how often do you have a "cheat" day/meal?



  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member

    But surely you have to treat yourself every now and then? Life is for living not for deprivation!

    I let my hair down once a week, it's not a sin. You have to reward yourself, you only live once.

    I love naughty foods so looking forward to my treat is like a huge motivational kick up the backside which i sometimes need.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I don't consider having a treat a "cheat". This is a long term life style change. It has to be sustainable. If I was really strict on myself I would never last. I would just fall off the wagon, give up, and gain it all back.

    I couldnt agree more, well said.
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I don't really think of it as "cheating" because it's just how I eat, but about once a week I go over my calories by 500-1000. I could probably up my daily calories by a bit and never go over, but I prefer to eat a bit less all week and just know that I don't have to worry too much when I go out to dinner and go over on a Saturday.
  • TraceyDonna
    Once a week... and I cheat heavily without feeling guilty. I still lose the pounds I want to lose, I just avoid the scale the day after. ;o)

    i agree! the weekend i "cheated" i actually lost the following week.

    Ditto! I ALWAYS lose more that week after I've had something naughty that weekend! :D

    Ditto Ditto Ditto!!! Weekends are my glass of vino time, and cheat food if I wish. I enjoy it immensely and, if anything, it sort of makes me try harder the following week x
  • dieseljay74
    I have one roughly once a week or every other. It spikes my weight the next day but by a few days later i am usually a pound or two below my weight before the cheat day.
    Plus, I have read numerous articles stating it helps muscle retention as well as building to spike your calories occasionally.
    I feel it is a major player in my ability to have been dropping body fat without losing muscle....strength has actualy been going up while waist size is going down....perfect scenario right?
  • mommawonder
    I have decided that lunch every Sunday is an "off meal" because we always go out for lunch with my parents after church. It's a special time for me, and I'm going to continue to enjoy it to its fullest. I still track on "off" meals to hold myself accountable. But I don't see any happiness in a 100% strict diet. I have also decided that "special occasions" such as a family member's birthday or a holiday will allow a lenient meal. That'd just how its going to be. Funny enough, my first day tracking was my father-in-law's birthday dinner...and I was 200 calories over that night. Life happens and I believe I will still be successful. I lost 50 lbs 4 years ago by simple watching what I ate, I didn't track anything...I didn't even have any strict goals or guidelines. I was just careful & I splurged whenever I saw fit. I lost 50 lbs in about 6 months and I didn't gain any of it back until I got pregnant!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I don't really have a set day per month or anything like that. I am saving my calories this week for the bama game this weekend so I guess technically, it is really not a cheat at all. That is how I usually handle it though. If I know something is coming up (girls night, bama game, etc) then I will leave myself an extra 100 calories or so each day to make up for it. I do NOT go crazy and eat thousands of calories but in case I eat more than normal, I've already "budgeted" for it earlier in the week.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I don't build one into my schedule but acknowledge every once in a while I need to just let loose and eat what sounds good without regard for nutrients. I probably average 1 such meal every month. There are people who have one cheat meal/week but I don't think I eat well enough during the week to do that. Many days I go over my calories by 50-100 cal. and if I do that for 7 days, PLUS add a 2000 cal splurge once a week, I won't lose at a rate I'm happy with.
  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    I used to have them 1-2x per week, but that stalled my weight loss, of course. Now, I don't plan them. I stick to my 5 meals per day, and if I am out and I want something, I only have an oz or 2 of whatever it is, stay under calories, and ensure I have a group to share it with. I tried that for the first time this past weekend, and the scale was nice to me.
  • polar135
    polar135 Posts: 319 Member
    I dont cheat, but plan my harder workouts when i now i have stuff going on, (Drinking beer, eatting out) to try to offset the day i dont stay on track.

    Just cause i am healthy doesnt mean i cant enjoy the finer things. (just not every day like i use to)
  • satoshieyes
    I planned out my one cheating day since the beginning of my diet, 10 more pounds and I'm eating a huge burger that wonderful day after running off 800 calories...
  • Braidon98
    1-4 times a month. Helps me stay mentally sane as before i made the mistake of thinking "no more pizza ever again" and it came to the point where I was going crazy over living off of the basic protein, carb, and fat sources. As long as your pretty active, a cheat day won't hurt.