Don't do this to me!



  • CynthiaLaurenti
    HAHAHAAH I LOVE this answer! I've used that one on my grandma before! She looked startled that I would announce something like that LOL
  • hufflypuff
    hufflypuff Posts: 185 Member
    I'm 18 and when I started high school I gained about 20 pounds. I'm not "huge" but I would like to get back into shape. I work in an office as part of an internship. I am the youngest person who works there, most of the other people are 50+. In the break room there is always brownies or cupcakes or some other yummy dessert. Sometimes I treat myself if I have been "good" that day but I generally avoid them.

    When one of the ladies asks why I'm not having any, I tell them I'm trying to watch my weight. They immediately go into "mother hen" mode and tell me I shouldn't starve myself and that i'm too young to restrict my calorie intake, or that i don't "need" to diet and they send me on a guilt trip. They pressure me into eating some of whatever is brought in.

    This happens on a regular basis. Part of me wants to give in because I don't want them to think I'm anorexic or that I have self esteem problems. I try to stand my ground but I end up feeling awful after they belittle my efforts. It makes me so uncomfortable! What can I say that will show them I mean business without being rude??????

    See cookie, take cookie, eat half of cookie and toss the other half. You know you wanted to anyways. It won't kill your day. you get a yummy little treat and they are satisfied to see you had some.

    I'm not hungry

    I don't feel like it today

    Maybe if you made snicker doodles

    ect ect ect.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    The last thing you want to do is PO a bunch of ladies in an office especially over 50 in age. Ha Ha - I can say this because I am over 50. I would suggest thanking them and telling them you are stuffed from whatever meal or you are not hungry. If they keep pushing, tell them you will take one with you to eat later at home. Then, just toss it on the way home for the birds.
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    "I'm not hungry right now"
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    bring in a nice big veggie tray and put it next to the cookies :D and then you can just tell them you brought your own snacks, and they are welcome to have some :D
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Oh, and I almost forgot my favorite way to get people to back off...

    "Oh, thank you, but no, I can't. I've been having this incredible gas and diarrhea lately and things like that really seem to set it off."

    Works *every* time.

    ROFL!!! Love it!