Anybody else just start Insanity or about to start?



  • LisaWeir74
    LisaWeir74 Posts: 88 Member
    I am new to Fitness you guys record your excercise? How do you figure out how many calories are burned in the Insanity DVD series?

  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I am new to Fitness you guys record your excercise? How do you figure out how many calories are burned in the Insanity DVD series?


    Before i got a HRM i was using the Circuit training from MFP and it was pretty close just a tiny bit over.
  • fabulousnewme
    I'm just starting my third week, just finished Plyo is a matter of fact. I have to be honest the first week my calves were a blazin' to the point that it took me several minutes to get out of bed in the morning. Even after sitting for a few minutes I'd have to really ease myself onto my feet, giving my poor calves a chance to support my weight. My calves (more the left one) were literally hard balls of muscle and i rubbed them with icy hot twice a day, took some motrin in the morning, and sucked it up! Lots of water intake and breaks during the workout as needed! I didn't stop video, just did it as if I were at the gym!

    The second week my calves were easing up and my ankles and lower left shin started getting sore. I learned to "jump lighter" and again sucked it up. I also started drinking my own personal recovery drink (Chocolate Blueberry Chia Shake) every morning and after my workout. I'll give the recipe at the bottom! Lots of water, a few less breaks!

    Now going into my third week, I rocked the Fit Test #2 and am pain less between workouts...because Shaun T still is kicking my butt. But I'm able push myself more and take even fewer breaks. I've lost 3lbs and 3" off my waist since starting Sept 12, 2011. A few inches here and there also, but if you all are anything like me the waist is big important one!

    So it's working doubtlessly, and the pain is temperary. Like Shaun T says take a second to catch your breathe and shake out the pain, then back in for more torture! lol. Lots and lots of water...and motrin!

    Chocolate Blueberry Chia Shake
    -8oz Chocolate Light Soy Milk or Chocolate Almond Milk
    -1 Serving of Chia (2 tbsp i believe)
    -Handful or so of frozen blueberries

    Put milk (soy or almond) into blender and add chia seeds. Let them sit in the milk for five minutes, then add the blueberries and blend well. Enjoy!

    Chia Cocktail
    -1 Serving of Chia (2 tbsp i believe)
    -8oz of cold water
    -2tbsp of lemon juice

    Add lemon juice and chia seeds to water, let sit for five minutes. Mix the "cocktail" and slurp it down!

    About Chia Seeds (read it, you'll be surprised by this super food):
  • SoliDeoGloria5
    Well I'm on my second week of P90X but instead of doing the usual cardio days (tues, thurs, sat) I do my own cardio, I do p90x plyo sometimes, and i am going to try doing a few insanity workouts to add to my cardio. I also do my ab workouts on my cardio days, and I run on my strength days. I don't plan on losing a whole lot of weight, just to get toned up and have more defined abs, which i will need to lose a little weight to do so
  • billysmobile
    I started it with my wife several weeks ago and have recently "gotten off track" while she keeps pounding away at Shaun T's insanity. She is my inspiration and I will get back in the groove soon. I have not lost any weight while doing insanity yet but I do know that my endurance and strength have increased. Good luck everyone.