

  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I work in an optical office, along the lines of Peal Vision. I wonder what I could get into, I was always big into pranks at my last office job. I'm loving all these ideas!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Switch their mouse controls from right hand to left handed. lol I do this cause i am left handed, and I never fail to laugh as my husband gets irritated trying to figure out what is wrong.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I work in an optical office, along the lines of Peal Vision. I wonder what I could get into, I was always big into pranks at my last office job. I'm loving all these ideas!
    Do you get boxes and trays of jobs in? I used to work at lens crafters and my favorite things to do, were to put all the stuff in the boxes away and than leave them stacked up and looking like no one put anything away. Also would run jobs and than leave all the trays with the customer info in them, like I just didn't bother to check them in. Putting some grease on the lensometer is a barrel of laughs too..especially if they are wearing safety specs. lol
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    bubble wrap everything (or their car)

    rearrange one or two keys on the keyboard (for the less experienced typers who have to look for keys)

    bucket of water above a slightly open door

    save rude pictures as their desktop background (or pictures of another co-workers other half)

    switch their desks with someone elses

    rearrange the office completely (put everything on the opposite side)

    ask a newbie to get Dyson vacuum bags (all Dysons are bagless)

    hide their stationery

    Thanks all i can think of for now.
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I work in an optical office, along the lines of Peal Vision. I wonder what I could get into, I was always big into pranks at my last office job. I'm loving all these ideas!
    Do you get boxes and trays of jobs in? I used to work at lens crafters and my favorite things to do, were to put all the stuff in the boxes away and than leave them stacked up and looking like no one put anything away. Also would run jobs and than leave all the trays with the customer info in them, like I just didn't bother to check them in. Putting some grease on the lensometer is a barrel of laughs too..especially if they are wearing safety specs. lol

    Muahahaha, the lensometer thing is great. I'll have to try that!