll try it for a week and see where it takes me.
  • RangerSteve

    With Paleo / Primal you don't count stick to the allowed foods of fats, protein, vegetables, throw in some fruit and nuts on occasion and dairy if you are tolerant.............


    Why wouldn't you count calories on paleo or primal when you otherwise would?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    With Paleo / Primal you don't count stick to the allowed foods of fats, protein, vegetables, throw in some fruit and nuts on occasion and dairy if you are tolerant.............


    Why wouldn't you count calories on paleo or primal when you otherwise would?

    just like with Atkins, there is no need.