Ladies Help!! Trouble with the birth control.... :(



  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    I've been on BC sinse I've been old enough to take it due to some other health issues (poly-cycstic ovaries, which the doctors told me would ALSO make it hard to lose weight). I've lost 20 lbs in the last year. My weight loss is slow mostly because of jumping on and off the diet wagon, not because of any BC or other health issues. In fact, when I decided that I was going to try to prove the doctor wrong and not let the excuse of medication or health problems limit me, I did much better. Do your research and find a food regime that works for you (for me, it's lots of protein, lots of water, lots of fibre, and cutting out sugar and empty calories), stick to it, count your calories, and try to get some excersize. Don't let medications, health problems, negative peer pressure, time restrictions or anything else count as an excuse, and you'll find losing weight so much easier. At least I did.
  • ljaglady
    Yeah you sound very much like me. Birth control does not like my body at all but if I dont take it, my monthly friend pretty much cripples me for a week. Sometimes two. I hate being on it but its not as bad as having your cycle for two weeks o.o
  • ckspores
    I firmly believe it depends on the person, their food/exercise habits, and how their body individually reacts to the hormones. I had loads of trouble with Depo and Yaz but have happily been on the Nuva Ring for a while and would never go back. I have friends that swear Nuva is the devil and would never go off Yaz, same for Depo and same for every type of BC on the market.

    I suggest you speak to your doctor about your concerns. They may be able to help you choose a birth control that is right for your needs. Not every medicine is right for every person.
  • ljaglady
    I know several people have said that bc doesnt make you gain or lose weight but I find it hard to believe with how much it affects my body. I know I have a lot of water weight on right now but it is also because its that time of the month. I'll have to speak with my doctor about possibly the paraguard or switching to something else :(