mfp isnt the same as it used to be



  • BIG_Lew
    BIG_Lew Posts: 513 Member
    Wht happened to all the fun and laughter. It seems as if its a lot of telling on each other. Last I checked everyone on here was over the age of 18. Tht being said, adults should act as such. If u have a problem with Wht someone says, inbox them and or delete them. By no means should u run and tell. This is a place for venting, relaxing, laughing, friendships and weight loss. I name weight last because u need to have fun while losing weight. Come on ppl stop the madness.

    *hanging head in shame*

    ok ok I admit it... I told on Big Lew... but it's because of his nekkid back....he shouldn't have shown it to me...LOL

    *sticking tongue out at everyone* So THERE!
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I agree as well.. I was reported 2 times today for pics of my booty and was asked to remove them.. Wth!!
    Wonder how long till I will be told to delete my new one.. Absolutely ridiculous... I am damn proud of what I have accomplished and after losing 148lbs I should be able to show off my rewards.. Not Like I am Naked in the pics..
    And may I just say, that is a nice looking booty. I'm hoping that, some day, my booty might look vaguely as nice as that. It's a goal. I've also seen "worse" out on the street, so that pic is not a problem to me.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member

    Can't unsee. NSFL
    So tell me, does this ^^^ "alleviate or constructively add to the conversation", as you say?

    Why can't I add my .02? Most posts in this thread are not "alleviating or constructively adding to the conversation" one bit. And that's really my only point; that the bickering back & forth is just SO old & tired now. I'm personally not offended by either side; I just get bothered by the constant drama of if all.
    It is called "context". Perhaps you should look it up.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member

    Can't unsee. NSFL
    So tell me, does this ^^^ "alleviate or constructively add to the conversation", as you say?

    Why can't I add my .02? Most posts in this thread are not "alleviating or constructively adding to the conversation" one bit. And that's really my only point; that the bickering back & forth is just SO old & tired now. I'm personally not offended by either side; I just get bothered by the constant drama of if all.
    It is called "context". Perhaps you should look it up.
    You still didn't answer the question. How did you do what you instructed me to do: "alleviate or constructively add to the conversation"?

    My comment was perfectly in line with some of the discussion on this thread. Or didn't you notice the posts I quoted originally?
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    I'm locking this topic because there have already been several inappropriate posts which I've removed. But I also wanted to make it clear that it's not a matter of people reporting or not reporting pictures. The essence of the issue is that we, the creators of MFP, don't want adult or otherwise sexual content on the site. If you are looking for that, there are a lot of other places on the internet that would be happy to provide it to you. But that type of content is not appropriate for MFP.

    We're happy to help as many people as we can live healthier lives, and to form lasting, meaningful friendships in the process. But we don't need to allow adult content on the site to do that, nor do we want it. We're not prudes, and we're not judging - if that's what you want, by all means, go out and find it and have fun. But MFP is not the place for that.
This discussion has been closed.