25 in 65 Thanksgiving Challenge (Closed Group)



  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Hmm...woke up in the middle of the night and ate some leftover french toast. :-( Wasn't even good. Going to do step class tonight and a follow up body sculpt class. That plus my 100 squats should help...and I have a better food plan in place..with lots of low carb goodies so I won't be tempted to stray!
  • Happyhappy352
    Glad to see everyone is doing great!! I stopped and got coffee and found a two pack of those cookies that they serve on planes that go so good with coffee and pick up a pack. It was only two and 121 calories but still ashamed :( I'm going to stay busy at the restaurant tonight even if I don’t get a lot of tables. I did not go to the gym this morning because I did not sleep well and today is my 13hr work day.
    Anyway hope everyone has a great day!!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Meh... confessions are in order. I had a bad binge day yesterday. It's my last week at this job (been here for two years), and the movers are going to be coming on Monday and Tuesday next week... all while the hubby is underway (he's in the Navy). On top of that, I neglected the fact there's five weeks this month so my hormones are raging (ugh).... :cry: . Not to *****, I'm just acknowledging that the stress is effecting me, despite all attempts to be freaking wonder woman.

    Aaaaanyway, I fell off the deep end last night somewhere between the taco bell dinner and the fish and chips for... second dinner :blushing: Naturally I felt like hell this morning, so I'm putting myself on low grain diet from Oxygen magazine. Low carbing (not in the traditional sense, more like south beach phase two) helps me lose quick weight, and I can keep most of it off if I continue to work out, so I'm willing to do it now.

    Still struggling with the motivation to work out though. I might skip bootcamp tonight to organize some more things at home, but I'll get back on track Wednesday. I think it's more important to give myself a break than push myself at this point. As long as the break doesn't include fish and chips again.....:sick:

    ok, I'm done whining :tongue: Have an awesome day, guys!!!!!
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Glad to see everyone is doing great!! I stopped and got coffee and found a two pack of those cookies that they serve on planes that go so good with coffee and pick up a pack. It was only two and 121 calories but still ashamed :( I'm going to stay busy at the restaurant tonight even if I don’t get a lot of tables. I did not go to the gym this morning because I did not sleep well and today is my 13hr work day.
    Anyway hope everyone has a great day!!

    oooh I love those cookies! The biscoffe ones? They sell them at Walgreens and occasionally I endulge! I think they're good for my digestion too so I never feel bad for having a couple.
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    I see you got me in there, but my weight is actually 168.5 (used to be 220)

    Still waiting for the scale to budge. I weigh in tomorrow and will update then.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Meh... confessions are in order. I had a bad binge day yesterday. It's my last week at this job (been here for two years), and the movers are going to be coming on Monday and Tuesday next week... all while the hubby is underway (he's in the Navy). On top of that, I neglected the fact there's five weeks this month so my hormones are raging (ugh).... :cry: . Not to *****, I'm just acknowledging that the stress is effecting me, despite all attempts to be freaking wonder woman.

    Aaaaanyway, I fell off the deep end last night somewhere between the taco bell dinner and the fish and chips for... second dinner :blushing: Naturally I felt like hell this morning, so I'm putting myself on low grain diet from Oxygen magazine. Low carbing (not in the traditional sense, more like south beach phase two) helps me lose quick weight, and I can keep most of it off if I continue to work out, so I'm willing to do it now.

    Still struggling with the motivation to work out though. I might skip bootcamp tonight to organize some more things at home, but I'll get back on track Wednesday. I think it's more important to give myself a break than push myself at this point. As long as the break doesn't include fish and chips again.....:sick:

    ok, I'm done whining :tongue: Have an awesome day, guys!!!!!

    I'm impressed that you logged it all in your diary though! :-) We all have off days...that's why we're here, right? But don't skip class. Once I get in the habit of skipping class it just becomes easier and easier to do, but I'm so much happier after completing an intense work-out...and you can eat more. ;-)
  • Happyhappy352
    Glad to see everyone is doing great!! I stopped and got coffee and found a two pack of those cookies that they serve on planes that go so good with coffee and pick up a pack. It was only two and 121 calories but still ashamed :( I'm going to stay busy at the restaurant tonight even if I don’t get a lot of tables. I did not go to the gym this morning because I did not sleep well and today is my 13hr work day.
    Anyway hope everyone has a great day!!

    oooh I love those cookies! The biscoffe ones? They sell them at Walgreens and occasionally I endulge! I think they're good for my digestion too so I never feel bad for having a couple.

    Yes it was the biscoff ones!! They are so yummy!! But I guess they did not harm my diet because I’m down three lb. this morning Woot Woot!! I got home late from the restaurant and did not get to sleep till after one so getting up at 5:30 am to hit the gym did not happen, hell I was almost late for my full time job at 8am. So two day's no gym, but I will walk on the treadmill or walk the dog tonight. Have a great day everyone!!
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Had an AMAZING workout at step class last night followed by a 1/2 hour of body sculpt. I was dripping sweat at the end! Of course the scale says that I am up a pound from Monday's weigh-in, but I do need a good BM. Sorry for the TMI! LOL

    Going to my noon body sculpt class today and doing my 100 squats. Going to try and get on the stationary bike tonight too as tomorrow is a forced rest day for me. My son and I have dentist appts in the morning and then I'm getting botox so no working out for 24 hours....don't want droopy eyes for 6 months! LOL
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Hey Rachel, thanks for the encouragement!! After I read your post, I scheduled a 30 minutes abs class then a spin class. Spin is like my 'fun' exercise now, after working up my stamina and strength doing it 4x a week all summer. The endorphins should help my stress level a lot. Thanks again for the push, I really needed it!!!
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Hey Rachel, thanks for the encouragement!! After I read your post, I scheduled a 30 minutes abs class then a spin class. Spin is like my 'fun' exercise now, after working up my stamina and strength doing it 4x a week all summer. The endorphins should help my stress level a lot. Thanks again for the push, I really needed it!!!

