

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I lost 23 lbs in 30 days with the HCG diet. I loved it and I will be doing another round. There is so much more that goes on with your body by doing this diet than just saying it is a starvation diet. Not only did I lose the weight, I have kept it off. I had no ill side effects at all and my lab test including my thyroid function test have shown great improvement.

    People keep talking about the dangers and yet this diet has been around since the 1950's. Anything that is as dangerous as people want to assume it 'Must' be would be all over the news. Dr. Oz did an episode on this and they only danger he cautioned on was the fact that some people are taking drops that may not actually have HCG in it. His advice simply urged people to do this diet medically supervised. With all the recent studies I guarantee people would be lining up to talk about the horror stories they had while on this diet.

    All I can say is for me it has worked. You may find that this is not the right plan for you and that is okay. We all want to achieve our goals in the way that is best for our own lives. Diversity is a wonderful thing and people should not be bashed for going with something that works for them.

    23 pounds in 30 days is very unhealthy, and a large % of that would be lean muscle, not fat. I would not call that working for you, any more than 2 lb/week is unhealthy, so if by work for you, you mean unhealthy weight loss, then yeah I guess it "worked" for you. Please stop hurting yourselves with these types of diets. The best thing to do is eat a little less, mostly fruit and veggies, and move a little more.

    FYI: Doctor's especially TV doctor's have very limited education on nutrition and most likely they get paid for having their patients go on a diet like HCG, for the HCG providers.

    What Dr. Oz ACTUALLY said was that he thought it was a very bad diet and people shouldn't do it, but if you were dead set in favor of doing it, make sure to have medical supervision. You obviously heard what you wanted to hear and not what he actually said.

    Eric, I think you might be surprised what Dr. Oz knows about nutrition. I've found him to actually be a very good source with very good advice.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I lost 23 lbs in 30 days with the HCG diet. I loved it and I will be doing another round. There is so much more that goes on with your body by doing this diet than just saying it is a starvation diet. Not only did I lose the weight, I have kept it off. I had no ill side effects at all and my lab test including my thyroid function test have shown great improvement.

    People keep talking about the dangers and yet this diet has been around since the 1950's. Anything that is as dangerous as people want to assume it 'Must' be would be all over the news. Dr. Oz did an episode on this and they only danger he cautioned on was the fact that some people are taking drops that may not actually have HCG in it. His advice simply urged people to do this diet medically supervised. With all the recent studies I guarantee people would be lining up to talk about the horror stories they had while on this diet.

    All I can say is for me it has worked. You may find that this is not the right plan for you and that is okay. We all want to achieve our goals in the way that is best for our own lives. Diversity is a wonderful thing and people should not be bashed for going with something that works for them.

    23 pounds in 30 days is very unhealthy, and a large % of that would be lean muscle, not fat. I would not call that working for you, any more than 2 lb/week is unhealthy, so if by work for you, you mean unhealthy weight loss, then yeah I guess it "worked" for you. Please stop hurting yourselves with these types of diets. The best thing to do is eat a little less, mostly fruit and veggies, and move a little more.

    FYI: Doctor's especially TV doctor's have very limited education on nutrition and most likely they get paid for having their patients go on a diet like HCG, for the HCG providers.

    What Dr. Oz ACTUALLY said was that he thought it was a very bad diet and people shouldn't do it, but if you were dead set in favor of doing it, make sure to have medical supervision. You obviously heard what you wanted to hear and not what he actually said.

    Eric, I think you might be surprised what Dr. Oz knows about nutrition. I've found him to actually be a very good source with very good advice.

    I'm sure some know, I was even referring to the show the doctors with that comment.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The Doctors is hit or miss. Sometimes, they give some very good information and other times ...

    But when they added Jillian Michaels, I kind of lost any respect for them.

    But if I had to guess, I don't think even they would be in favor of HCG.
  • KristaM77
    KristaM77 Posts: 2 Member
    Nope watched it again and he did not say he felt it was bad. He said that he cannot argue with the success that people clearly have with it. He also stated he felt more research needs to be done and that if someone does choose to do it they should do it medically supervised.

    I did over a year of research prior to doing this. I also made sure to be very informed about every aspect meaning that I made a choice to read and listen to facts including the pros and cons. It wasn't about hearing "what I want to hear" as you put it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Nope watched it again and he did not say he felt it was bad. He said that he cannot argue with the success that people clearly have with it. He also stated he felt more research needs to be done and that if someone does choose to do it they should do it medically supervised.

    I did over a year of research prior to doing this. I also made sure to be very informed about every aspect meaning that I made a choice to read and listen to facts including the pros and cons. It wasn't about hearing "what I want to hear" as you put it.

    EVERYTHING on his website says it's a bad idea. EVERYTHING.

    Of course he can't argue with the success. Anyone would lose weight on 500 calories a day.

    You can't argue the weight loss success of anorexia and bulimia, either.