Top 5 things you are looking forward to



  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    1) Walking a distance without running out of breath
    2) Knees not hurting because of weight
    3) Being able to do fun things with my husband (get your mind out of the gutter, I'm referring to antiquing) LOL
    4) Wearing normal size clothes
    5) Seeing my feet without having to bend over.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't know. I am at goal now, and nothing has really changed apart form more of my time being taken up with exercise. I can get in size 8 or 10 (UK) jeans without a muffin top, which is nice. But I still look rubbish in a bikini as I have stretch marks all over my abdomen from having giant babies, and still have a caesarean scar. I still can't buy normal bras as I have a 28 inch back, and pretty much no one sells them.
  • Murdog
    1. To feel strong and confident again.
    2. To not have a double-chin.
    3. To see the number "34" or below, in the waist size of my pants.
    4. To be able to run a comfortable 10 minute mile.
    5. To see ANY number below 200 on the scales again.
  • StarGeezer
    1. Tell "King Size Direct" to bite me.
    2. Be able to slip into a restaurant booth without a gallon of axle grease and a crowbar.
    3. Go to a beach or pool without some smart-alec kids trying to push me back into the water, screaming "Free Willy!"
    4. Not have to wait 5 minutes for the rest of me to stop jiggling when I come to a complete stop.
    5. Find out if Dr. Oz was really right about that whole "inch per 30-50 pounds" theory (just Google it!) :bigsmile: