


  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I smoke, as i subscribe to the "One thing at a time" ethos.

    At the moment, I'd rather be a 13st smoker than a 22st non smoker.

    I'm waiting for my brain to click about smoking the same was it has about eating. No point in even trying unless this happens for me.
  • vlc1979
    vlc1979 Posts: 227
    I quit last year using chantix.

    The thing I would rec. to you is to stop and think about y you think you want to smoke ect. If you are only smoking 1 time a day or every other day, then you really don't even have a nicotine addiction. You have an EMOTIONAL addiction. I urge you to evaluate the situation and see why you are turning to them and what things are pushing you that way. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Be like Nike and JUST DO IT!!

    Good Luck
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I can't speak from personal experience, but what I've observed is this: I have 2 friends who both got e-cigs to help them kick the smoking habit. It worked beautifully for him and he's been smoke free since. He eventually weaned himself off the e-cig too. She, on the other hand, was still sneaking real cigarettes while using the e-cig. She never was able to quit. So, I guess that means it does depend on the person. That's my two cents.
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I smoked since I was 13 (28 years) I quit using the easy way to quit smoking book had to read it twice - but I quite and haven't had a cig in 5 years
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    I quit cold turkey (not the first time BUT it's been long enough this time that I actually can't recall the last time I smoked. It was some time this Spring but...that's all I got) so I can't speak on the electronic cigs BUT I agree with Mcdonl that no matter what method you choose to employ, none will be successful unless you are truly ready to quit. Sure, no one "should" smoke, but let's get real and admit that if you are only quitting because you feel you SHOULD (hate that damn evil word--try to avoid using it on myself) that you will fail. Once you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you WANT to and commit to it, then the method is sorta secondary...this is all my opinion, of course!
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    I quit smoking about a month ago. I have been smoking since I was 13 yrs old. I quit cold turkey. I was stressed out and really wanted a cigarette so I got an E cig. I still use it. It keeps me sane. Its no where near as bad as cigarettes. Yes, some of them contain nicotine but they don't contain the 10,000 other chemicals that cigarettes do. My BF quit as well he started with Chantix and it did nothing for him so he just quit on his own. He'll use the E cig once in awhile as well. DO NOT go out and buy the expensive ones. I got mine from a smoke shop for 20 bucks. I say go for it. Anything but cigarettes.
  • surabhit
    surabhit Posts: 94 Member
    Hi all, my second post on this topic and I'd like to say a few things as an ex-smoker and now happy non-smoker (for what it's worth):
    1. Don't focus on the bad things cigs do for you (real or e) because you already know that and if cancer and other scary **** made any sense to a smoker noone would ever do it. By the way, e-cigs have nicotine in them so they're still not 'good' for you
    2. I used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day at one point! I tried to quit a few times. No success. I thought I was weak willed - wrong! I was just thinking about all the stereotypes and getting scared...

    Myth 1 - stopping smoking is hard WRONG. It' s easier than dieting and that's extremely relevant since we're all on MFP :)
    Myth 2 - it's a habit and not an addiction. WRONG. It's nicotine that causes the issue. Every cigarette builds the need for your next one. If you stop yourself from having one, you will need the next one less. You are a nicotine addict. Harsh? True and Tough!
    Myth 3 - you will put on weight because it's about keeping your hands busy so you eat. WRONG. If you do it the right way, you will not substitute food.

    I know you're all thinking 'BS if it was so easy, I'd stop'... well then go read Allan Carr's easyway to stop smoking - I SWEAR you won't regret it. You have nothing to lose. If you keep smoking, nothing will have changed. But if it gets you to stop - you win :).

    I'm happy to help anyone that wants it.. I speak passionately because I've seen how I changed after I stopped. And it's only been 2 months!! Imagine how good it'll be after a few years..
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Hi all, my second post on this topic and I'd like to say a few things as an ex-smoker and now happy non-smoker (for what it's worth):
    1. Don't focus on the bad things cigs do for you (real or e) because you already know that and if cancer and other scary **** made any sense to a smoker noone would ever do it. By the way, e-cigs have nicotine in them so they're still not 'good' for you
    2. I used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day at one point! I tried to quit a few times. No success. I thought I was weak willed - wrong! I was just thinking about all the stereotypes and getting scared...

    Myth 1 - stopping smoking is hard WRONG. It' s easier than dieting and that's extremely relevant since we're all on MFP :)
    Myth 2 - it's a habit and not an addiction. WRONG. It's nicotine that causes the issue. Every cigarette builds the need for your next one. If you stop yourself from having one, you will need the next one less. You are a nicotine addict. Harsh? True and Tough!
    Myth 3 - you will put on weight because it's about keeping your hands busy so you eat. WRONG. If you do it the right way, you will not substitute food.

    I know you're all thinking 'BS if it was so easy, I'd stop'... well then go read Allan Carr's easyway to stop smoking - I SWEAR you won't regret it. You have nothing to lose. If you keep smoking, nothing will have changed. But if it gets you to stop - you win :).

    I'm happy to help anyone that wants it.. I speak passionately because I've seen how I changed after I stopped. And it's only been 2 months!! Imagine how good it'll be after a few years..

    Myth 1 - You can't say its not hard, period. Sure, it may not have been for you, but we are all different. Losing this weight has been a breeze compared to what quitting smoking would be for me.

    Myth 2 - Agree.

    Myth 3 - Again, it may be wrong for you, in your experience. But it'd be true for me. One thing at a time for me. I'd rather be a 13st smoker than a 20st non smoker at the moment. When im at my goal weight and my brain clicks for ciggies the way it has for food, then ill try to stop.
  • surabhit
    surabhit Posts: 94 Member
    Myth 1 - You can't say its not hard, period. Sure, it may not have been for you, but we are all different. Losing this weight has been a breeze compared to what quitting smoking would be for me.

    Myth 2 - Agree.

    Myth 3 - Again, it may be wrong for you, in your experience. But it'd be true for me. One thing at a time for me. I'd rather be a 13st smoker than a 20st non smoker at the moment. When im at my goal weight and my brain clicks for ciggies the way it has for food, then ill try to stop.

    :) You probably won't believe me but 2 months back I would have said EXACTLY what you said above. You're right. It's hard, but with that book it seems much easier. And again, you will NOT be a 22st non smoker. You'll be a 13st non smoker with a much healthier body, on it's way to be a much lower weight!! But it all depends on whether you're willing to give it a try. Just read through this link once, and then decide... of course I don't know you so please don't think I'm badgering you. I'm just excited to share what I believe works. You are more than welcome to disbelieve me :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Myth 1 - You can't say its not hard, period. Sure, it may not have been for you, but we are all different. Losing this weight has been a breeze compared to what quitting smoking would be for me.

    Myth 2 - Agree.

    Myth 3 - Again, it may be wrong for you, in your experience. But it'd be true for me. One thing at a time for me. I'd rather be a 13st smoker than a 20st non smoker at the moment. When im at my goal weight and my brain clicks for ciggies the way it has for food, then ill try to stop.

    :) You probably won't believe me but 2 months back I would have said EXACTLY what you said above. You're right. It's hard, but with that book it seems much easier. And again, you will NOT be a 22st non smoker. You'll be a 13st non smoker with a much healthier body, on it's way to be a much lower weight!! But it all depends on whether you're willing to give it a try. Just read through this link once, and then decide... of course I don't know you so please don't think I'm badgering you. I'm just excited to share what I believe works. You are more than welcome to disbelieve me :)

    I don't think you're badgering me! I'm the same as you when people say it's hard to lose weight! For me, it's barely been any effort at all! Hardly any diet changes, doing exercises i do as i enjoy them rather than just to burn calories!

    But, again, i know myself. I know my personality. Something has clicked in my head about food and calories. It's hard to explain. For example, before id work out, and then get a kfc on the way home, and eat it there. Then id go home, and a couple of hours later have my actual dinner! Now, i think "hmm, kfc, that'd be nice, but it'd mean no dinner at home later...nah, not worth it". The thought of having BOTH doesnt even enter my mind now!

    I'm waiting for that click to happen with smoking too, and when that happens, sure, it may come easily to me...i bloody hope so! But, for now, i'm a realist, and there's no way I'd be able to quit right now, so I'm not even going to try, as it'd only crush me when it failed.

    One thing at a time!