The biggest excuse (lie) you used to tell (sabatoge) yoursel



  • YepLilly
    YepLilly Posts: 129 Member
    "I don't have time"


    "I will start tomorrow!"
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Oh, and I forgot, "if I just sleep for another 15 minutes it won't make any difference in my morning workout."
    When that 15 minutes passes "okay, if I wake up now, 5 minutes to get ready, 5 minutes to settle the dogs, 5 minutes to make coffee and set up my workout area, 5 minutes because everything always takes me 5 minutes extra . . . 20 minutes is not enough time for my workout so I'll just stay in bed.
  • shipwreck3
    When ever I get a compliment I have to fight a urge to eat more. Its like I tell myself..see you are losing a little weight..people are noticing so its okay to eat a little extra here or there.
    Then it would turn into a binge and I end up right where I started. Depressing rollercoaster I hope II dont ride again. I dont want to back track anymore.
  • ABetterBalance
    Oh, and I forgot, "if I just sleep for another 15 minutes it won't make any difference in my morning workout."
    When that 15 minutes passes "okay, if I wake up now, 5 minutes to get ready, 5 minutes to settle the dogs, 5 minutes to make coffee and set up my workout area, 5 minutes because everything always takes me 5 minutes extra . . . 20 minutes is not enough time for my workout so I'll just stay in bed.

    This one is my biggest challenge. Just *one* more minute, then I *promise* I'll get up!:yawn:
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    "I look pretty good for my size"

    "I've already blown it this week. I'll start fresh next week"

    "Screw it! What's one more piece of cake going to matter"
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm not taking seconds and I'm eating a lot of rice, and that's good for me, right?

    Also, I'm only going to take a sliver of fudge. Well, maybe another sliver. I can have a couple of pieces for desert, right? There's only a little left - the calories shouldn't matter, right?
  • "well my jeans still fit.."

    Well remember you bought those because your last pair didn't fit anymore? Also, I'm still wearing the same pair after losing almost 20 lbs. That's a lot of give and take for 1 pant size..
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    "it's too cold/snowy/slick/rainy/windy/hot/dusty outside to get out there today..."

    "My scale is broken. apparently, so is the clinic's. and my friend's..."

    "it's been a rough day, I've EARNED this ice cream"

    "If I eat small and healthy when I go out with my friends, they'll judge me. and I'll have to admit I'm dieting. which means they'll notice I'm fat." (I know, stupid crazy but I somehow felt that if I ACTED like someone at a healthy weight, no one would notice how fat I'd gotten!)

    and the obvious: "I'm too busy/too stressed to work out today."

    When I first was diagnosed with MS, I used that as an excuse also. until my neurologist told me that exercise is necessary, every day, no matter what, in treating the symptoms. well, hell. there goes that great "get out of jail free" card!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    i woud still respect me in the mornig
  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    Same ones I still use TRY to use.

    The main one is that I see all fit people working out therefore I tell myself I can't do it. And in reality I can not do it! I had to face that fact and realize I have to start of at the bottom of the ladder just like any other successful climb.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    My lie was that i couldn't eat better. I have always worked out, so I always knew that was in me, but I just had a block on the idea that I could successfully cut back my calories at all. It's silly thinking back on it, but I really thought I would fail, so why ever try?

    This too- I always thought i wasn't all that bad! I was, though. I might not have looked too unhealthy, but my insides were.
    Well, I am not that fat. Then, I saw my photo - Turns out I am that fat! HaHa Anyway, I am having good results here so that will change very soon!
  • juganaut
    juganaut Posts: 79 Member
    when i want to eat something silly - "i've lost lots of weight, this is my reward!"

    and then i just keep rewarding myself until i'm back to the way i was. =(
  • shonasteele
    I love myself, it doesn't matter how much I weigh...

    Sadly, I wasn't even very good at convincing myself of it either.

    Happily, I love and respect myself a whole lot more these days!

    ps: I have lost 32 pounds, I just reset my ticker for a challenge I'm doing :o)
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    That even though I am big I can do everything that little people do the same if not better... The last thirty pounds kicked my *kitten* and made me realize that I need help and I AM TAKING CONTROL!
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Ooh, I'm indentifying with lots of these...

    "I carry my weight well, I dress well to flatter my body, people don't think I'm as big as I am, I've still got a flat (ish) stomach..."

    "It's a treat, I deserve it, I'm so tired, stressed etc. this will make me feel better..."

    "It's a normal part of aging. I have a sedentary job. My mum struggled with her weight all her life and I'm not as big as her."

    "I'm not a size 16 (UK)"
    (I achieved this one by not buying clothes from stores who cut their clothes a bit slimmer and ignoring the fact that I was buying some XL clothes and not quite fitting most size 14 pants).
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Those are badly taken photographs... I'm not really that fat.

    And then all of the pictures made me look that fat...
  • JessicaEPope
    JessicaEPope Posts: 88 Member
    I genuinely thought the scales were a stone off... HAHA

    Also, tell myself it just takes so long that it will take years to get rid of the weight, and I'll never be thin anyway, I'm naturally curvy.

    The thing is... YES I'm curvy but I don't need to be curvy fat, I can still have curves and be thin!

    ALSO- so what if it takes me a year, at least I'll get to my goal in a year, not put it off for another ten haha :P
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    "I should eat this temptation so it doesn't mess up my perfect start-over tomorrow."
    "I deserve this, no one ELSE eats as strict as me..." (when I was used to eating McDonald's literally every day and had started eating 'normal')
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    I carry my weight well.
    Winter is coming, and everyone gains in the winter, so why try to lose weight now. AND... It's too hot to workout in the summer. Fall is really busy. Spring is too wet.
    ^and this
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    "I'm the average size of a woman in the UK. If I'm the norm I can't be overweight."