January 2012 25 pound Challenge **Weigh In**



  • Steffi330
    Steffi330 Posts: 110 Member
    I gained several pounds this week due to Christmas and my focus on home projects. While I've lost a few pounds since the beginning of this challenge, I haven't done a very good job. I've thought a lot about where I'm at - 45# gone, but with only 10# or so in the past year. The rest was lost in the year before. I've increased my running dramatically, though, and that was my priority. I haven't found a balance yet between eating right/enough to feel energized for running and keeping it under control to drop the pounds. I've done well for short periods of time, but it's not intuitive at all.

    I feel like I need to refocus, appreciate what I've done so far, but stop giving myself so much credit for it. After all, I still have another 40# to go just to get into a 'healthy' range. So, that's what I'm doing. I'm starting over, pretending I've never weighed more than I do now, and focusing on getting rid of these 40#+ in the next year. I know why I'm still carrying it around and it's been with me a long, long time. Now, it's time to go and I'm ready for it!

    I wish you all the best at hitting your 25# on this challenge!
    Way to be honest with yourself!! That's the first step to success! You can do this! We will continue this journey together!
  • lotuslion
    Sorry I missed last week - we were out of state visiting family and without Internet connection for a large part of the trip.

    Weight today (12/27): 209

    I gained a pound, but given how the last couple weeks have gone (in addition to holiday craziness, the traveling and other stuff, including a very sick family member), I'm not overly concerned about it.
  • simkat
    simkat Posts: 72
    I gained several pounds this week due to Christmas and my focus on home projects. While I've lost a few pounds since the beginning of this challenge, I haven't done a very good job. I've thought a lot about where I'm at - 45# gone, but with only 10# or so in the past year. The rest was lost in the year before. I've increased my running dramatically, though, and that was my priority. I haven't found a balance yet between eating right/enough to feel energized for running and keeping it under control to drop the pounds. I've done well for short periods of time, but it's not intuitive at all.

    I feel like I need to refocus, appreciate what I've done so far, but stop giving myself so much credit for it. After all, I still have another 40# to go just to get into a 'healthy' range. So, that's what I'm doing. I'm starting over, pretending I've never weighed more than I do now, and focusing on getting rid of these 40#+ in the next year. I know why I'm still carrying it around and it's been with me a long, long time. Now, it's time to go and I'm ready for it!

    I wish you all the best at hitting your 25# on this challenge!
    Way to be honest with yourself!! That's the first step to success! You can do this! We will continue this journey together!

    Thanks, Steffi!
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Sorry I'm late in posting my weight this week. I was 248 on Monday. Up a pound. :(
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    My boobs are starting to look deflated :( i'm so sad. i've always had nice boobs! Skin is getting loose, and yucky looking. I love being smaller and fitting into smaller clothes. But looking in the mirror naked makes me want to cry. Because I know I'll be just as unhappy with the way I look as I was before, the only difference is I'm smaller, but still want to gag!!
    Alisha, Change your mindset! For one your beautiful on the inside and your getting healthier and stronger and will be able to do things with your son that you couldn't of even dreamed of doing before. Besides, Your not a nudest right? So most people aren't going to see you with your clothes off so just enjoy feeling good in your clothes wearing a smaller size. People will compliment you all the time. Don't be so hard on yourself! Live life! We can't change the damage we did to ourselves but we can enjoy the changes we're making! You are Awesome! And I thank you again for starting this challenge, we got this!

    Thank you so much for you positive comments!! You have supported me more than you know through this. Though I doubt I'll make it to my 100 pound loss by the first. I've still come pretty close. I still have 8 pounds to go and only 4 days. :( but I gave it my best shot!
  • Steffi330
    Steffi330 Posts: 110 Member
    Today is the day!!! Last weigh in! This morning I weigh 214.5!! I have lost 26 lbs!!! I'm so happy!! I never expected to surpass my goal but I did it! Happy New Year!! Let's make this the best yet! Thanks again Alisha for starting this challenge! Its been great getting to know all of you! I look forward to suceeding together. Thank you for all your support! I couldn't have done it without you!
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Today is the day!!! Last weigh in! This morning I weigh 214.5!! I have lost 26 lbs!!! I'm so happy!! I never expected to surpass my goal but I did it! Happy New Year!! Let's make this the best yet! Thanks again Alisha for starting this challenge! Its been great getting to know all of you! I look forward to suceeding together. Thank you for all your support! I couldn't have done it without you!

    Congratulations Steff! you are doing amazing. You met your goal and that is wonderful! I'm so proud of you. Your bubbly personality and your words of support to all of us has been so helpful.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    244 this morning. 4 pounds from my goal, but hey 96 pounds in 2011 isn't bad. Staying positive, and keeping my head up and moving towards my goals. Still have about 60 pounds to lose. Congratulations to all who met their goal of 25 pounds by January 1st!!!
  • lotuslion
    1/2/2012 - 209 still.

    I just started working out again yesterday, and have been eating like crap. It's been a little hard to get back in the swing of things, so this week I'm focusing on returning to exercise, and then next week I'll work on getting my diet back to normal. :)