Are you prejudiced against skinny or fat people?



  • whatwentwrong
    (btw, someone in that class threw a fit about people calling overweight women "real women"- i wanted to go up to her and ask if she thought i was effing imaginary. still makes me angry -_-)

    Maybe she was tired of her femininity being denigrated because she's thin? I hate the phrase and the whole idea of"real women." Real women have 2 X chromosomes. And sometimes 2 Xs and a Y, some other variations, maybe an X, a Y and a surgery, I don't care. But the saying that "real women have curves," really is and should be taken as an insult to women who are just naturally thin, or have fewer curves because of genetics.They don't have an less intrinsic value as a woman just because they're smaller.

    oh, i definitely agree about the phrase "real women have curves"- real women come in every shape and size. her issue was with overweight women being lumped in with real women like her :P
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    (btw, someone in that class threw a fit about people calling overweight women "real women"- i wanted to go up to her and ask if she thought i was effing imaginary. still makes me angry -_-)

    Maybe she was tired of her femininity being denigrated because she's thin? I hate the phrase and the whole idea of"real women." Real women have 2 X chromosomes. And sometimes 2 Xs and a Y, some other variations, maybe an X, a Y and a surgery, I don't care. But the saying that "real women have curves," really is and should be taken as an insult to women who are just naturally thin, or have fewer curves because of genetics.They don't have an less intrinsic value as a woman just because they're smaller.

    oh, i definitely agree about the phrase "real women have curves"- real women come in every shape and size. her issue was with overweight women being lumped in with real women like her :P

    aahhh. One of those. Just smile and wait till she gets knocked up....
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    thanks for posting this!
    I remember reading a study wherein mental healthcare professionals were shown two pictures of the same woman styled the same way, but one was altered to make her look much fatter (this was controlled in some way, they didn't know of course it was the same woman), and across the board, when asked to make an off-the-cuff set of assumptions about the subject, they projected that the "fat" one was probably depressed, unwell, angry, etc. etc. It was pretty interesting.

    Without taking the test, I feel like I finally arrived in the past decade at a point in life in which, while I can appreciate physical loveliness, I really do not judge at all based upon looks. I think I have now known too many people who are so far from society's ideas of beauty, physically, but who are people I have looked up to so much, as well as too many people fitting high standards of physical beauty who, to me, demonstrate no interesting or admirable traits as humans...and I no longer take my own body for granted (why I'm serious about exercise and diet), having seen too many people get sick and die - I truly hate the way society places value on any looks whatsoever, really (I'm not talking about dressing appropriately for work, school and other social situations, maintaining hygiene and wanting to look nice, personally, by the way - I mean faces, hair, bodies, skin). I define myself through my work, interests, loves, deeds, and I'm mainly interested in these things in other people. If me or my husband lost a limb tomorrow, or were maimed, there would be no question of our fidelity and devotion - we fell in love talking about ideas and we remain in love with each other's minds and hearts. blah blah. People are mean to fat people, quite often categorically. It's stupid and should be abandoned. Unless, of course, the fat person is evil, mean and cruel. In which case, they should just be ignored and avoided, rather than responded to in kind.
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    I'm also prejudiced against people who like Celine Dion, I'd like to add.
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    re: guy in macdonalds - it' is very hard not to be repulsed by disgusting behavior, even if we understand someone is addicted adn feel empathy for them. I'd be as grossed out by watching a junkie shoot up or smoke crack in front of me as watching a dying super-obese person eat tons of junk food. Not just grossed out, sickened from the sadness of it - that's mortality staring you in the face.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    It's not a problem to be biased, because as others have pointed out, everyone has bias. The key is to recognize our bias, and learn how to deal with it in a constructive way rather than treating people badly or differently because of our own issues.

    I don't even have to take the test to know that I'm generally biased against fat people and overly thin people, at least when we're talking about strangers. But I've also known and loved people from all points on the spectrum from skeletal to obese. I try not to let my biases keep me from getting to know people on an individual level, even though I may have an initial knee-jerk reaction to their outward appearance.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I got moderate preference towards thin people.

    But I'm willing to bet if it was very overweight vs average-sized vs very thin, I'd end up with average sized, even when "average" tends towards slightly overweight. I'm not a fan of either extreme. I'm a rabid moderate!!! :laugh:
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Haha I did the race one... apparently I prefer (in order most to least) Asians, Hispanics, Whites, Blacks. I would desccribe myself as white. Wonder what that means?

    I also have a preference for furniture to money... odd. and of values to money.

    I didn't get the fat/thin one... bummer.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    how do you get the fat/thin one? i've taken 4 and none of them have been about weight. one was race, one caring vs. earning, another about fair vs biased, i wasn't sure what woudl come up next so i just stopped
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    how did you get that test? I got all kinds of random ones. Like I assoc the government with bad (big surpise there)
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I'm definately a little prejudiced against obese people, if they are very obviously indulging in lazy behaviour or WAY too much food. The phrase "fatties are gonna fat" always comes to mind. I'm sure they are nice people but they are hurting themselves and being a drain on the health system because of lethargy and lack of willpower. I guess some obese people are happy with their weight of course, but they really shouldn't be...
  • PatientBearTiger
    I am not prejudiced against fat OR skinny people. Turns out, I'm prejudiced against stupid people.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I am not prejudiced against fat OR skinny people. Turns out, I'm prejudiced against stupid people.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for Thin People compared to Fat People.

    I really didn't expect that. Maybe because I get so much grief from people of size, "Damn...don't you ever eat?", or "Eat a burger!", but I chalk that up to people just being sh itbirds.
    I also took the age preference..and I prefer middle aged people and older people vs young people or kids. Maybe cuz my bf is 17 years older than me? Who knows...but pretty interesting.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Gonna take the survery, will post results, but everyone has the beautiful person syndrome, where we are more likely to trust beautiful people, just the same distrust ugly people
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Long but cool survey imo
  • aimibean
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I think since losing this weight im not prejudice as such...but i do find myself thinking "wow, get some exercise and watch your calories dude" when i see said really obese person...

    Then i immediately catch myself, and think "Hold on...that was YOU 5 months ago..." Then i feel bad, as i feel lucky that my brain has actually clicked, and now understands. I hope theirs does soon :(
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    As far as the age one...
    Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between Young and Old.

    I had older parents, and I'm the youngest of 6 kids. So I grew up feeling like a peer to both my older siblings, who are 5-16 years older than me, and a peer to my first batch of nieces, who are 9-19 years younger than me. My group of friends are anywhere between 20 and 60 years old.

    Or maybe it's because I myself am halfway between young and old. :laugh:
  • Dandersonjr32
    I'm prejudiced against people who like Celine Dion :-)

    Add Justin Bieber and Twilight to that list.

    I didn't take it, but I know I am. It's a human nature / genetic thing. I know I automatically associate obesity with laziness, apathy, self indulgence and entitlement. The big question is, am I wrong?

    Stereotypes exist, as the genius George Carlin pointed out, because a large portion of that demographic displays that behavior. Stereotypes come from somewhere. There are negative connotations that are associated with obesity because you have to exhibit some of those negative behaviors to become obese in the first place.

    I know, I was obese and I'm finding myself rocketing back toward it.