So much of this journey is lonely...

So much of this journey is lonely. I've lost 29 lbs and no one but my husband and therapist have said anything about it to me. I don't understand that and was feeling weird about it like there must be something really wrong with me or maybe I'm so really huge that no one will notice until I lose the whole 70 lbs. I'm usually an inner-driven person who doesn't need encouragement or attention from others to do what I know is the right thing to do. And I've known for several years that I need to make changes in my lifestyle to get healthy and fit.
I was always thin and active growing up and was raised with a healthy diet, so kudos to my mom and dad for that. I began to gain weight during my second marriage when relationship issues made me depressed. I began to overeat and not much so, that in the past 15 years I put on 5 lbs each year and kept it! So that's how I got to 229.
My husband and I went for counseling and continue to do so. Things are getting better for us. I joined MFP and you all have helped me get to ONEderland this week (snuck in with 199.8!).
So why am I feeling down today? Finally last night I saw my mom take a double look at me and she said begrudgingly..."You're losing weight." I was surprised and said thank you. End of subject for her, no follow up questions. No interest in me or my process or my success...just a fact..."You're losing weight". Oh, well...that's mom.
And that's probably why my whole life I've been so inner-driven. I've GOT to depend on myself. I don't think I'm alone in this. I've read so many stories on MFP similiar to mine. And you know what? I've decided we're pretty awesome. Even though the journey to our weight goal is lonely and difficult most of the time...we just don't give up or in! We MFPs are there for each other and we show up for each other's sorrows, successes and daily struggles to a reach a better, healthier, fitter US!
I want to THANK YOU all for inspiriring and helping me get to ONEderland and I want to be here for YOU to help you meet your goals, too. I know I'm not alone anymore and neither are you. We Can Do This!


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Your attitude is fantastic and very inspiring! It is a lonely journey at times - good for you for keeping your chin up and sticking with it, despite a lack of encouragement from those close to you. Thanks for your post!
  • countrygirl_717
    You are an amazing, strong woman <3 And you're right about mfp. These guys and gals are here any time (day or night it seems) to be there for us when we need it. You've got your head & heart in the right place and CONGRATULATIONS on reaching the one's!!!!!!!
  • heathermckillop
    heathermckillop Posts: 51 Member
    Keep going Jill! Remember there's always people here who will offer support! We're all in the same boat! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • quelquun
    quelquun Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Jill- I too grew up having to be highly self motivated and "inner-driven." I relate a lot to what you are saying, and it's tough when people you are close to do not even take notice of the progress you are making (Your mom's comment sounds IDENTICAL to my mom's way of paying a compliment, btw).

    Congratulations for taking the road to be a healthier by meeting weight loss and exercise goals! I know you will reach your ultimate goal before you know it!
  • Achoooo
    Achoooo Posts: 130
    Well I think you are doing great, and if they don't notice that's too bad but in the end it's about you and for you and your health and only you can do it, and no matter what they say or don't say - you're gonna be so much better for it.

    Keep up the good work!
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Amazing Story, Thank you for you sharing:):) Never Give Up On Your Healthy Life Journey:):):flowerforyou:
  • mfiggs
    mfiggs Posts: 155 Member
    I feel the same way sometimes. But, even when I do get compliments I do not believe them because I see what I see and it is not what other people see. I have lost 36 lbs and to me I still look the same. But, you just keep doing what you are doing and not only will others see the results but you will too. The journey can be hard and lonely but it can be done. Good luck!
  • CharNordie
    CharNordie Posts: 96 Member
    I totally understand your feeling. You should be proud of yourself!! Everybody is natural to want validation from the outside world and it sucks when we don't get it. But don't let that discourage you. Let it DRIVE you to do even more!!!!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Eat, and the World eats with you. Diet and you diet alone. You'll find lots of support here. You can friend me if you like - but I have a very bad attitude
  • ericalynnri
    Do you notice it? Give yourself the credit you deserve and others will too. For me I check myself out, shake my booty in the mirror and I don't compare myself to others as often as I used to. Now I appreciate myself and other people more b/c I see them and not them in relation to me, which is like looking at a piece of art through a piece of sheer fabric, how can you see all the beautiful paint strokes that way. You can't that's the answer. So focus on how strong your body is getting, make more goals and keep going. Be gentle when you slip up, that's an opportunity to do better in the future. You're doing great work but if you don't give yourself credit then others will naturally follow suit. Its human nature. Good work sharing, that's something to be proud of too. You're not alone and you're stronger than you think.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    keep in mind that you are doing this for YOU first and foremost. I bet you are already feeling the benefits of your healthy lifestyle. Remember those benefits and know that they will only improve and intensify as you continue on your journey.

