Sexy in Six ***Closed Group*** Week 5!



  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Friday QOTD: Definitely motivation and accountability. Even though I had crappy internet access last week when I was in Philly, I still ate better and exercised more than I would have if I hadn't had this challenge. I still gained weight (I think most of it has been water since I was low-carbing before and then started eating carbs), which was really annoying. Normally that type of situation would have caused me to derail entirely, but instead I got right back on the wagon this week and am back to losing!
  • almille
    Bonus question because I wanna chat:

    What are your plans for the weekend?

    I've finally got a weekend staying home, so I'm looking forward to going to the beach, playing tennis and disc golf with my fiance!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    For me, it's a lot harder to quit if I'm running a challenge. Over the last few weeks, I've had days where I get discouraged and wanna walk away from MFP without a second glance. But I know I have 30+ awesome women who are counting on me to keep them going. (Plus I'm scared of kimi131....if I walked away, she'd blow up my phone and yell at me... :frown: )

    I've really enjoyed making new friends that I otherwise would never have known. You all are some of the sweetest, most genuine and encouraging women I've had the pleasure to know.

    Okay, enough with that sap. Almille, I'm not sure what I'm doing this weekend. My husband works all day Sat so it'll be me and the baby hanging out. Sunday he's off work, so I think we're gonna do something but I've got NO clue what. (Unless it's playing a pickup game of --fill in the sport-- he isn't interested in getting up to do anything. I've been nagging him to take our daughter to the FREE zoo in DC, but he's a party pooper. I'm not tackling the Metro with a 2 y/o alone!!!)
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    That sounds like fun, almille! My DH is out of town tonight and tomorrow, so I'll be juggling babies. :)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I have noticed that my motivation has increased (with the exception of this week...bleh) and I feel like I have real support from real people who understand! That means sooo much to me!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Motivation is definitely up. I feel very connected to Team Purple - in fact, I'm sad we are nearing the end.....

    I have been surprised at how inspirational my 'digital/virtual' friends can be......fascinating.

    And this weekend? Sadly, I have to go into work, clean the house, sort out meals for the week ahead. And lastly, but by no means least, I have to find a birthday present for my son who is turning 24. Any ideas?!!!
  • Magic_Girl
    Tuesday QOTD : What are some ways that you can reward yourself if you have reached a goal or simply had a good week?

    Love this question~ Well when I got out of the 140's I got a haircut (but I wasn't planning on having that as my reward lol) Doesn't matter anyway cuz I'm back at 140 :(
    When I reach my healthy weight of 136 then I'm going to get bangs :)
    When I reach 130 I'm getting SOME new clothes or maybe shoes :)
    When I reach my ultimate goal of 120 then I'm going to get a whole new wardrobe AND a pedicure (never had one before!)

    THURSDAY: Do what friends/family say about you (and it doesn't just have to be about your weightloss... it can be any comment about you as a person...negative/positive) affect how you lose? If so, why? And if it affects it negatively, how do you overcome their comments?

    I've been getting more compliments now, but before it did bother me and put me down a lot. I'm still chubby, but everyone says I look HEALTHY so I'm happy. However, my mom does make certain comments about my butt....apparently my butt is so big that I have what she calls a "bump" on my lower back, it's just because I carry more weight lower body and I told her it would go away once I lose weight, but she thinks I need SURGERY to remove it! I just ignore it and keep doing what I'm doing :)

    Fridays Question: Since you have joined this challenge what are some positive changes you have noticed?

    I have been more motivated since joining this challenge!!!! My motivation has gone up like 1000000% since joining this group! I know I'm less likely to give up because I don't want to let my team down. When I do bad one week, I work even harder the next week to make up for it. I can't imagine doing MFP without this challenge, it's too much fun! :D
  • Magic_Girl
    Bonus question because I wanna chat:

    What are your plans for the weekend?

    I've finally got a weekend staying home, so I'm looking forward to going to the beach, playing tennis and disc golf with my fiance!

    LOVE IT!!!! Aww I wish my boyfriend would go to the beach with me, he hates it! lol

    I'm going to UNIVERSAL STUDIOS AND ISLANDS OF ADVENTURE tomorrow!!!! I'm finally going to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!! It looks so AWESOME!!! I am stoked!!! :D
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    hhmmm i may stick to netflix all weekend and start the ghost whisperer series. i finished medium and loved it.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Fridays Question: Since you have joined this challenge what are some positive changes you have noticed?

    It definitely has me more motivated to workout and keeps me more accountable.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Bonus question because I wanna chat:

    What are your plans for the weekend?

    My boyfriend is coming over in a bit. We're going to have an actual date night :love: . And tomorrow he is going to have his daughter for the day :heart: . Good weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    No real plans for the weekend, hoping to return to work on Monday after the surgery on my hand. But, since I actually had a loss this week, now I think I will spend some of my time actually planning for more success ths week, checking out some new recipes, planning meals and scheduling my workouts. Not overly exciting but I'm hoping the loss that I experience this upcoming week will be exciting lol
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    LOVE LOVE the bonus question! I'm going to blab because I"m so excited about everything that's going on! This weekend I'm DETERMINED to stick to it through the weekend I want a big loss next week - Under 150 for the first time in my adult life. I ran 20 minutes with out stopping this morning for the first time (week 5 couch to 5k) calculated it was about a mile and a half. THEN had a photoshoot for some sale horses for a website - I RODE MY BUTT OFF - after NOT enough breakfast , so I stopped at McDonalds (terrible I know, but only had 1/2 a mcmuffin and I'm skipping lunch, but choices were limited and i needed some protein after the workout I had this morning) then I was SO exhausted after the run and the ride that I came home for a nap before a website meeting then a volunteer's party for a horse show I"m in tomorrow that a benefit for the Alzheimer's Association PHEW.

    All in all I'm working all weekend but exciting fun stuff - the hubs in kayaking for the weekend - our first apart since we got hitched Miss him much but I'm glad to be busy!!!

  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Wow Laura you are a busy bee this weekend! (no time for snacking for sure lol) Have fun!
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    I've got work today (Sunday)...well, a self imposed exile in the office cos I've got loads to finish before my magazine goes off to print. The upside of it is that I'm away from all the weekend temptations that I just know my family is putting together, and so I get to save my calories for the Pizza Party at a friend's place later....

    Woohoo! I've missed pizza and KFC!!! But don't worry, I'm not about to lose my mind when I get there. :P haha....
  • NicholeAJ
    Fridays Question: Since you have joined this challenge what are some positive changes you have noticed?

    I feel so much better about myself I actually want to volunteer and get out of the house!