Long Distance Relationship



  • krbn2
    krbn2 Posts: 98 Member
    *raises hand* 3 years, 2,000 miles. Yes, they work--we got married after we were able to move to the same city!

    At the end of our days we would just leave Skype on for hours, and I would study, and he would work, and we'd talk to each other intermittently as if we were sitting in the same room every evening.

    I actually relished the independence--you know somebody loves you out there, but you get to sleep in the middle of the bed, worry only about your own schedule, and put however many frilly/girly things you durn well please around the house. I didn't like it enough to want to do it again, but there were some perks.

    We both roll our eyes and go "pffft" at those airport couples that cry and hug, and then one of them walks to the gate saying, "I'll see you next Monday, and I'll miss you so much for the next five days, pookie-bear! *sob* " But we also have immense respect for military families who experience separations much longer and more stressful than anything we've ever experienced.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Thanks everyone for the replies. I feel a bit better. Most people I've spoken to have been very negative saying it will NEVER work but we have a very strong relationship and I do want to marry him someday. I just feel selfish for wanting to keep him close to me.

    I'm crying again now like a big weirdo :cry:

    I say go for it. They only way you will know is to try and see.

    The guy I'm dating lives about and hour and 15 mins from me. We have very conflicting schedules (he works for Fed Ex and only has sunday and monday off work, he's a student as well. Am off Saturday and Sunday which only gives us one entire day a week that we are both off.) It's hard for us to make time to see each other but we talk/text everyday until we go to bed.

    Like another poster said if it's meant to be it will work out, maybe this is just a test for the two of you.
  • DevilDog68
    If two people love each other, distance should not stand in the way. I have lost a few loves because of my military career. I sleep alone in my doghouse every night because I was afraid of a long distance relationship, something I regret now. If I meet my dream girl long distance, mileage alone isn't going to be a good enough reason to let her slip away this time.

    Do what you have to do to make it work. As others have mentioned Skype, text. Good Luck