I won a medal and set a new PR!

LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
I started running in late December with the Couch to 5k Plan. I never ran before, except a few times when making up skipped gym classes in high school, more than 20 years ago. I couldn't run one block without getting wheezy and out of breath.

I did my first races in March, then ran some more in April, then a 5 miler in May, and the Warrior Dash in June. Since then, I've kept up the running, but didn't do any official races until today... the Lupus Loop 5k. My mom died three years ago, and Lupus was one of the contributing factors, along with a host of other problems. So it's a cause that's near and dear to my heart.

I was nervous, because my recorded times when jogging weren't really any different than when I ran my races months back. I didn't know if I really improved any. And if I didn't, that's just fine, because I'm 39 years old, so I'm not exactly an up and coming primo-athlete.

When I checked the stats for last year's race, though, my spirits perked up. My running times were probably good enough to get me 2nd place in my age group. And 1st and 2nd place each got medals. Before the race, I checked the metals, eyed the silver medallion for 2nd place and said, in my best Wayne Campbell voice, "You will be mine... oh, yes... you will be mine." I glanced at the first place medal and murmured, "Or you. That would be nice..."


I had no idea how fast I was running. Probably too fast to keep up that pace. It hurt a bit. The familiar self-doubts were there. "What the hell do you think you're doing?! You're not a runner! Just stop and walk. It's fine if you stop and walk." But I told that little voice in my head to STFU, and kept going.

At about the halfway point, I realized, "I'm ok! I'm doing this, and I'm doing ok!" There was one of those single-digit-body fat uber-athlete women ahead of me in short shorts and a sports bra. The kind that makes you feel like a cross between a slug and the Michelin Man. But I realized... she was still about the same distance ahead of me as she was in the first mile. I'm kinda, sorta, almost... keeping up with her! Then I started to realize that I was slowing down... not because I needed to or wanted to, but because the person ahead of me was slowing down, and I still had more oomph in me! In the last half mile or so, I passed two men. Men who looked like they were in much, much better shape than me. Men who looked like runners. And I was passing them. Me! The girl who only started running 9 months ago!


With the finish line coming up, I kept chugging. I swear the line kept getting further away, though, like the hallway in Poltergeist that kept getting longer and longer as the mom tried to run down it. Then I saw the number on the timer. Holy crap! I was blowing my personal record out of the water!



That's over four minutes faster than my first 5k back in March, and two and a half minutes faster than my previous best! We waited while they filled out names, ages, genders and times on the big old time-sheet, squinting and trying to see where I ranked. I knew I did good. Really good. Better than I thought I could. I was 20th place overall, and then, they started marking the sheet for the awards and ....


I won! I was first in my age group! One of my recent goals was to get some kind of award, but I thought I'd maybe get third in my group sometime next year, once I was over 40 and was the youngest in my age group instead of the oldest. But nope, I got first place!!!


That little mean voice is still in the back of my head, saying that it was because there was smaller (5 year) age groups instead of grouping by decade, but I'm still telling that voice to STFU. That little voice has been proved wrong already today, since it wanted me to walk after the first mile, and I plan on continuing to prove it wrong time and time again.

For what it's worth, the two best races I've run were both the day after birthday parties, where alcohol, junk food and cake were consumed. Forget clean eating! I'm turbo-powered from sweets and mojitos!!!!


  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    :heart: And also, thanks in part to some AMAZING MFP-ers, I raised $130 for the Lupus Foundation of PA!!!! :heart:
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Congratulations! You proved that little voice wrong and showed yourself and the world how far you have come! Amazing!
  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    great job! truly an accomplishment to be proud of!
  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    Great running! Congratz
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    no small accomplishment!!! thats great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • KEShikes
    KEShikes Posts: 99 Member
    That's a great story! Congratulations to you!
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I am so proud of you, what an amazing time!!!
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Now that is impressive. You made huge strides in such a short time. It is always impressive what our bodies can do with proper incentive, training and a positive attitude. Awesome time also for your 5 K.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    That is so awesome!!!! way to go!!!!!
  • jessicaklessig
    jessicaklessig Posts: 25 Member
    wow way to go . excellent accomplishment :) HOPE to be there some day myself
  • Awesome!! You are an athlete now. Tell that voice to go talk to the wall......
    Very inspiring. Keep it up!
  • staroftheeast
    staroftheeast Posts: 70 Member
    Great job. I'm proud to read your story & celebrate your accomplishment.
    You have a beautiful area to run in. Please enjoy all those colors from the Master Artist.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Thanks, everybody!

    I had to laugh when the race director was explaining the course, and warning us that there may be some muddy spots in some areas due to recent flooding.

    Mud. Ha! I laugh at your mud! I don't need a warning for mud... unless there's also going to be fire, barbed wire and 16' walls to climb! :laugh:
  • tkopps
    tkopps Posts: 341
    WOO HOO !!!! Congrats on a awesome day!
  • What a great story :)

    Really well done!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Well done. Thats a fab time!
  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 175 Member
    What a fantastic job!!!
  • LOVED this! Thanks for sharing. You earned another Mojito! ;)
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    I want to be you!
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
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