    As for other folks noticing, there is a downside to that. I've been at a point in my journey where a lot of folks tell me how great I look and how great I've done. Some of them are even surprised to learn I still have another 20ish pounds to lose. I appreciate their comments, sure, but I know I'm not at (or near) my goal and I know there's still a lot of work to do. However, sometimes too many positive comments screw with the mind and they let the complacency creep in the door. I have to fight off the mental thoughts of "yeah, I am much better off now than when I started the journey and I can afford to have that homemade oatmeal raising cookie I love...and who cares if I have 10 toppings on my frozen yogurt, eh, its just a small amount of each topping and the yogurt is only 25 calories per ounce". I've acted on some of those thoughts and haven't worked as diligently towards my goal for some periods of the summer. I'm now back to winning the battle against the complacency creep. I now remind myself that 200 isn't was never my goal. I remind myself how easy it was to gain the weight back (afterall, I lost this same 50 pounds in 2005, but never finished the mission then as I lost track of the goal and its benefits). I remind myself of how much better I feel now...and tell myself I will feel even better 20 pounds from now.

    Stay true to your journey. You are doing GREAT so far!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just by reading this you have the attitude to continue your journey.

    If you need support just message me and add me as a friend.

    You are doing great!!!:happy:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Thank you so much everybody! There is so much wisdom and experience in your comments. I am so glad I reached out and posted this topic. I'm feeling lots better and even a little proud of my accomplishment. I am doing this for me and it does feel good to be 40% of the way to my goal weight. Thank you for your support and understanding! I'm going to stay on track and focused...and I'm going to be there for YOU, too!
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    Are you wearing the same old clothes from 30 lbs ago?

    part of a reason people notice weight loss is not just the actual slimness... it's the new smaller clothes & your attitude in them! I know it sounds corny but what you feel inside really does show on the outside.

    Do you feel sexier? Prettier? Dress accordingly because you're not the same! Sure you're the same on the inside almost... you have more self worth now don't you?! Dress & act like you have more self worth, people will notice :)
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    I wouldn't be too hard on your Mom--only you know if this is a typical reaction to your other accomplishments ... speaking personally, I don't make a really big deal about a friend's or family member's weight loss because there's almost a flip side criticism that I disapproved of their weight beforehand. I love them for who they are and not whether he or she makes food choices or has a lifestyle I agree with or not. It's tricky complimenting someone on improving their appearance, choices or habits. Naturally I'm happy he or she is on the path to better health and proud for their accomplishment, and like you suggest: it should be done for yourself and not for effusive praise from others.

    I compare it to any other accomplishment like completing a diploma, decorating their home beautifully, growing a lush garden, building a treehouse for the kids, or baking yummy cookies ... acknowledge what he or she has done sincerely ... because, in some way it's not surprising-- they are an amazing person.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    I too feel like this is a lonely journey and that I am invisible to the world (which is ironic given how much I weigh!)

    But you're not alone, you have us! I'm going to add you and we can do this together! :)
  • wiglet23
    wiglet23 Posts: 887 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. I think we have all felt that at one point or another. Keep in mind, some people are just not good at 'complimenting' other people and don't know how to go about it. The only opinion that matters is your own. You know how far you have come. You should feel proud about that! You're doing awesome. :smile:
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I work with a lady who loss over 30 pounds but I did not notice until she came into the office one day with new slimmer clothing on. I was amazed and wondered how I did not notice her weight loss before. So new clothes can make a difference. She also had a new hair cut with blond highlights. It was like she had an extreme make over.

    I am still wearing my same clothes but I plan to do a big reveal once I reach my goal. So far only one person at work has commented about my weight loss but I down played it.
  • kfd1098

    I so understand where you are coming from. I weighed over 300 lbs when I started this journey 2 months ago and I've lost 26 pounds. Even I can see it in my face, never mind the looser clothes I'm wearing. The ONLY person who has noticed or at least said something to me is a woman I work with that I have barely known for 3 months. She had been out for two weeks and came in and started complimenting me on how good I looked. My husband, who knows how much I've worked at this...has said nothing. I can truly appreciate your feelings of loneliness :) Keep up the great effort and work!!
  • mhopp71
    mhopp71 Posts: 46 Member
    I thought of this verse when I read your post: Hebrews 13:5 because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Isn't this a totally awesome verse. It says that we are NEVER alone. And even better is the hope that follows in the next verse: 6 So we say with confidence,

    “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.
    What can mere mortals do to me?”