Scales-----Digital or not??



  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    I got this one and really like it. Omron Full Body Sensor Body Fat and Body Composition Monitor. Kind of pricy but worth it. (Well, I had a gift card...)

    MUCH more accurate than my old analog scale. I can't make this digital one go down a pound just by shifting how I am standing on it.

    The weight seems very accurate (checked against the doctor's office scale). I rarely use the body fat and other measurements, but like that those are calculated using both feet and a hand unit for more accuracy than just feet.
  • anneke123456
    I had 2 mechanical ones and they bounce about so went to look digital and all the ones in argos reviews say inaccurate? I dont know what mack to get I want an accurate reading to.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    I have a digital , remembers my weight and tells me how much I lose ( or gain ) when I stand on it , has a few weight memorys on it ( I weighed my cat once lol) and was cheap from walmart
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I use a package weighing scale, its digital, with a wireless display. If you have any questions, send me a pm.. Its EXTREMELY accurate
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I have a digital scale, so much more accurate. My doctor has an old type scale that doesn't weigh up to as heavy as I am, so he just guesstimates by how far past the last marker the dial goes to - :(

    I actually took my scales in a few months ago to prove to him that I wasn't as heavy as the weight he was recording me as - almost 7kg difference in fact!!!!
  • sharonus
    Definitely digital. It's important for me to know if my weight is [whatever].9 or [whatever].2! :) I also don't tend to have my contacts on in the morning, and with the scale I have I can get off and crouch down to see the weight. It stays on the display for a few seconds after I get off.

    I bought mine at Costco and it was only about $10. Such a deal!