How can you guys drink 8 cups of water in a day???



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I chug my water down using a straw.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I will forget if I don't have a schedule to make sure I'm drinking it regularly. Here's mine (for 10 cups) - hope it helps!

    7-9am: 1
    9-11am: 2
    11-1pm: 1
    1-3pm: 2
    3-5pm: 1
    5-7pm: 2
    7-9pm: 1
    Excellent idea to share for those having trouble getting theirs in!! That was kind of you to share what works for you:flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I use a 32 ounce cup, the kind you get from Subway, I know that I have to drink two of them a day to get my water in, somtimes I drink a little more. Water is all I drink and nothing else because I don't want to drink my calories. :drinker: :drinker:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
  • sunflower8926
    sunflower8926 Posts: 485 Member
    Drinking the water is great, but how about having to make all those bathroom breaks to get rid of it!:grumble:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    How water helps weight loss:

    (1) The thirst and hunger signal output by brain feels the same to the body - often when you feel 'hungry' it's actually thirst, but your body knows with food comes some liquid or water (cucumber, watermelon, fruits, veggies, etc all have high water content).

    (2) Water helps you to feel full, and keeps your stomach 'busy' so that you don't run to the fridge as often for snacking.

    (3) By the time you feel thirst, you are actually dehydrated, and your brain has most likely already signalled to you to eat, eat, eat! Dehydration's first symptom is fatigue, so water can help you to feel energized, and keep fatigue at bay.

    (4) SOME believe that it helsp to 'flush toxins' although numerous doctors have disputed this - stating that excess water does not rid toxins any better than limited water and/or fluids. Water also DOES NOT 'flush fat', a common myth - fat comes out of the body mainly via breath, urine, and exrection (sorry, ick) when it is converted into energy, and extra water does not increase this process at all. HOWEVER I personally find, for me, that there are psychological benefits to water, as it helps me to think I'm 'healthier', and I 'think' I'm flushing out toxins!

    (5) Excess water also does not help to keep skin supple or 'moisturized' - that is another myth. EFA's (essential fatty acids) taken internally and topical moisturizers do this. Dehydration does indeed show up in your skin, however the opposite does not improve skin, as an excess of water does not improve skin, or topical skin hydration (I work in dermatology, and I talk to so many patients who believe, erroneously, that dry skin can be helped by drinking extra water). Dry skin is almost always caused by impaired barrier function, and moisture made by the glands in the skin escapes through this 'broken' barrier (think eczema, cracked skin in the winter, overly wash hands, etc).

    They say the bathroom breaks subside as the body adjusts - somewhat true for me - but I still take lots!

    Hope this helps someone! Anyone have other 'water' facts they've pick up over the years?
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Great post AJCM.
    (1) The thirst and hunger signal output by brain feels the same to the body - often when you feel 'hungry' it's actually thirst, but your body knows with food comes some liquid or water (cucumber, watermelon, fruits, veggies, etc all have high water content).

    When I first read this (years ago), I was like, YEAH RIGHT!
    But I think that is the biggest thing for me. Sometimes, I wake up in the morning and I feel like I'm STARVING so the first thing I do is chug water and I feel 10x better in an instant. Then I can eat a healthy breakfast.
  • imdawn
    imdawn Posts: 50 Member
    I hate water too..I have to force myself to drink it :happy:
    I drink a 16.9 bottle with breakfast (like take a bite, 2 or 3 drinks, repeat)
    a 16.9 bottle with lunch
    a 16.9 bottle with dinner
    and a 16.9 bottle throughout the day...
    If I exercise then I drink a bottle during that too...and my cup runs over with water (funny..never thought I'd see the day I drank TOO much water!)

    I didn't believe all the hype behind water helping weight loss but the first month I was on MFP I lost 3 pounds...then it was Thanksgiving-Christmas and I stopped tracking calories and exercise and gained my 3 pounds plus 1 pound back...:noway: sooooo back to water...counting calories...and exercise darnit! :tongue:
  • Jenniebee10
    Jenniebee10 Posts: 17 Member
    You do have to make it an effort at first...but eventually your body will want it. Every once in awhile I'll drink Perrier just for something different.

    Thats what I do... I also have a big water bottle that is equivilant to 4 glasses, so i fill that out 2ce a day. You really have to just do it to the point where you are eventually subconciously drinking.
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    I don't. :happy:

    I never bought into the whole drink 8 cups of water a day thing.

    Great marketing by the bottled water people in my humble opinion.

    My body get's liquids from my food and what I drink in a normal day.

    And as for "if you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated" or however it goes, that doesn't even make sense!
  • sunflower8926
    sunflower8926 Posts: 485 Member
    have you checked to see how many ounces is your cup? I know my cup holds 21 ounces. So you might be drinking your 8 8oz cups and not even realize it.

    Thanks for that comment - I have been drinking water from bottles, but never bothered to check how how many oz they are (from Canada, everything is metric and sometimes I am just lazy). Anyway, it turns out I am drinking twice as much water as I thought I was. (500 ml is MORE than 2 cups!)

    That's a relief, because I was having trouble getting more than 4 per day down. Now I know I am right on track!
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but...there is water in the foods we eat, that counts. Also, anything that isn't carbonated or caffinated counts too. I am not fond of water and really forced it when I was pregnant with my first son. But really, I find that milk with my breakfast works for me. I drink Vitamin Water throughout the day, and a glass of water with my meals. Also note that thirst is your body's way of saying...drink before you get dehydrated. If your not thirsty, I wouldn't worry about it. Unless your urine is just really dark you are probably doing fine.
  • I just fill a water bottle. For some reason I like it better. I also get tired of water after a few days so I add limon or something to it just to change it up. I know it is hard but make yourself. It gets easier.
  • finzup
    finzup Posts: 78 Member
    I have a 32oz Nalgene bottle that I fill up in the AM and then I sip it until lunch, drink it at lunch, and then by about 2:00 it's gone and I refill it again. I get about 1/2 way through before I have to go home. So I drink about 48oz while at work... then at dinner I drink a 16oz pint glass of water with dinner which = 64. I may or may not drink another glass.... i find that if I don't have my nalgene bottle with me at work, I drink significantly less water (like on weekends ---) so maybe just always have the water bottle with you and you'll drink more?
    Oh and I like that the Nalgene bottles have the ounces measured on the sides, so I can clearly see how much I have drank..
  • I have a water jug (?) that holds 28 ounces. The fill it 3 times a day. The first 28 oz I put in 1 packet of Crystal light energy or metabolism. Then the next 2 just water. Cold water for me, but it sits out and warms up. I ABSOLUTELY gotta get my water in or I get headaches. But yeah, if the water doesn't make me to lose weight, the trips to the bathroom will!!:noway:
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    I'm finding that I do better drinking one 8 oz. cup of water at a time. It's less overwhelming and I know I can handle that. Big cups seem like too much to tackle!

    I'm also finding that I've been drinking more water than I thought. The cups that I use hold more oz. than I thought! Never estimate. :laugh:
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