    Good for you! I love taking my classes. I've found out that I work so much harder than I do if I exercise on my own. But if I let myself start making excuses for reasons to skip class it gets harder and harder for me to go, so I just try a different class and move on to a new 'fun' exercise. I feel so much better about myself when I'm done and the endorphins really help my stress level too...or maybe I'm just too tired to be stressed! lol
  • Happyhappy352
    Good morning my peeps!! How is everyone doing? I hope we are all staying on track. I'm close to reaching my goal of 5lb this week. I have 2 lb. left to go. I have been staying strict this week and considering I missed going to the gym twice, I'm still getting there. I did go for a 20 min walk with the pooch and hubby last night so that helped!! I hit the gym this morning and did my 35 min on the elliptical and I’m going to go for a bike ride with the hubby tonight. So what is everyone been up to? We can do this ladies!! HERE IS YOUR VIRTUAL KICK IN THE BUTT!!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    I'm close to reaching my goal of 5lb this week. I have 2 lb. left to go.

    whaaaaat are you doing?? obviously it's working! Awesome!!

    I'm about to get really strict too. Like, protein and.. more protein. I started working into the most strict part of the diet (it's totally a fad like plan... :indifferent: guilty!! LOL). I ate mostly protein today and I'm still full enough to not be hungry for anything. I like it :happy:

    So, who's weighing in on what days??? I'm going to weigh in monday. anybody else?
  • Happyhappy352
    I'm close to reaching my goal of 5lb this week. I have 2 lb. left to go.

    whaaaaat are you doing?? obviously it's working! Awesome!!

    I'm about to get really strict too. Like, protein and.. more protein. I started working into the most strict part of the diet (it's totally a fad like plan... :indifferent: guilty!! LOL). I ate mostly protein today and I'm still full enough to not be hungry for anything. I like it :happy:

    So, who's weighing in on what days??? I'm going to weigh in monday. anybody else?
    I'm weighting in on Monday as well. I kind of fell of my wagon last night. The hubby was drinking when I got home. He has had a bad week and wanted to forget it with a half a bottle of vodka lol so I popped open a few coronas and then we ate dinner. Risotto and stuffed fish. So I went over by almost 400 calories :( I did get up and hit the gym this morning and I really was not feeling it but I did it. I feel so bloated from dinner and beer last night :( Hey on the upside I will be doing a lot of dancing tonight! Oh and HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Weighing 'officially' on Monday. But my weight has been all over the place this week. Had a couple bad days, but I'm back on track...of course I'm too sick with bronchitis to do much exercise. Went hunting today and I was so exhausted I could hardly walk back to the car. Then went grocery shopping and made a nice dinner for the fam. Low carb too! Chic wings, spaghetti squash and broccoli.

    Now I'm going to go pick some apples and make my son some cookies and make me some low carb gingerbread custard!
  • blackdahlia2004
    blackdahlia2004 Posts: 6 Member
    down 1.6 lbs this week. Kind of dissapointed that it wasn't more, but at least I'm losing. When I was on Sparkpeople, my weight loss plateaud for over a month. I've been here for a month and I have lost almost 8 lbs! Love MFP! Keeps me on track!
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I was all over the place this week, but ended back on track! Whew! Down 3 pounds plus an inch or two here and there!

    Weight: 159
    Hips: 37 (lost an inch here!)
    Waist: 32
    Chest: 36
    Left Thigh: 23.5 (lost an inch!!)
    Right Thigh: 23 (and an inch on the other side!!)

    Here's to another great week and being held accountable!
  • heatheramara
    Good morning! Down another 2 pounds this morning, that's 7 so far.

  • Happyhappy352
    My weight stayed the same. I did not lose my 5 lb. but I did lose three. But then I got some news on Friday that threw me threw a loop. I might be pregnant! I can't believe it. I have not had aunt flow visit since July and I took a test and it came up negative. So I went to the Dr. and long story short with my age my HCG levels might not be high enough to show up on pee test. So I go for blood work tomorrow for preg test and to test my hormone levels to see if I’m in early menopause. I find out if I'm preg Thursday and get the rest of my test back in two weeks.
  • Linzmyers
    Linzmyers Posts: 15 Member
    214 today....down 4 lbs!!
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    My weight stayed the same. I did not lose my 5 lb. but I did lose three. But then I got some news on Friday that threw me threw a loop. I might be pregnant! I can't believe it. I have not had aunt flow visit since July and I took a test and it came up negative. So I went to the Dr. and long story short with my age my HCG levels might not be high enough to show up on pee test. So I go for blood work tomorrow for preg test and to test my hormone levels to see if I’m in early menopause. I find out if I'm preg Thursday and get the rest of my test back in two weeks.

    Is it just killing you to wait this long????