Costume Changers Forum (Week 2)



  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 425 Member
    One pound loss, wanted more but I'll take it.
  • jsprax
    I had a 2 lb loss this morning! Was doing wonderful with food, had a family dinner last night - football and KFC! So I had a bowl of corn chowder instead, and let me tell you it was SO hard to not grab a drumstick everytime the chicken was passed around the table!!! It was fun hanging out with my family though, and while I skipped the chicken, I did have a small piece of dessert, so it's possible my loss would have been even better had I not. But I"m not complaining, 2lbs is great news on a Monday morning!!!! 15.75miles walked so far, think I should be on track for the 100 :) Way to go everyone!!!!!
  • scumbelina
    1 pound loss 16.5 miles walked :D
    I weighed myself earlier in the week and I was at a 2 pound loss but I slipped on the weekend.....REALLY BADLY!! But I'm over it...tis a new week! Great reading everyones progress :)
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    0.5 pound loss :(, but at least its a loss. Weights been all over the place this week with the increase in working out (strength training circuit and spinning), but I think once I get a routine and stop allowing myself to eat poorly when my hubby is home (works away and comes home most weekends and a couple of random days each month), I'll be in good shape. It's a new week and I'm committed to being great this week.

    The spinning class I'm taking makes the miles part of the challenge easily accomplished, so I think I'm going to shoot for 250 miles instead of 100.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I haven't been doing so well. Pretty much all last week I ate well but didn't get much exercise because the herniated discs in my back are causing me pain again. But then all hell broke loose thursday night, I had these beyond painful spasms so my husband brought home taco bell, I ate it and fell asleep for the night at 7pm. The next morning the spasms happaned again so he took me to the again I got no exercise and we just got takeout all weekend. I didin't eat a lot, but what I did eat was not so good for me.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    Well, I will say I enjoyed the mileage! I have a gain to report. Not sure why, but I am pretty sure it is a water gain, as it happened in a 24 hour time frame. I'll hope for a downward trend this week and watch everything that goes in.
  • johanna_elaine
    I haven't been doing so well. Pretty much all last week I ate well but didn't get much exercise because the herniated discs in my back are causing me pain again. But then all hell broke loose thursday night, I had these beyond painful spasms so my husband brought home taco bell, I ate it and fell asleep for the night at 7pm. The next morning the spasms happaned again so he took me to the again I got no exercise and we just got takeout all weekend. I didin't eat a lot, but what I did eat was not so good for me.

    I hope you feel better!!
  • johanna_elaine
    I had a .02 lb lost this week ! From 187 to 186.8!
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    Didn't lose any on the scale but the measuring tape has me down a few inches so that's a plus.
  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    I will find out this week how dedicated I am to running in the rain! The rain has returned to the PacNW and I'm not terribly excited about it at ALL! But we'll see how much I like this new running program! I'm on week 7 of the couch to 5K program.

  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Got up to 19 miles walking now. Lost 2lb this week and an inch of my waist. Feeling good!

  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    Week 1 was a little rough. I've learned that i need to make time to do this even if i only get a few miles in every day. I'm also really trying to plan ahead (as far as my meals), eat about 200-300 calories every 3ish hours. i'm not feeling so well, sinus crud is kicking in and my daughter has pnemonia.

    Here's to another week!! :happy:
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm down 2 lbs this week!! I'm ecstatic because I've been at a plateau for a few months, so this is finally working for me again! I don't think I'm going to hit the 100 miles, but I'm committing myself to an hour on the elliptical every evening. I don't really have the time to go out and run or even walk (it would be more of a stroll with the kids), so I hop on the elliptical once they are in bed. I'm up to 1.25miles in the hour (I know, shameful!), so hopefully I can get my endurance up more! I'm also looking at doing the C25K once football season ends. My husband is a football coach so I won't be able to actually go outdoors and do anything until he stops working crazy hours. The good thing is that it doesn't get too cold here during the winter so I'll still be able to get some workouts done outside.

    Does anyone have an Android app to recommend for the C25K? I looked into the free C25K, but the reviews are mixed. I kind of don't want to purchase the pro version, but I'll do it if it's that much better.

    Anyway, I'll try and log my weight from my phone, if not I'll do it when I get home.

    Great job everyone!!!
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    My weight stayed the same...not a surprise, it hasn't budged in 3 weeks. Got 30 miles in on the stationary bike.
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    You should search C25K podcasts. I've used a few that are free and they work pretty well. I guess it just depends on what you want to listen to. :)
  • stinastudios
    stinastudios Posts: 117 Member
    Down 1.6 for the week, with a little over 18 miles (Lots of stationary bike riding). I'm a bit dissapointed in my loss, but I'm pretty sore from my weight training yesterday, so I'm hoping more weight will come off once my sore muscles let go of the water they're retaining. Feeling good though, feeling strong!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    Hi everyone, a bit disappointed this week only lost 2.2 lbs... I have been losing more than 5 lbs a week..I am still proud of my progress!!! One step at a time..:smile:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I have lost 3 lb, but I can not record it. somebody could post the link please ?
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    It's hard when the scale doesn't move much when you have been moving a lot.

    17 miles this week all of which were running/walking. I am pleased with that.

    Husband was out of town and kids had soccer 3 nights during the week. It's hard to stay on track when it's crazy like this.
    I tried to make good decisions when we ate out.

    Hoping for a better week!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 436 Member
    this is the link to the spreadsheet I also sent you a message with the link:wink: