Curious... (for men & women)



  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    You have to feel comfortable in your own skin. If you have fat on you and your OK with that then your man can be that way also. I personally am not happy unless I hold my body in shape. I prefer my woman to be in shape also. I have been athletic my whole life. If your partner likes to be in shape then you must be in shape also. I'm sure that your partner would appreciate it in bed the same as you do. The fatter one always drags down the fitter one. Habits run thick.

    Ermmmmm eh?
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    First off, CONGRATZ! I hope you have a lifetime of happiness! :flowerforyou:

    Now... I guess I have a pretty wide range of "likes"! I have dated heavy guys, have dated skinny guys, and middle of the road builds. I can look past alot of physical things if they have a great personality. I like my man to be groomed nicely, they HAVE TO HAVE clean well maintained fingernails! That is the biggest turn off for me, gross hands & longish nails, Ewww.
    I guess I try to keep an open mind about the people I meet. Hell, I'm not perfect, why should I expect my sig-other be perfect too! (Not that I would kick Hugh Jackman out of my room... but hey! I guess a convo & an arm touch is all I'm going to get from him! lol)
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    chubby and au natural!

    i dated a thin guy but i much prefer my chubby honey!! and i don't like when he shaves, maybe a trim, but not too "manicured" lol

    he says he prefers chubby and shaved, but i don't put too much effort in the shaving part.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    You have to feel comfortable in your own skin. If you have fat on you and your OK with that then your man can be that way also. I personally am not happy unless I hold my body in shape. I prefer my woman to be in shape also. I have been athletic my whole life. If your partner likes to be in shape then you must be in shape also. I'm sure that your partner would appreciate it in bed the same as you do. The fatter one always drags down the fitter one. Habits run thick.

    Ermmmmm eh?
    Exactly like it reads. You know you look and wish when you see somebody in shape and hot. You know you do. If your comfortable with the chub then that is your preference. Somebody who takes time to be in physical shape wants the same. If they don't, that will be a very very rare case. If you havn't been fit.....within the last 5 years then you are used to having chub. I'm not talking about "I was a track star in High School. I'm talking about a current state of mind.

    NO ONE goes to the gym to be fit for their chubby mate. NOBODY. I know fit couples and fat couples. I know fit sig's with their chubby sig's. The chubby always brings down the other. Being in physical fit shape is not easy. It's easier to sit on your behind and watch TV. THE SIG JUST WANTS TO BE WITH THEIR PARTNER. That is why I say the chubby one always brings down the fit one. You are not together when the sig spends 2+ hrs away in the gym.
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    My preference leans toward women who are "thick" or to use my Southern venacular, "healthy." Yep, thick and a little shorter than me--around 5'6", in the Size 10 range. A man needs something to hold on to.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    chubby........... abs on a girl never work for me
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    You have to feel comfortable in your own skin. If you have fat on you and your OK with that then your man can be that way also. I personally am not happy unless I hold my body in shape. I prefer my woman to be in shape also. I have been athletic my whole life. If your partner likes to be in shape then you must be in shape also. I'm sure that your partner would appreciate it in bed the same as you do. The fatter one always drags down the fitter one. Habits run thick.

    Ermmmmm eh?
    Exactly like it reads. You know you look and wish when you see somebody in shape and hot. You know you do. If your comfortable with the chub then that is your preference. Somebody who takes time to be in physical shape wants the same. If they don't, that will be a very very rare case. If you havn't been fit.....within the last 5 years then you are used to having chub. I'm not talking about "I was a track star in High School. I'm talking about a current state of mind.

    NO ONE goes to the gym to be fit for their chubby mate. NOBODY. I know fit couples and fat couples. I know fit sig's with their chubby sig's. The chubby always brings down the other. Being in physical fit shape is not easy. It's easier to sit on your behind and watch TV. THE SIG JUST WANTS TO BE WITH THEIR PARTNER. That is why I say the chubby one always brings down the fit one. You are not together when the sig spends 2+ hrs away in the gym.

    I like how you tell THEM what THEY do. Also, your entire second paragraph is incorrect. "The chubby one always brings down the other?" Uhhhh, no. I'm chubby, and my boyfriend is athletic, yet I work out more than he does, and I eat healthier than he does. It's a new lifestyle for both of us, yet neither of us "brings the other down." And so what if you aren't together at the gym? Does your partner need to be shoved up your anoose 24/7? I personally enjoy my "me" time, and don't like working out with ANYONE, usually. It certainly doesn't drive a wedge between us. I'm not sure where your line of thinking came from.

    As for me, I've dated guys who are thin, guys who are average weight, guys who are overweight. With the exception of my boyfriend, all of my ex's have been 6'+. My "type" growing up was tall with suuuuuper dark hair, and pale. And looking back on it, they were all way too cocky and arrogant. Things change, though! I've noticed that with my first boyfriends, they were average/chubby, with one being obese on the BMI scale. Then I dated a guy who was a little too obsessed with achieving body-builder status for my liking. My boyfriend now is my "type." He's about a half inch shorter than I am, light/medium brown hair, and tan. Completely opposite of what my "ideal" man used to be, but I wouldn't change a thing about him. My "ideal" image has evolved. He's also in amazing shape, IMO, and neither overweight nor underweight, but he wants to put on more muscle. He also isn't cocky or arrogant in the least. I feel extremely lucky!:smile: I definitely do not like TOO MUCH hair, but I don't want to be dating a girl, either.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Im a fan of some chub! Little bellies are cute.
    As for hair, makes me no difference as long as its not crazy out of control. If it is, dont shave it - manscape it.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    You have to feel comfortable in your own skin. If you have fat on you and your OK with that then your man can be that way also. I personally am not happy unless I hold my body in shape. I prefer my woman to be in shape also. I have been athletic my whole life. If your partner likes to be in shape then you must be in shape also. I'm sure that your partner would appreciate it in bed the same as you do. The fatter one always drags down the fitter one. Habits run thick.

    Ermmmmm eh?
    Exactly like it reads. You know you look and wish when you see somebody in shape and hot. You know you do. If your comfortable with the chub then that is your preference. Somebody who takes time to be in physical shape wants the same. If they don't, that will be a very very rare case. If you havn't been fit.....within the last 5 years then you are used to having chub. I'm not talking about "I was a track star in High School. I'm talking about a current state of mind.

    NO ONE goes to the gym to be fit for their chubby mate. NOBODY. I know fit couples and fat couples. I know fit sig's with their chubby sig's. The chubby always brings down the other. Being in physical fit shape is not easy. It's easier to sit on your behind and watch TV. THE SIG JUST WANTS TO BE WITH THEIR PARTNER. That is why I say the chubby one always brings down the fit one. You are not together when the sig spends 2+ hrs away in the gym.

    Wow. Alright then. I love when people generalize others. It's great.

    If my boyfriend gained a whole bunch of weight, I wouldn't feel like he was bringing me down. I love him for him - not for the number on the scale. And to suggest otherwise, is pretty shallow. Just like he fell in love with me when I was heavier - did I bring him down? Obviously not. He met me at 180lbs. He fell in love with me at 180lbs. He never said one rude, mean or questionable thing about my weight - ever.

    I changed my life for me - not for him or anyone else. Clearly he wasn't being "brought down" by me or he wouldn't have been with me to begin with.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I have a bit of a range. I tend to like skinny rockstar types, though I also don't want them to be so thin that I feel huge in comparison. Lean for sure, body builders kinda scare me off. Would go for someone that looks like he swims or runs cross country over someone that looks like he wrestles if you get my drift.

