Step into the New Year Challenge



  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    These are the members so far. Please get to know each other as they can be there to support you and push you when you need it.


    5 more spots are open
  • sixxbaby
    Hi all feel free to add me as a friend if you are doing this challenge, oh and my name is Shannon
  • FitJ1210
    Erica Does the mileage count for only walking/ running?

    How about biking... elliptical.... swimming?
  • miracleminded1
    Hi! I would like to join this challenge!!

    I am just getting going on exercise I'm choosing option # 1.

    Hello everyone!!

    Oh, and my starting weight as of today is 169. Or do you want our starting weights as of the 26th?

    That day is a good one for me to's my birthday!! :)
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Jorden I'm going to say just walking/running. I suggest using a pedometer as well.

    Welcome Miracleminded1

    We can all weigh in on the 25th. :)
  • FitJ1210
    That sounds fine Erica... just wanted to clarify. :smile:
  • miracleminded1
    I've started to practice my walking this week! I can do 3 miles on my lunches if I take all my breaks together for a total of an hour. I am also using a site that I can plan a route out so I know the distance of my walks/runs. If you're interested, it's called mapmyrun. There are options on it tho for running, walking, bicycling, hiking, etc.... And when the weather turns poor I can just go downstairs to the exercise room and use the treadmill.

    Anyway, I made a map of a route for today that will include taking me by a nearby by grocery store on my way back to work because I need to pick up something for my daughter and it will save me the stop after work.

    When I looked to see how far I walked yesterday it was at 3 miles, almost exactly. I had taken off and set my alarm on my phone for the halfway point...I walked away from work for half the time, then back to work for the other half. I was wearing my boots tho, which I'll make sure not to do again! The blisters on my feet will remind me! I might be able to go further with my sneakers on. I'm sure over time I will be able to also as I get more conditioned.

    I have also finally gotten a walking/running program that I was waiting for - it arrived yesterday. I will plan on starting that on Monday to give me time to read the info before putting it into practice.

    Getting geared up for this!!
  • FitJ1210
    miraclemined1 Looks like your setting yourself.. up for SUCCESS! :smile:

    I was thinking I bit off more than I could handle with the 30 miles a week. But my aim is for 10k steps a day now thats around 4 miles a day.... 28 miles a week its not much more.

    Does anyone do WATP dvd's?
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    I would love to join this challenge

    Name: Crystal
    SW: 209.5 lbs
    Walking option: #4
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Yay Miracleminded1 you are definitely getting geared up for success and I am looking forward to doing this with all of you!! I love using the google app on my phone for walking running. Tells you how fast you're going, your times/distance, elevation. I LOVE IT!!! lol

    Crystal we would love to have you in this challenge. We will weight in next Sunday and the challenge will begin Monday. :)
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Thanks looking forward to this
  • tammierich
    Hi All

    I am really enjoying the challenge but due to a change in work committments for the next few months I think I will struggle to do option 3. I will manage it this week but as from next week I will only be able to do option 2. Am I able to change this or shall I just do a forfeit every week?

    Loving the challenge

  • miracleminded1
    Hi All

    I am really enjoying the challenge but due to a change in work committments for the next few months I think I will struggle to do option 3. I will manage it this week but as from next week I will only be able to do option 2. Am I able to change this or shall I just do a forfeit every week?

    Loving the challenge


    This challenge doesn't start until Monday, September 26th, so I don't see why you can't change your option! :)
  • tammierich
    Opps I really need to pay more attention. I started this week.
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    Yep you are definitely able to change. I will put you down as option number 2. Thanks for letting me know. :)
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    Am I in time to join in?

    If so . . .

    Name: Julie
    SW: 218 lbs
    Walking option: #3
  • FitJ1210
    Opps I really need to pay more attention. I started this week.

    Your just practicing for the real thing :smile:
  • FitJ1210
    Hi jellybelly and Julie!
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    No Julie you are definitely not to late. So glad to have you. :)
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    Yay! A long term challenge is just what I need, happy to be aboard :wink: