Bombshell Betty's Round 2



  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Why did i think we were checking in on monday? man i am soo confused.. :*( Is it too late to give you my measurements ??

    go ahead..probably the last round was Mondays...
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Hi everyone! We are starting wk 2 and vold94 and I have exercise this week. We wanted to focus on abs so here is our exercise challenge for the week (abdnominal crunch on ball, pike on ball, and planks):


    Abnominal crunch on ball:

    How to:
    1. Lie on the ball, positioning it under the lower back.
    2. Cross your arms over the chest or place them behind your head.
    3. Contract your abs to lift your torso off the ball, pulling the bottom of your ribcage down toward your hips.
    4. As you curl up, keep the ball stable (i.e., the ball shouldn't roll).
    5. Lower back down, getting a stretch in the abs, and repeat for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.


    Pike on ball for upper/lower abs:

    Here's How:
    1. Take a plank position on the ball. The ball is under your thighs. Your legs are extended straight behind you. Your shoulders are rotated back and down, away from your ears. Take a moment to find a place of true stability. Just like in plank on the floor, your abs are lifted and your body is in a long line. You will need to engage your legs and butt, hugging them to your midline for stability.
    2. Walk yourself forward on your hands so that the ball is under your knees or the tops of your shins. You will need to play with this yourself to find the right distance to get to a pike. The further forward you go the higher your pike will be, but you will also be less stable so work up gradually. Inhale
    3. Exhale: In one smooth, flowing motion, use your abdominal muscles to pull your hips up into a pike position (see fig. 1). The ball will roll under your legs to be closer to your ankles. Keep your chest wide and your shoulders down so there is a lot of distance between shoulders and ears. Go slow -- monitor your balance. *Do not go too far forward, you could tumble to the front. Hold on in your abs.
    4. Inhale: Use abdominal control to return to the plank position.
    Repeat 3 to 6 times.



    How to:

    1.Lie face down on mat resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor.
    2.Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows.
    3.Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels.
    4.Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle.
    5.Hold for 20 to 60 seconds, lower and repeat for 3-5 reps.


    HAVE A GREAT WEEK and let's continue to encourage each other!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    It must be another double challenge week, because I'm down for the week 2 exercise also. Here's mine:


    I’ve chosen rather simple exercises that can be performed in a chair at work, at home, or wherever you can sneak it in. The upper body exercise may also be performed while standing. I’ve started doing these during my lunch break at school. Both exercises can be completed in less than 8 minutes. I allow 20 seconds to rest between switching arms/legs. Being easily distracted, I always start when the second hand is on 12, track 100 seconds, then wait for the second hand to get back to 12 before starting the next round.

    UPPER BODY: Bounce and Circle
    Sit or stand with your left arm extended in front of your body (palm down) and your right arm extended to your right side (palm up). For 100 seconds, slightly bounce your left arm up and down while making small circles with your right arm. Rest for a few seconds (20 sec. for me), then repeat by extending your right arm in front and bouncing it, and extending your left arm to your side and making circles. Remember to sit up straight and keep your core muscles taut.

    LOWER BODY: Seated Single Leg Lifts
    Sit straight in your chair, core taut, and extend your left leg. Keeping your leg straight, slightly bounce your left leg for 100 seconds. After resting for a few seconds (again 20 sec. for me) repeat the exercise with your right leg. If there’s not gum under the chair, I recommend holding the edge of the seat.

    This is a fun site with a lot of quick, but effective, exercises. One of my favorites is the workout in bed. (No, it doesn’t require a partner and has nothing to do with sex. Sorry. Click the Quickie Workouts tab to find it.)
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Just recorded my weight for this wk and sent it in. I had a HORRIBLE week in both nutrition and exercise. I wasn't doing well emotionally and that affected everything. I am starting fresh though on Monday and will lose the 5 lbs that I gained. GRRR

    You can do it! That is probably because your hubby was gone for the past 11 days, you missed him so that will affect your emotional balance which will affect you physical being. Now that he's home, I'm sure you'll bounce back!
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    I am having some serious issues with my eating, doing good with exercising. I'm not sure what to do, but I need to get my head out of my a** and get moving or i'm never going to change. not sure exactly what to do, I did start with a personal trainer yesterday, but like I said I'm not having problems with the workouts, I just can't get control of my eating. Part of the problem is this week I"m dealing with TOM. I was doing a 13 day carb cleanse, by not eating any bread, pasta, potatoes, sweets, then on day 6 we were celebrating my hubby's birthday so I decided I should be able to eat the meal and cake. Well guess what, that was the end of the cleanse for me. I lost 9 pounds in 5 days too. I guess the only thing that really works for me is to give that stuff up, but my problem with that is, I usually make it a couple weeks then crack and binge! So does anybody have any ideas for me?
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    just got back from vacation... I will need to play catchup here.
    On a good note, I was in Disney, ate whatever I wanted & actually came back lighter than I was when I left. AMAZING.
    Anyway, I will read through all the posts... don't want to miss anything
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Vold94 - Grab some water or veggies--anything low carb--until your body adjusts. Just like with cutting down on sweets/chocolate, your body adjusts. I like chocolate, but I've reached the point where more than a couple of bites makes me feel flushed and weird. I tried to eat a whole slice of key lime pie the other night to boost my calories (I know, bad choice), but I only ate half before I had to put it away because it was just too sweet. A couple of months ago, I could have eaten the whole thing. It takes a little time for your body to catch on, but not as much time as you would expect. Of course, the second part is listening to your mind/body, rather than pressing on with the food before you. Eating slowly, and stopping when the hunger stops, helps, too. Lastly, don't let yourself get too hungry before you eat something (healthy). Next time, instead of having a whole meal and slice of cake, eat a couple of bites of the bad stuff along with plenty of "good for you "stuff. It's a training/learning process. Expect to fail now and then, 'cause that's how we learn. Good luck! You can work through this!

    Bombshells: Regarding the 2nd week challenges, am I overlooking the 2nd week nutrition and mind/body challenges? I've been looking, but don't see them.
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    They weren't ever posted.
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Thank you LoveStep22, I'll definitely take that into consideration. I know it's going to take some time before I master this, but I'm not giving up. It means too much to me!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    I am very proud of all you gals :) I think we got a good group here and we give MFP a more personal side then just numbers. Thank you all for participating and being my friends.
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    Just checked-in for week 2:) Had a much better week this week! Sorry i haven't been on the forum much just had a few busy weeks, i have been doing the challenges though and have loved them:) Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • ladycomix
    Week 3 mind/body challenge.

    While jogging today I struggled..not physically, but mentally. Every 1/4 mile was a bargain with myself...I CAN do this..versus the old voices in my head telling me I can't run 5k yet...I'm still obese for goodness sake...who runs a 5k in the shape I'm in?

    After battling back my own mind, I finished my 5k in 37 minutes.

    This started me often do I stop something, or not even attempt a new challenge because of that small voice, that fear of failure and self doubt. The challenge this week is to learn to recognize the vestiges of the old you planting doubt - and start learning to overcome them. Think about what you're letting stop you from trying new challenges.

  • tatabanana
    Love the week 3 challenge so far!! So true! Thanks!
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    good challenges this week ladies.
  • KimberlyBryant
    KimberlyBryant Posts: 31 Member
    Week 3 nutrition
    Although it might seem that standing to eat would burn more calories, sitting to eat makes you feel full faster. Week 3’s nutrition challenge is broken up into 3 categories:
    1) Location, location, location! : If you are an eating on the fly I challenge you to have at least one meal ( preferably dinner) every day at the dining table. By doing so you sit down to actually enjoy your meal. How often do we shovel something in to our mouths without really tasting the food? I think its time to start enjoying the food we eat.
    2) Behavior: How long does it take you to finish your meal? 5 min? 10 mins? This part of our challenge is to SLOW down. Eating your meal should take you 20 mins. This is the average time it takes for your stomach to signal to your brain that you are full. By slowing down we also don’t actually taste your food. How often do we shovel something in to our mouths without really tasting the food? I think it’s time to start enjoying the food we eat.
    3) Quality Vs quantity: yes a LARGE order of fries sounds good. A large slice of pizza or even a large slice of that lasagna sounds oh so yummy. But after the 4th bite do you really enjoy it as much as the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd? This part of the challenge is to use a smaller plate and quality ingredients. Using a smaller plate tricks your eyes into thinking your getting a LARGE portions when in reality you are getting an appropriate portion of your meal. Try filling your plate with high quality foods. I challenge you to make at least one meal this week that you have never tried before from scratch! . It might be a exotic vegetable or fruit. Some fish or an ethnic dish you heard about. If you learn to enjoy cooking we are more likely to enjoy the food we eat.

    Remember Food is something to actually be ENJOYED!
  • ladycomix
    ladycomix Posts: 104
    Week 3 nutrition
    Although it might seem that standing to eat would burn more calories, sitting to eat makes you feel full faster. Week 3’s nutrition challenge is broken up into 3 categories:
    1) Location, location, location! : If you are an eating on the fly I challenge you to have at least one meal ( preferably dinner) every day at the dining table. By doing so you sit down to actually enjoy your meal. How often do we shovel something in to our mouths without really tasting the food? I think its time to start enjoying the food we eat.
    2) Behavior: How long does it take you to finish your meal? 5 min? 10 mins? This part of our challenge is to SLOW down. Eating your meal should take you 20 mins. This is the average time it takes for your stomach to signal to your brain that you are full. By slowing down we also don’t actually taste your food. How often do we shovel something in to our mouths without really tasting the food? I think it’s time to start enjoying the food we eat.
    3) Quality Vs quantity: yes a LARGE order of fries sounds good. A large slice of pizza or even a large slice of that lasagna sounds oh so yummy. But after the 4th bite do you really enjoy it as much as the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd? This part of the challenge is to use a smaller plate and quality ingredients. Using a smaller plate tricks your eyes into thinking your getting a LARGE portions when in reality you are getting an appropriate portion of your meal. Try filling your plate with high quality foods. I challenge you to make at least one meal this week that you have never tried before from scratch! . It might be a exotic vegetable or fruit. Some fish or an ethnic dish you heard about. If you learn to enjoy cooking we are more likely to enjoy the food we eat.

    Remember Food is something to actually be ENJOYED!

    As I sit here eating breakfast at my desk *grin* I think this is challenge made especially for me. Great one Kimberly~
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    Weigh in today, and I stayed the same, which is now the 3rd week in a row. Really demotivating, I've been grumpy all day because of it. Not sure what to try next, I guess I just keep plugging away.

    I was supposed to post a mind/body challenge this week, but it's a double week and the one already posted seems to cover it all. I have an idea, but I'll save it for next month :-)
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    No new challenges this week?