    No strong preference for hair, but oh there seems to be an epidemic of mustaches in my area. Fact: NO ONE LOOKS GOOD IN A MUSCTACHE. Sometimes a neat one is ok with a goatee or something, but please no big bushy caterpillar lips.
  • dlei456
    dlei456 Posts: 201 Member
    Men: Do you perfer your women thin, chubby or big?
    Women: Do you perfer your men thin, chubby or big?Also, do you make your man shave, wax or go au naturel?

    Me personally I love my man chubby and au naturel. He's about 180 and it's so funny how he's skinny everywhere except his tummy. He's the perfect everything for me, we're close to the same height, near the same weight (I range from 160-170), and I love him just the way he is :heart: .
    Sorry if I am gushing! I'm just so happy with him and we're getting married in 1 week. :smooched:

    Yay! Congratulations!!!!

    I prefer my husband to be in shape because he is happier that way. And, I prefer him CLEAN. That's all.
  • LolaVaantz
    LolaVaantz Posts: 74 Member
    Wow, my type before I met my husband would have been husky boys, taller, broader and able to "move you around a bit" hehehehe. Minimal hair on body, manscaped essentially without a sweater beneath the sweater

    SO, then I went on a date with a wonderful man I met online who was supposed to be a couple inches taller than me.. not quite...well, my type changed when I fell in love with him. Stilly husky, shorter, and sadly I can only be 'moved around" if i'm doing some of the work BUT I've been with him for 4 years and we just celebrated our one year wedding anniversary
    * and manscaping can always be worked on
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I haven't dated a lot (was with one guy 15 years, and haven't dated since he left) but I wouldn't say I'm attracted to one body type. Extremes of thinness or fatness are not good, but I'm good with anything in between. There are a lot of factors, I mean a LOT of factors other than body type that attract me more or attract me less.

    I love a clean shaven face, but body hair doesn't gross me out unless it is excessive.
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    I like guys to have a strong body. I like big strong arms shoulders and chest. I don't mind if they are chubby. But I do NOT like freakishly skinny of obese.

    Hair - As long as they are not like wolf man hairy I am okay. I don't like super hairy guys at all. A small amount on chest legs and arms I can deal with
  • FuxsinEllie
    AGAIN!!!! OMG!
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Men: Do you perfer your women thin, chubby or big?
    Women: Do you perfer your men thin, chubby or big?Also, do you make your man shave, wax or go au naturel?

    Me personally I love my man chubby and au naturel. He's about 180 and it's so funny how he's skinny everywhere except his tummy. He's the perfect everything for me, we're close to the same height, near the same weight (I range from 160-170), and I love him just the way he is :heart: .
    Sorry if I am gushing! I'm just so happy with him and we're getting married in 1 week. :smooched:

    I like a lil chub. When I use to date athletic dudes I'd always feel self conscious that I was gonna be dumped for someone cuter and more fit than me! My boyfriend is 200 lbs and is pretty muscular...but he is about 3 months pregnant with a Coke baby. HA!

    As for hair.......a man is a man....but in the important area, ehem, I prefer it to be trimmed. No hair makes me think of a naked mole rat hahahah :laugh:
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    I do quite like my partners chubby and au naturel.
  • MKB83
    MKB83 Posts: 31
    As long as they aren't skinnier than me! Even at 100 lbs I've always been "hip"-py so will always have curves. Dated the super cut, very low body fat % guys and it just made me feel like I had massive hips :)

    So athletic/average/even chubby (I think it's cute) is all fine, as long as they aren't scrawny or too perfectly in shape!

    And taller for sure....

    And manscaping a must!
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    I need my girls to be curvy...but as long as they are hott...I don't mind body type :devil:

    guys need *kitten* for me to grab! that smile that will make you melt and sexy hair... shaved so i can feel that across my hands or long so i can curl it in my not too picky :smokin: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    I like compact and well proportioned women. I also go ga-ga for short hair (pixie) brunette women. I like small vs. big boobs. No tattoo or a small cute one is ok. :tongue: