MAJOR stomach pain, please I have no idea whats happening



  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Ok, when it hurts, What is the relationship to eating? I mean, is it consistently the same amount of time after you eat that you are in pain? Is it worse with certain foods? You said you had other symptoms, what are they? Diarrhea? Dizziness? Light headedness? Fainting?
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
  • robinpickles
    robinpickles Posts: 78 Member
    My husband had stomach pains on a Friday morning.. he was dead by Sunday... please go to the doctor...
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I can't afford to go to the doctor, otherwise of course I would be going there and not asking people online. Doesn't anyone understand that medical care is not free? I am not an adult with an established career and money to spare, I am a college kid who pays ALL her own bills. If I am not dying, I am not going to waste my money on a dr who will throw some pills at me and charge me $100.

    It's not appendicitis, it's a pain over the complete surface area of my abdomen not just where my appendix is. At least I hope it's not...

    If you're in school, then go to your campus quack shack. My appendix pain wasn't localized either because it had BURST and was leaking all over my internal organs. I lost a fallopian tube.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    I can't afford to go to the doctor, otherwise of course I would be going there and not asking people online. Doesn't anyone understand that medical care is not free? I am not an adult with an established career and money to spare, I am a college kid who pays ALL her own bills. If I am not dying, I am not going to waste my money on a dr who will throw some pills at me and charge me $100.

    It's not appendicitis, it's a pain over the complete surface area of my abdomen not just where my appendix is. At least I hope it's not...

    I don't think it's possible for me have an ulcer, unless it was stress related :P And if it was an ulcer I feel like it wouldn't have just popped up out of the blue two days ago

    Two things:

    1. Clearly you're not a doctor, and therefore have no freaking clue if it's appendicitis or an ulcer or not. I mean, unless you're studying to be a doctor, which at that point maybe you might have a bit of a clue. WebMD doesn't count.

    2. You could be dying, at which point, by your own rules, you'd need to see a doctor. Please refer to point #1 as to why you don't know for sure if you're dying or not.

    It doesn't take a doctor to know that appendicitis affects you in the appendix area. And my dad, whom i live with, has two ulcers so I am quite familiar with them, actually

    I appreciate you trying to help, but being mean doesn't make me want to take your advice. But I did take your advice, so oh well..
  • cmonskinnylovee

    Emergancy rooms are free

    ... Upfront, yes.

    Like it or not, I'd say see SOMEONE. Student health center, maybe? Look for a free clinic, perhaps (our local shelter has one.)

    It could be gas. Or indigestion. It could also be appendix or gall bladder, a torn muscle in the abdomen, an ulcer... a bleeding ulcer... torsion of the intestines... Mother nature hating you... anything.

    Lol this made me laugh. My parents agreed to pay for any costs I come across, so I am going to the doctor. They actually think it's serious this time, I guess.

    My parents never let me go to the doctor because they always think I am being silly. That's why recently they have been making me pay my own medical bills, which has resulted in this little situation. I have been having stomach pains for months, and they're just finally accepting it.
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    It doesn't take a doctor to know that appendicitis affects you in the appendix area. And my dad, whom i live with, has two ulcers so I am quite familiar with them, actually

    I appreciate you trying to help, but being mean doesn't make me want to take your advice. But I did take your advice, so oh well..
    ACTUALLY Appendix pain sometimes starts on the left and travels across in the earlier stages of the illness, I vividly remember my entire stomach in horrible, aching pain before it started moving into one general side.

    Keep us updated, I hope it turns out something benign and easy!